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About what i said on Boomboxery

im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-26 18:29

To Anyone who read my post on Boomboxery as radioshack,if any of you thought that i was stirring up crap on boomboxery,i just want to explain that i was'nt having ago at anyone else on there,i was only defending myself against that clown BMoney,ever since i joined that site as Ghettoman,that BMoney constantly had ago at me,replying with his smarmy sly comments against me,i once posted something in the for sale section that a box went real cheap on ebay,he replied saying "whats the point of putting up links to ended auctions"? well whats wrong with that >??? and then saying to bredgeo "who actually posts on stereo2go anymore ? Ghettoman ? whoop-ti-doo,Whats thats supposed to mean >??? i dont know the guy,i never had anything against him,i never even spoke to him in my life..but he always had too much to say..thats the only reason i left boomboxery in the first place,i created a new account under radioshack,not to stir up any crap what so ever,i went on there to just keep up with a few old ex stereo2go members that i've always liked..i enjoyed reading the whitty banter with ira and the gang,but today when i noticed that BMoney said something to Bredgeo about me and slagging off stereo2go,so i had to say something to defend myself and stereo2go,he forgets that he used to be a member of stereo2go and he has no right to put the site down,anyhow,Before i could say anything else,Fatdog had banned me again,and from what i was told,everyone that had the chance, defended and sided with BMoney..i only said something because someone had said something about me,anyone would have done the same..anyway,i just wanted to explain that i aint no bad guy and i'm not a trouble maker,but i wont let someone put me down for nothing..Maybe you think its no big deal,but to me,its a massive deal !! i take things to heart..
Anyhow,i've bored you enough..
Thanks for reading and take care...

bmoney - 2010-08-26 21:01

I'm glad to hear you miss me Ghettoman.
Real flattering.
I'll try to post more often here.


im.out.of.hear - 2010-08-27 04:07

Yes very cleaver arn't you BMoney,Say nice things and make me look like the bad guy..
Hey why dont you say the stuff to me like you said about me on boomboxery,like the last post from you for example..which FatDog Conveniently Deleted before alot of people could read it..
What was it you said ? You Feel Honoured To have been the one that got rid of me from there,Proof in itself !!
You Said i complain about everything ? i complain about box prices ? yes damm right i do,just like everyone else does..
You said i complained about the price of the jap boxes i got ? yes i did,because before i actually bought them,i never knew what they were actually going to cost,after fees and unexpected high import duty,each box ended up costing me double than i i thought they were going to cost..
You said i live a sad exsistance ? what sort of life do you lead ?
You slagged stereo2go off aswell,What was it you said ? "who posts over there now anyway ? "ghettoman" ? like i'm the only one left here,and i am not important,saying it like i'm beneath you..your slagging a site off that put you where you are today,if it were'nt for stereo2go,you would'nt have the friends you have today so you have alot to thank this site for,
You said you cant stand it over here because of the newbies,well if there was no newbies,there would'nt be any websites,so hey all you newbies out there "BMoney hates you"...you are a newbie on here anyway,who are you BMoney ?? when was the last time you posted on here ? nobody knows you on here..but i suppose even though you slagged this place off and refused to come here for the past year or so,now you will probebly be an hippacrit and start posting again trying to win friends over..least i and "the newbies that you soo hate" still log on here and have constantly stuck by the place,and at least i feel that i owe my presence to to this place,its supported me over the years so i return the favor by posting on here and keeping this place alive,unlike You which you blatently turned your back on this place,you might aswell have just put your middle finger Right up to pauls face,and retro's face,and jen's face,and even Agentorange's face, saying "screw your site" we dont need you no more...
Anyhow,i've said enough,i suppose you will all be having a nice discussion in the back room over at boomboxery,saying good riddence,and high fiving eachother..who would want to go to a party where your not invited,least over here newbies are welcomed and not shut out...any way,i think we've said all we're going to say to eachother,so if you dont mind,i dont want to speak to you..see you.....

docs - 2010-08-27 11:19

I wouldn't waste your typing Gman mate, someone else clearly has issues with you NOT the other way around. The way I see that is, it's actually their problem not yours. I've had snide comments from him myself but I couldn't care less about what he thinks. When he is here helping people out and posting anything remotely useful, perhaps he will earn some respect. Until then, let those that have an issue with you deal with their own problems and continue posting whatever you want to, afterall this is a forum and you are free to say what you like and others are free to not read it if they don't want.

bmoney - 2010-08-27 12:53

Wow. Both of you have a lot of issues bottled up. Roll Eyes Let them out. Go on. You'll feel better. Nod Yes

It's no surprise. You're both big time complainers. I find it hilarious that I'm expected to help out people like you in an attempt to earn respect. No thanks. I'd rather help people who don't feel entitled to everything.

And for the record, I didn't put my middle finger up in anyone's face except yours, Ghettoman. Paul was never here. Retro didn't post much. Jens was in good health. AO stayed in the walkman section. Panasonic Fan was moderator and would've locked this thread by now. That's what it was like when I was here regularly. Times have changed. And not necessarily for the better.

Say what you want. The only people that agree with you are the same fools that ridicule non-English speaking collectors and call them "Japs." Your ignorance speaks for itself.

ao - 2010-08-27 13:37

Gents, can I suggest you go back to Boomboxery and finish your business there.

Topic closed