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Who's in Jacksonville Florida?

petey.awol - 2009-07-30 18:02

A female asked me to accompany her down to Florida next weekend. What the hell does one do in Jacksonville? Mind you we're both younger folks (me being 32 and her 25).

panasonic.fan - 2009-08-08 10:13

Jacksonville is actually a pretty boring city. Plenty of people, but I never seem to find a reason to visit there when I travel around from Orlando. St. Augustine is pretty close, a nice day trip while you're there. Jax Beach is ok, but you can get the beach at St. Augustine if you go there.

Hope you have a good time, I'm sure you'll find something to do.

kballenger53 - 2009-08-08 10:18

YOU GUYS CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!!! I Agree I've been living here in Jacksonville, FL since 1998, and let me tell you, there are times when I can actually FEEL MYSELF GETTING OLDER!!! Eek

You see, this isn't really considered Florida, but, South East Georgia!!! Nod Yes Check out some of the latest stats:


1. Number One in the State of Florida for Murders!!!

2. Of the Entire Population in the City of Jacksonville, 45% of its Citizens have Criminal Records!!! Of that 45%, 20% of them are Convicted Felons!!!

3. Number One in the State of Florida in HIV/AIDS cases!!!

4. Number One in the State of Florida for Truancy!!!

5. 80% of the Adult Black Population are Functional Illiterates!!! With 40% of the Adult Black Population who Don’t Read, and the other 40% of the Adult Black Population who, Can’t Read!!! Of the 20% of the Adult Black Population who CAN or DO Read, 5% of them are Reading on a Comprehension Level of a 6th Grader or Lower!!!

6. Voted Four Years ago as, One of the Worst Cities in the NATION, to be Single and Black In!!!

7. Voted Last Year (2008) as, One of the Worst Cities in the NATION, to be Single In, PERIOD!!!

8. Highest Divorce Rate in the State of Florida!!!

9. Highest Foreclosure Rate in the State of Florida!!!

10. Ranked in the Top ¼, of all cities in the NATION for DUI Arrests, Fatal Crashes due to Intoxication, and More Deaths from Alcohol & Drug Related Liver Diseases!!!

11. Recently (March 2, 2009) voted as One of the Most Depressing Cities in the NATION, contributing to the Increased Number of people with Spiritual, and/or Psychological Disorders, along with the Increasing Homeless Population!!!


Boy do I miss NYC................. Frown If it weren't for my 15 year old daughter living here with my ex-wife, I'd get the HELL OUTTA HERE!!! Only 3 more years 'til she graduates High School, and I'm going back home!!! Big Grin


milosancho - 2009-08-08 12:21

Holy Sh*T!! This is one of the most depressing messges I have ever read. Man, I bet you're counting down the days till you get outta there. I would. Dang.

sinister - 2009-08-08 16:38

sounds like a good party....... Big Grin

kballenger53 - 2009-08-09 13:59

Consider this Brothers. Downtown is usually the HEART of every City. It's where EVERYTHING'S HAPPENING, right?

But Downtown Jacksonville, is the ONLY City that I've EVER lived in, where the Downtown area is a Virtual Ghost Town!!! Eek So what does that tell you Cats about the REST OF THE CITY???

Although it may be the Largest City in this Country, landwise, the people here have that "Small Town Mentality". It's just an over-sized version of MAYBERRY!!! Mad The Public Transportation Systems sucks all to Hell!!! Mad One bus every half hour to 45 minutes during the week, and every hour and a half to 2 hours during the weekend!!! And the "B.S." Subway that they have Downtown is a Complete Joke!!! Mad They call it The Skyway, and it's nothing more than a Monorail that travels around Downtown and across the St. John's River, and that's it!!! What's worse is the fact that they actually expect you to pay to ride that thing. WHAT DO YOU CATS THINK A NEW YORKER LIKE ME DOES? I hop that Sucker like I used to hop the NYC Subways!!! F**k that S**t!!!

Notice in the stats that Jacksonville is one of the WORST Cities in the Nation to be Single in, PERIOD. That's because Jacksonville is HOOCHIE MAMA HEAVEN!!! Eek These Chicks have some of the Worst Hair I've ever seen, and they're all WEAVED OUT!!! No No

Jacksonville also has one of the WORST JOB MARKETS IN THE COUNTRY, whereas 50% of all businesses are SHUT DOWN!!! You can walk around any part of town and see empty buildings, or empty offices with signs in front saying: "BUILDING FOR SALE, OR OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE"!!! It's sad.......... Frown

Me and my ex-wife have been Divorced since 2001. Since then I haven't had a Steady Girlfriend. I have to fly back home to NYC, just to get some action. Now granted, I've had some experience with the Chicks here, but they're so BEHIND THE TIMES, I'm tired of them after the 3rd night!!! Roll Eyes

They're wwwaaayyy behind on the Latest Music and Clothes. That's why I love JET BLUE AIRLINES SO MUCH, because I'll catch that $89 Special to JFK in NYC every other weekend to catch up on what's up!!! Big Grin

The only spot to really hang out at in Jacksonville is The Jacksonville Landing, but even that gets BORING AS HELL after a while!!! So Petey Awol, if you don't mind hanging out with a bunch of Neanderthals Laugh Out Loud, Jacksonville is the place for you, but remember, Florida doesn't officially begin until you get past Orlando!!! That's where people know how to have a good time and PARTY!!!


sinister - 2009-08-09 15:22

so how do you really feel KB Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

kballenger53 - 2009-08-09 15:48

Originally posted by SINISTER:
so how do you really feel KB Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out LoudI feel like I've beamed down from The Enterprise!!! Laugh Out Loud "Beam me up Scotty, and get me the hell outta here, WARP FACTOR 3"!!