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Aiwa sealed lead acid battery PB-4 Rechargeable

givemethebeatboy - 2012-02-06 13:08



i have at least 15 of these bateries. Some look brand new.


They are all DEAD and will not take a charge.


Does anyone know how to bring them back to life or can they be just used as paperwheight?


Thanks for any useful suggestion.

nak.d - 2012-02-19 06:16

You could try here for information...


Battery stuff


Nak D : )

starsky74torino - 2014-01-13 11:16

I have the same problem, my research so far tells me the liquid in the lead battery cell solidifies and becomes useless, even well stored NOS batteries wont work. I had to re-fabricate my PB-4 holder to use regular AAA batteries...its not pretty but it functions.