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Sony WM-D6C needs repair.

owenloveslife - 2013-03-19 06:57

Hello all, 


Unfortunate that I have to ask for help for this. My Sony WM-D6C met the dreaded incorrect power supply.

Oddly, this isn't the first time. It's been plugged in to (correct) power supplies 3 times- the first time, it made the tape play double speed. However, after continuing to use the player (I really really love this little guy!) the overvoltage seemingly wore off, and then it was back to playing normal. I was ecstatic!


It was again plugged in to a (correct) power supply, and again, double speed. Again, it wore off. I prayed that this would be the last time. However, nope.


Again, yesterday, my favorite player was plugged in to another correct power supply - I say correct, as I search out power supplies that are supposed to be compatible with the WM-D6C, and it still for some reason never works. But this time when it happened, it didn't go to double speed, it just introduced a nasty case of flutter. I have continued to listen to it, and the flutter has noticeably decreased, but it's still there, mostly audible on the high frequencies.


I've contacted doctor walkman about fixing and then upgrading the walkman, along with upgrading my TC-D5M, but I know he's very busy. Is there anybody else that would be willing to repair my WM-D6C and then possibly upgrade it and my TC-D5M with new rubber parts and possibly opamp upgrades? 


I've heard retrodos does work on these...