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sinister - 2008-11-26 10:07

wanted to see if anyone got the new album, and what do you think.

viennasound - 2008-11-26 10:43

I want the bicycle! Wink
There just fits more than 3 big boxes on it... Big Grin

baby.boomer - 2008-11-26 13:27

I hear the Chinese government called it "venomous."

fatdog - 2008-11-26 16:08

It's not bad. You can definitely tell a difference in production quality among the tracks. You can almost guess which songs were recorded first all those years ago.

I already have a few favorites:

Chinese Democracy
If the World

petey.awol - 2008-11-26 22:42

Personally, the only good tracks are the songs that sound like the Use Your Illusion era of GNR. Then it wasnt even all that. Was good, but nothing like the masterpiece of Appetite.

According to alot of interviews I have read, nothing was writen with any of the original members. Like the material isnt the "throwaway" of the later years of GNR. This is all new Axl.

So to sum it all up; if it was called something other then GNR it might be good. This clearly isnt a GNR album. Its an Axl solo project. Axl's voice still carries alot of weight. Its really an over produced album. Don't think 14 years of waiting was worth it. Wouldnt buy it.

gluecifer - 2008-11-27 01:41

Guns n' Roses without Slash and McKeagan is like the Beatles without Lennon and McCartney.

And no one wants to buy a Ringo Starr solo album.

Rock On.

billpc55 - 2008-11-28 20:54

i hated it. i mean i was never a big fan of this band to begin with.
i guess to me it just sounds like a fifteen year old record for the most part.
there is some degree of self parody within the tracks on this album i think.
unfortunately i think if a artist cannot change over the course of time then its just self parody.
there is some great musicianship on the record.
i could see why a fan might enjoy this album,honestly tho i cannot see it attracting new listeners to the back catalog of gnr albums.
so yeah it will sell pretty good,but i am sure that in ten years no one will really remember it.

petey.awol - 2008-11-29 20:17

There are no fans listening to the new album for them to buy the back catalouge of GNR albums. Appitite sold 27 million copies. Argueably one of the best selling albums before file sharing. Bottom line is that we all bought it. Multpule copies at that.

"And thats one for you, two for me.....by tonight.....!" "Nighttrain"

jovie - 2008-11-29 23:00

Originally posted by billpc55:
there is some degree of self parody within the tracks on this album i think.

I found a lot of unintentional humor just listening to "Sweet Child O Mine".His vocal hijinx at the end of that song are laughable.I actually thought it was a parody (like Spinal Tap) when i first heard it.No matter,millions of people thought it was cool I'm sure Cool (....please no one take offense as I listen to some pretty horrible stuff myself....or so I'm told Big Grin )

metad - 2008-11-30 09:00

And no one wants to buy a Ringo Starr solo album.

haha, who told you that bull sh!t, or it's just your taste?
i buy Ringo's albums and love them,
by the way The Beatles without Ringo or George is like The Beatles without Lennon or McCartney.

gluecifer - 2008-11-30 13:47

Was the best analogy I could come up with.. I was very drunk at the time though...

I got off to a false start when I compared Guns 'n Roses to the Beatles in the first place to be honest.

Rock On.

billpc55 - 2008-11-30 16:39

Originally posted by Jovie:
Originally posted by billpc55:
there is some degree of self parody within the tracks on this album i think.

I found a lot of unintentional humor just listening to "Sweet Child O Mine".His vocal hijinx at the end of that song are laughable.I actually thought it was a parody (like Spinal Tap) when i first heard it.No matter,millions of people thought it was cool I'm sure Cool (....please no one take offense as I listen to some pretty horrible stuff myself....or so I'm told Big Grin )

musics all subjective. some people like one thing some like another thing.
i mean a hundred million people may have bought the thriller album and indeed it may be a fantastic album. i am just not going to be one of those people who bought it. Smile

- 2008-11-30 22:42

the glory days of once great bands like gnr and metallica are gone forever. appetite for destruction and master of puppets were near masterpieces what went wrong? Frown i listened to about 2 tracks from St. Anger and nearly threw up it was so aweful

isolator42 - 2008-12-01 00:36

The guitar solo towards the end of track 6 kicks 4rse...

gluecifer - 2008-12-01 03:26

Originally posted by autobot84:
the glory days of once great bands like gnr and metallica are gone forever. appetite for destruction and master of puppets were near masterpieces what went wrong? Frown i listened to about 2 tracks from St. Anger and nearly threw up it was so aweful

You heard the new metallica autobot? It's even more appalling than St. Anger. They really should've either broken up after ..And Justice For All or when Cliff Burton died, or at least changed the name. Imagine how amazing they could've been if they kept Mustaine and Burton? The metal landscape would be far different today if they had.

I remember when G'N'R came out and I thought it was ok, but just a reiteration of really balls-out u.s glam rock from a few years before, just without the makeup and spandex. I much more personally prefer the better Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Ratt, Whitesnake, etc releases to most G'N'R stuff. But then again I really like the new euro bands who reinvent that style all over again like Backyard Babies, The Hellacopters and Crash Diet.

It's all good rockin fun though.

Rock On.

penge - 2008-12-01 07:38

Gluecifer thanks for keeping me up with whats new in metal. I listen to all 3 of the bands like the
Backyard Babies best.

- 2008-12-01 08:13

Originally posted by Gluecifer:
Originally posted by autobot84:
the glory days of once great bands like gnr and metallica are gone forever. appetite for destruction and master of puppets were near masterpieces what went wrong? Frown i listened to about 2 tracks from St. Anger and nearly threw up it was so aweful

You heard the new metallica autobot? It's even more appalling than St. Anger. They really should've either broken up after ..And Justice For All or when Cliff Burton died, or at least changed the name. Imagine how amazing they could've been if they kept Mustaine and Burton? The metal landscape would be far different today if they had.

I remember when G'N'R came out and I thought it was ok, but just a reiteration of really balls-out u.s glam rock from a few years before, just without the makeup and spandex. I much more personally prefer the better Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Ratt, Whitesnake, etc releases to most G'N'R stuff. But then again I really like the new euro bands who reinvent that style all over again like Backyard Babies, The Hellacopters and Crash Diet.

It's all good rockin fun though.

Rock On.

no havn't heard anything else after that album. i wouldn't listen to metallica any more than i would britney spears. wow it sounds even worse than st. anger?? didn't think that was possible Laugh Out Loud

billpc55 - 2008-12-01 09:07

Originally posted by billpc55:
there is so many new bands making fantastic metal music i see no point in listening to older bands trying to recapture former glories. thier classic albums will remain classic albums.
i mean there really is a lot of bands out there people have never had the chance to hear or see that are fantastic. you will most likely tho never see any bands from any genre raking in the cash the way they did back in the seventies and eighties.
the music industry has changed now.

litfan - 2008-12-02 14:25

I prefer the latest "simple plan" album. Excellent. "Holding on", what a song.

928gts - 2008-12-03 00:16

From the tracks I've heard its a pretty poor album. I find it to be more of The Axl Rose Show than anything. Its not really a big loss as even Appetite was a pretty poor album as well.

matrixambience - 2008-12-03 14:50

Appetite For Destruction is NOT poor by any means! Sorry, have to disagree...

- 2008-12-03 16:47

I Agree
dude appetite for destruction kicks a$$. period-no argument case closed! Wink

sinister - 2008-12-03 16:49

Originally posted by autobot84:
I Agree
dude appetite for destruction kicks a$$. period-no argument case closed! Wink

I Agree yup i remember buying the tape the day it came out

928gts - 2008-12-03 19:52

I think its pretty boring myself. It was tired sounding when it came out in 1987 and it still sounds tired today. The same old put me to sleep 4/4 drum rhythm,the same old misogynistic lyrics and Axl Rose's awful voice. Granted I will say Slash is a pretty decent guitar play and I respect Duff as a bassist but the music quality was just really quite poor. It just didn't really strike me as anything fresh.

I like quite a bit of hair metal and there are many albums I'll spin again and again because they make me smile and because its fun pick-it-up-and-just-play-it music but Appetite For Destruction just reminds me of all the positively bland things in life.

Music is never no argument case closed because everyone has their own opinion.

metad - 2008-12-04 04:44

Originally posted by 928GTS:
The same old put me to sleep 4/4 drum rhythm,the same old misogynistic lyrics and Axl Rose's awful voice.

I Agree - too borrring!

now case closed Big Grin

- 2008-12-04 05:44

Originally posted by 928GTS:
I think its pretty boring myself. It was tired sounding when it came out in 1987 and it still sounds tired today. The same old put me to sleep 4/4 drum rhythm,the same old misogynistic lyrics and Axl Rose's awful voice. Granted I will say Slash is a pretty decent guitar play and I respect Duff as a bassist but the music quality was just really quite poor. It just didn't really strike me as anything fresh.

I like quite a bit of hair metal and there are many albums I'll spin again and again because they make me smile and because its fun pick-it-up-and-just-play-it music but Appetite For Destruction just reminds me of all the positively bland things in life.

Music is never no argument case closed because everyone has their own opinion.

if you can produce an album that isn't quite as boring i'd love to hear it Laugh Out Loud

matrixambience - 2008-12-04 09:26

..well all I can tell you is that Geffen Record Company really, really likes 1987's Appetite album/CD/Cassette!

928gts - 2008-12-04 09:59

Originally posted by autobot84:
Originally posted by 928GTS:
I think its pretty boring myself. It was tired sounding when it came out in 1987 and it still sounds tired today. The same old put me to sleep 4/4 drum rhythm,the same old misogynistic lyrics and Axl Rose's awful voice. Granted I will say Slash is a pretty decent guitar play and I respect Duff as a bassist but the music quality was just really quite poor. It just didn't really strike me as anything fresh.

I like quite a bit of hair metal and there are many albums I'll spin again and again because they make me smile and because its fun pick-it-up-and-just-play-it music but Appetite For Destruction just reminds me of all the positively bland things in life.

Music is never no argument case closed because everyone has their own opinion.

if you can produce an album that isn't quite as boring i'd love to hear it Laugh Out Loud

Sure,anyone with an instrument and a drive to create music that they love can do it. I've seen one person with a violin create such a moving piece that if Axl Rose were to hear it he'd promptly turn to dust.

I'm sure many people could name many quality albums that would make Appetite look like a laughing stock.

matrixambience - 2008-12-04 11:56

...let it go man, your opinion counts,but your not convincing me otherwise...

- 2008-12-04 18:01

for real let it go. next your gonna say elvis presley or the beatles had no talent and their albums were subpar Roll Eyes

928gts - 2008-12-04 19:41

Actually I like Elvis' early work and think he brought of a lot of quality work to the world of rock 'n' roll. I think the Beatles were very talented musicians and contributed a great body of work towards the musical world. I don't really listen to them but that doesn't mean I have a lot of respect for them.

I just think Appetite and G 'N' R in general are overrated,its just an opinion. Don't get so flustered over it.

- 2008-12-04 19:46

SHUT UP! No No No No No No No No80s Walkmans rule!Raymond Parker Panasonic.