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Reel to Reel Recording

doober314 - 2011-07-10 20:59

Anybody know where I can get some stuff recorded onto some Reel to Reels?


Or maybe just some insight on how it works and what sort of equipment I might need.



davebush - 2011-07-10 23:29

i put this post up a while ago doober.....



doober314 - 2011-07-17 09:16

I was wondering if anybody knew where to get things transferred to a reel to reel or where to get blank reels for recording.


Way cool system you have there though.

davebush - 2011-07-17 09:48

you can get blank or recordable reels off ebay.......... empty reels seem to go for a lot more so buy a full reel and take the tape off.............hence you have an empty spool.........they work like cassette tapes when you press record,  they will erase the content before recording onto.....................are you in the UK doober

doober314 - 2011-07-17 17:47

I'm out in California.  I was wondering because a friend of mine wants to get a whole bunch done.  Could get pricey no?

davebush - 2011-07-17 22:37

could do

19lexicon78 - 2011-09-09 12:56

there is a tape project. reels are copied from a master. 250 usd a tape.


if you are going into r2r, buy a telefunken m15 or studer a80, 807.

the m15 and a80 are made to last and are one of the best ever made.

ok, a827 is the best, but you need to have experience to repair those. the 827 has far more electronics=more difficult