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Moved in.....an update

kittmaster - 2009-08-07 11:31

Hey folks,

Many of you know I moved and its been a rollercoaster of an experience. Never want to have to move again......ugg!!!

I did get a call from a member for whom I'm doing work for out of concern that I high tailed it out with their goods, I just wanted to let everyone know that all things in my possession are safe and sound and await time for me to get unpacked and set up to be able to do repair work again.

I'm still living out of boxes and almost all of my equipment is still part of those boxes. I'm trying to move as fast as I can to get settled, but like all things, job, kids, other responsibilities, those have to come first. If anyone feels the need to have their stuff sent back in current condition I can do that as well.

I predict I'll be back up and running in about a month or so.

Figured I'd check in since I'm been out for a bit.


chilinvilin - 2009-08-09 04:32

Hope that phone call from me didnt make you think I wanted my equipment back. I want that deck fixed and im almost certain that nobody else can do to it what needs to be done.
Lets face it I dont know you personally so my brother started ragging me about how I got ripped and will never see the deck again.. Whatever!! I said....
I started thinking about last time I heard from you which was I think a month or more so I decided to give you a call... Thats all.........
Brother I know you got tons of sh?t to do before getting to working on this equipment so please take care of family and personal matters first I can wait. I have waited over 6 months now and have no problem waiting another 6 if the work will be done right (which I fully believe will be).....
Take care,

kittmaster - 2009-08-09 12:41

Well that was the igniter, but I also feel it is important to have at least some sort of update. If the tables were turned, I'd expect people helping me out to at least give me some sort of update, even if nothing is done, that at least it is "in process" irregardless if nothing has been done then to now. At least someone is "thinking" of me and helps put a mind at ease, after all this is other peoples stuff!!!


No worries bud, I'll get it straightened...Smile