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"Autism speaks" Would you help?

thafuzz - 2008-04-03 14:47

Hello everyone. This is a personal request that's near and dear to my heart. I asked the Mods for their permission for this post out of respect for the site which I'm so fond of. My 16 y.o. son Kristopher is Autisic. My 5 y.o. Nickolas will begin testing soon for a diff. type of it as well. There are so many varying degrees of this spectrum disorder. Kathy (wife) and I purchased the blue puzzle piece lapel pins from "AutismSpeaks.org" and a few car magnets in support finding a cure (the missing piece). Aprrox. 10 years ago it was 1 in 1000 children diagnosed, now it's one in 150. Can you imagine 10 yrs from today? Our beloved children (our future)will slip away into this abyss. I was on "AutismSpeaks.org" website and saw that Chevy is a big supporter of Autism research. They have a short ad video you can click on. Each time someone clicks and veiws the 30 sec. clip, Chevy will donate to research and you'll receive a free 30 day XMradio trial if you'd like. http://www.chevrolet.com/autismspeaks/ . I struggled with the idea of posting something like this for awareness and support on S2g. I asked a few mods and members for their view. Thanks. This is bigger than just my kids. Its affecting so many that its scary we can't bring them back (for now). I wear the puzzle lapel pin on my uniform. April is Autism awarenes month. Actress Jenny McCarthy was on CNN last night about this. Her son has it, Doug Flutie's son too(ex-NFL QB). R&B singer Tony Braxton also has a son with it. Kathy asked me if I'd rather particpiate an a Wash. DC awareness march this June with Jenny McCarthy and her beau Jim Carry leading it(instead of our Hawaii trip). If you could spare a few seconds and "clicks" on the adlink in support of a good cause that's global? Thank you all in advance. Adam Smile

jaredscottfla - 2008-04-03 15:15

Smile good for u Adam,very worthwhile cause.
Dan Marino and His wife also Have an Autistic Son,and Have Spoken on The Topic Often Here in So Fla. Best Wishes To U the Mrs and The Children. Smile

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-03 15:16

Adam, I wasn't aware you had a child with Autism. I've heard the statistics you quoted and it's an alarming increase. It's unfortunate that anybody has to deal with this disorder, both the individual affected and the family. I am more than happy to help out where I can and if you have more you would like to post here about it I certainly don't take issue with it.

oldskool69 - 2008-04-03 15:40

Wow. Just Wow. I had no idea. I can't begin to imagine how tough it must be. I will be praying for your son as well as the rest of your family. My wife has a degree in occupational therapy and she worked with kids like yours all the time. Sometimes crying at the miracles she would see every day as well as the struggles. God bless you my friend. I shall click away. Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-04-03 15:45

i also clicked away --and i know exactly how tough this can be -- the more aware we are -- the better all these kids will be treated and understood.

jvc.floyd - 2008-04-03 15:46

i put my clicks in ,

thafuzz - 2008-04-03 16:20

Thanks my friends, I'm simply touched. You know, it's heartbreaking to watch your laughing and playful child just slip into this trance, etc.- that you can't bring him/her out of. Depending on the severity, type or degree, you'll never hear your child's laugh, can't hug them without them panicking. They avoid all eye contact, you wont hear their precious voice. It's like someone stole their personality or soul. That's the best I can describe it. Some are higher functioning but have personality issues still. It's just so frightening that we can't bring them back ou of this so you can hear them say once again, "I love you mommy/daddy". Frown

peter.griffin - 2008-04-04 10:19

Hey Fuzz, you have a big heart. Your the kind of officer I would like to be pulled over by.

I wonder if GM is tracking the clickers by IP address, and only donating for viewing by different IP addresses. Otherwise we could all watch that video thousands of times from the same pc/laptop, in hopes GM would donate for each viewing?

I was reading about a class action lawsuit in the states, involving families with children with Autism? Are you part of that?

God bless you and your family FuzzSmile

thafuzz - 2008-04-04 12:14

No. We're not part of any lawsuits. Kathy and I are just very devoted. We volunteer/coach children for Special Olympics and Foster parents exclusively for disabled children. I do hope each click counts from here, if not, members could right click, copy the link and do it from google, msn, etc. I really appreciate everyone caring enough to help out. Thanks to all my pals here.

sinister - 2008-04-04 12:48

im going to send an email blast to friends and fam. Wink

enskanker - 2008-04-04 13:17

Adam, its people like you and Karen that make up the good heart and soul of this world, and I cannot express in words how much we wish all goodness for you and your children.

Ask us anything, we are here to help in whatever capacity our little S2G community

fuzzyduck - 2008-04-04 13:26

Unfortunately autism in its varying degrees is becoming all too common these days. Frown
Best wishes. Smile

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-04 13:35

Originally posted by SINISTER:
im going to send an email blast to friends and fam. Wink

Very good idea Sinister, I'll do the same. Nod Yes

sinister - 2008-04-04 15:07

FUZZ just wanted to let yo know i sent the blast to everyone in my email man. im wit it!!!.

thafuzz - 2008-04-04 20:56

Thank you all who have helped. I hope this spreads like wildfire. I'm very proud. peace Nod Yes

beatbox - 2008-04-10 01:23

I wish you all the strength and support I can muster right now for you and your family. My clicks are in.

All the very best.

penge - 2008-04-10 20:45

Clicking away here in the UK.

jameswp67 - 2008-04-10 20:52

My clicks are also in Adam, wishing you and your family the best. I teach high tech and multimedia and had several high functioning autistic kids. Indigo kids and Asberger's kids as well...

thafuzz - 2008-04-11 08:51

Thank you-Thank you... James, my lil' Nickolas will be tested for Asbergers Syndrome very soon. He is extremely advanced (didn't inherit that from me Smile), but it's the social & personality issues that hinder him. What's so cool is this little effort is bringing support and awareness from all these great countries. Truly a global effort. Very inspiring....

peter.griffin - 2008-04-11 09:11

I was watching a bit of NASCAR last week, and they were actually showing this very site, so hopefully millions of Americans will be clicking away on the videoSmile

ford93 - 2008-04-11 09:52

Hey bud you know I'm there for you!

May God give you and your family all the love and support your family deserves.

God bless Thafuzz & Family.

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-17 02:08

clicked and forwarded . . all the best bro

thafuzz - 2008-04-17 14:04

Thank you for your help PG,Ford and Royal. Smile

ohboy - 2008-04-17 19:03

hey there, got my clicks in and sent out to a ton of my email list, including clients...Good luck, and I hope this can help

- 2008-04-26 20:10

I have a secret about myself.Im autistic myself.I was dignosed before age 3.I wasnt toilet trained and learned how to talk until I was nearly 5 years old.Im also mentally ill and suffer from major depression.I was at Willmar Regional Treatment Center,Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center both of them located in Minnesota.I have imaginary friends named Leroy James Drommond and Raymond Parker Panasonic.Leroy is African-Amrican and Raymond is Mexican-American.Theyre both 1985 walkmans.I have a fixation on walkmans you see.80s walkmans rule!Kristi Carr

thafuzz - 2008-04-26 20:45

Wow Kristi. It's a pleasure to have you with us. Good for you in overcoming many obstacles in your life. I meant to check into your thread about a certain walkman you were seeking. I recall reading a little about someone finding an eBay seller who had one. Did you get it? I'll send you a PM too. You're fortunate in that you can describe what you feel. Many sufferers cannot communicate/ describe it. Also, I'd like to express a deep appreciation to everyone who "clicked away" on the link and helped spread the message. Thank you all Smile

- 2008-05-11 17:38

Dear Thafuzz I won Raymond and antother one after that with to different bidders.One was called sweetlisa2you and the other mr something or another.I cant remember.Anyways some of my symptoms are 3 different kinds of rocking,tics,hand flapping ,and living in a fantasy world with imaginary friends.Also Im good with numbers,can do a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle in 1 day(thats typical).I can remember number dates and all the way back before I learned to talk.I rembember my first year of nursery school and later on being toilet trained I would tell Mom I cant go.She would say just try.80s walkmans rule!Kristi Ann Carr Born 11/25/1972 Raised in White bear Township Minnesota

thafuzz - 2008-05-11 21:46

One was called sweetlisa2you and the other mr something or another. I cant remember

Now Kristi, you know I just have to highlight the fact that you stated you "can remember way back to when your 1st year of nursery school.." Big Grin Razz Well, congratulations are in order. Good to hear from you. I'll send you a PM.

javier - 2008-07-09 22:56

Once in a while I love to read books that relate to the mind.. I have some books with chapters that deal with autism. if anyone thinks that I should post them .. I will be happy to do it. Nod Yes

krush - 2008-07-12 17:54

i haven't really ever talked openly about this, but i think i might have Asperger's syndrome, or am somewhere in the spectrum near AS (from what i've read). it was my girlfriend that brought it to my attention that there may be something behind what i've always considered eccentricities. i think that if i do have AS, it probably wouldn't surprise anyone that i know.

i think this forum is a very appropriate place to post on this topic because i think boombox collecting, info gathering, repair, maintenance, and modification may be part of my "disorder", if that's what it is. boomboxes are one of my fields of intense interest. it changes up once a year, or so, (which explains my coming-and-going here) and can be all consuming.

conversation can be very hard for me. luckily, one of my other interests is cars, which helps A LOT in interacting with other guys. i've read studies about how guys interact with each other and it's typically exchanges of info. i love gathering info, whether it's practical or trivial, so it works out OK, most of the time.

whether i am or not, i think ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) may end up becoming the "norm" in evolutionary terms. i think that our modern info- and techno-centric societies may encourage this group of behaviors, particularly the higher functioning end of the spectrum (i.e. the layman's diagnosis of Bill Gates as having ASD).

that's the most i've typed in a while. Wink

panasonic.fan - 2008-07-12 18:37


I just took a spin around Google looking it up. I'm willing to bet that the symptoms will seem very familiar to many of the more "passionate" collectors here.

You just did something that 99% of us wouldn't- you came right out and started talking about it. It takes a lot of strength to do, and I for one applaud and recognize you for doing so.

A good description here.

javier - 2008-07-17 17:39

generally speaking. I strongly believe that people with disorders if they try hard enought they will live normal lives..(normal lives) too many(normal people) don't live normal lives.

- 2008-07-17 18:51

Again Im Kristi Ann Carr dignosed with Aspergers disorder,Autism and depression.Im what you call duel dignosed.I was born in White Bear Lake MN.I graduated from Humboldt High School in 1991.I was born 11/25/72 to Rose Carr and Gary Allman brother of Pam and son of Grandma Irene Allman.Last I heard of my old man he was living in Brandenton Flordia.He was/is a drug user and suffers from depression and schiozprina something I do NOT have.Thank God for that.Any word on the whereabouts of my father please email me at flopsiemopsie@yahoo.com thanks I never seen him since a baby when my grandfather Richard Sanft husband of Ellyn "Sally"Sanft who also died March 2003 just before her 87th birthday.I dont remember my grandpa either who died when I was a 11 month old baby.I married Matt Holte 1/17/07 and he also died on 5/29/08.80s walkmans rule!Kristi Ann Carr age 35

- 2008-09-06 18:18

Hey Adam..all my support to u and the kids..good friend had an autistic son in Wellington..i used to baby sit-care give him..Harvey..he was 6..parents seperated but dad relatively wealthy so he was able to get intense therapy..that the NZ Healthcare system doesnt offer for free..so he was very lucky cos all the lower socio economic kids get nada!He was awsum..was more computer savvy than me at the time..and a bit of a handful like chasing him around public libraries!...

trc911 - 2009-07-17 00:02

My twin Brother has autism Roll Eyes I can't stand him, I'm not trying to sound rude but he doesn't know how to act in public and he always frolics around and dances and hops, and he ALWAYS makes noises with his mouth. Aspergers syndrome and autism, now all you need is a coke and you have one heck of a combo Laugh Out Loud I hope a cure can be found soon, my mother goes to autism support groups and conventions and she was pretty mad when Jenny Mccartney wanted $100,000 to speak at a convention, She has her own life just like everyone else. Anyhow, like I said, I hope they find a cure or find out what causes it.

ricktv - 2009-08-10 19:46

Sounds like your brother missed out on some help or got diagnosed too late. The most crucial things in battling autism are getting it diagnosed early enough in life, finding the right doctors to treat it and sticking to the treatment plan...religiously.

I'm lucky. When I was diagnosed 30 years ago, doctors were just starting to learn what autism was and how to treat it. (It helped that a book called Son-Rise, about a couple who "cured" their autistic son, got picked up for TV right about that same time.) I made hospital visits each Friday for special programs and went to a couple different private schools (the first of which I started at 2 1/2). They didn't make me completely "normal," but they went a long way toward making me look and (usually) act the part.

Patience + persistence = payoff.

ford93 - 2009-08-10 21:37

Thats great to hear you're doing fine Rick-TV I can only imagine how your parents must feel now!!

It must have been a long road for you. Red Face

ricktv - 2009-08-11 18:30

Just doin' my best to make Mom proud and hope I can pay her back somehow for all her faith in me.

- 2010-02-14 03:30

I have aspergers and i wasn't even diagnosed til I was 17, my teachers can't beleive i made it as far as i did without proper help, before that they thought I had adhd.