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Warning about an E-bay buyer

seventiesrockroll - 2012-11-17 17:15

I had a problem with E-bay member ''1984discman'' . This guy is in China and has walkmans delivered to someone in California. I have no idea how the relationship works between these two, but 1984discman was quick to file a claim that the item was not received. I got bad vibes from this guy right from the first day, as sure as shootin he came through with a claim as expected. My fatal mistake was no tracking number to cover my ass.  Ad him to your bidder block list.


From this auction>>  http://www.ebay.ca/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300780234054&ssPageName=ADME:L:EOISSA:CA:1123

driptip - 2012-11-17 17:18

good to know , for all the walkman people here.

retrodos - 2012-11-17 19:49

Originally Posted by seventiesrockroll:

I had a problem with E-bay member ''1984discman'' . This guy is in China and has walkmans delivered to someone in California. I have no idea how the relationship works between these two, but 1984discman was quick to file a claim that the item was not received. I got bad vibes from this guy right from the first day, as sure as shootin he came through with a claim as expected. My fatal mistake was no tracking number to cover my ass.  Ad him to your bidder block list.


From this auction>>  http://www.ebay.ca/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300780234054&ssPageName=ADME:L:EOISSA:CA:1123

Oldest trick in the book. Never ship to a different address, then in transaction. Always get tracking info. You can still reverse the claim just print out, or make copy of shipping receipt and fax it to Paypal and talk to senior agent. They just want to see that the item shipped. You may have to go as far as talking to their legal department, it works, done it before.


Never rely on the online system, always goes on the buyers side, call eBay customer service.

johnedward - 2012-11-17 21:45

I know this buyer and have sold to him recently. The payment, shipping and his very positive feedback for my transaction show him to be a absolutely upstanding gentleman.  We had a lot of email correspondence before and after eBay sale all clear and honest.   I am surprised about this situation.   


Your auction was fairly well documented with clear statement of unit NOT working or powering on even.  Photos were good enough to determine quality of what your selling.   Personally no seller on eBay should ever sell without delivery confirmation ( tracks package as it moves) and ALSO INSURANCE for the selling price on auction to protect buyer AND SELLER.  Insurance adds second level of delivery confirmation although that number is not good for Tracking only shows a delivery date/time.  

It is possible the box was not delivered although highly unlikely.   I also to protect myself on eBay now do some photos and a video proving function condition WITH A NEWSPAPER clearly behind item showing Date same as Date it is shipped out matching receipt from post office.  Leaves NO chance for buyer to lie about condition etc.  I also ALWAYS take photos of my packing and the final box all further proof of safe packaging for any claims.   


Before you go accusing someone of being a bad buyer you should pursue all avenues to  verify that buyer did get item but is lying about it.   This takes some time then when you have done what Retrodos suggested and you have some more definitive answers do please post here.   All we seek here is the truth about sellers or buyers with all the backup that can be provided so the community members can make own decisions about guilt of not.  Good luck hope it gets resolved.   1984discman should work with you.  It really is bad that you have no tracking , complicates things for both.


With over 3000 feedback obviously your a successful long term eBay seller.  To do that many sales and not have a policy as seller stated in auction requiring delivery confirmation and Insurance seems very surprising.   I also shipped to the California address with no problem.  I clarified that once item was delivered to CA person they should unpack and check condition of item and notify seller and me.  I noted that my responsibility for item was ONLY to CA the address given in his paypal not to China.

Again I hope both get a solution.