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Mystery Cassettes

wombat - 2010-09-23 18:49

The corporation for which I work had a "media sale" for charity today at our global HQ. Folks donate books, tapes, DVD, CD discs, etc, and it is sold, the money going to charity. Me being a lowely field tech was unable to go to the sale. I have some contacts from when I worked at that office (it's good to keep in touch w/ your co-workers even after 15 years!) so I made a phone call: "If you see any new cassettes, high bias, PLEASE buy them for me. Thanks"
Today I got a text to expect something in the company mail. Great!
I have no idea what was picked up for me at the sale and don't want to get my hopes up. I will report back with the results.

BTW, my contacts at the office are the same group I worked with in the early 90's during the night shift doing computer data input. We all had various Walkmans of every discription. We swapped tapes halfway through the night. Many were mix tapes. It was fun (sort of).

jt - 2010-12-14 11:04

Hey Wombat... what did you get???