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lav.loo - 2010-07-23 15:07

hey just a shout to all manchester members or even members further afield willing to travel.
on saturday the 14th of august there,s going to be a huge 80,s party at HEATON PARK.
i have just heard the ad on real radio, there,s going to be artists like berlinda carlisle, abc, go west, slick astley Laugh Out Loud, and many more. did,nt quiet catch the full ad.
i reckon it will be a blast if weathers good, the perfect place to take your box Nod Yes i hope to go depending on the ticket price. im moving house again tomorrow and it,s a nightmare keep payin out for removals, it will be the 5th time iv,e moved in 3yrs cos landlords have not been paying their mortgage, ar**holes blaming the economy i have 3 kids and just can,t get settled with them.
can,t get a council house cos of massive demand in the area, can,t afford to buy even if i wanted, so stuck with private renting and it,s no good when you got kids i tell ya.
on top of all that iv,e gotta box all my boxes again, well i think il,e just leave them in the boxes this time Laugh Out Loud anyway enough of my life story and, if i go to the party in park il,e post pics up guys Wink
just checked ticket prices, oooh bit steep Nod Yes £32.50 plus £3.25 booking fee, good news is under 5,s go free, i don,t know many under 5,s into 80,s tunes Laugh Out Loud

im.out.of.hear - 2010-07-24 02:44

sounds cool lav but £36 sheets is alot of coinage right now,especially with these fees i have to pay,simply red - money's to tight to mention,i did go heaton park a couple of years ago,it was some sort of event but it was free,it was a boiling hot day and there were thousands of people there..

blaster - 2010-07-24 06:00

thats awesome!!!...wish they had something like that here in the us...they just dont care bout the 80s here....its all bout the now and the bling here....

lav.loo - 2010-07-24 08:26

hey G,MAN i aint paying to get in mate no way No No im gonna crash land in the place Laugh Out Loud
BLASTER it,s totally the same here mate bling here an now crap, im actually surprised this event is going ahead Nod Yes

blaster - 2010-07-24 08:45

Oh k...but i think the percentage of keeping the 80s and the old school alive is bigger overseas...over hear is more about selfishness and greed...many of the old school artist agree..but i guess this bling mentality is influential many parts as well...

lav.loo - 2010-07-24 12:55

ye i understand what your saying BLASTER Nod Yes but id,e give my soul to live in the US.
i suppose every country has it,s up and down points, but in the part of the UK i live things are totally out of hand and the law can,t do jack all about it, society has broken down too far now Nod Yes besides it,s always pissin down with rain Nod Yes but yes maybe we do try a bit more than you guys to keep the 80,s thing going, but sometimes it,s too little too late, everything comes at a cost these days like you say it,s all about greed, it,s the new world sadly Frown Wink

lav.loo - 2010-09-25 15:53

i heard on the local news yesterday that a 20 year old girl got stabbed to death through the neck in heaton park, the offender was a 40 year old man who then started slashing his arms up Confused the incident was witnessed by dog walkers, i take my kids there sometimes and i can,t imagine what i would say to them if they witnessed something like this, what,s happened to the world??
R.I.P the young lady Frown

kennedy - 2010-09-27 08:50

Geez, thats terrible man, I hate hearing $H!% like that.

lav.loo - 2010-09-27 10:25

ye it,s bad news mate, that girl was probably someones mam and daughter Frown i reckon we should impose the death penalty over here for scum like that Nod Yes Wink

walkgirl - 2010-09-30 22:48

You must invite Tim also! Smile

lav.loo - 2010-10-01 02:53

TIM has dissappeared again Nod Yes

walkgirl - 2010-10-04 11:46

Why? Confused

He is a pantman!

lav.loo - 2010-10-04 12:55

not sure WALK,G hink he,s been a naughty boy Big Grin
he went over to boomboxery but think he,s gone from there too Confused

walkgirl - 2010-10-04 13:02
