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litfan - 2010-09-02 08:25

Is there any way to report someone on face book. A "so called friend", got in touch with me. I told him what had happened to me. He told me to "f*ck off and die, you sad b*st*rd. Nice eh. I want him sorting out.

lav.loo - 2010-09-02 09:44

don,t knowabout facebook LITFAN cos im not on it, but what i can say is it just shows how bad people have become over these recent years Nod Yes to say something like that is beyond words beyond belief Nod Yes he must be a proper ar**hole full stop.
i would want him sorting out too...where does he live Big Grin Wink

litfan - 2010-09-02 09:49

He lives in barnsley. I have told a few people about it. They are all shocked, that it can take place. I blocked him, but, he still sent a message. How?

panasonic.fan - 2010-09-02 09:58

You can simply remove him as a friend. Why keep such a hurtful person as a contact?

litfan - 2010-09-02 10:01

I did bill, but, he still managed to send the message. It`s all wrong.

ao - 2010-09-02 23:04

Yeah, you can still message someone without having them as a friend. Sadly Facebook choose to remain passive bystanders to this kind of activity, not unlike eBay, site traffic = revenue whether positive or not.

You can block this person by going to thei page (search for them) and clicking on the 'block/report this person' link (bottom left hand side), this will block any correspondence from them but I'm not sure how useful the 'report' function is, the last thing Facebook wants to do is remove their members. That said, it's worth a try.

Sadly Facebook is just the kind of place where the sad, socially cumbersome like to hide, it's a good place for them to throw stones and run & this 'friend' of yours has big issues.

toocool4 - 2010-09-03 02:44

To be honest like agentorange said Facebook can’t be a nice place to be.
It is not nice what your so-called friend said to you, it does not matter whatever your history with your friend was.

I have had so many friends invite me to Facebook that I got fed up telling them I’m not on Facebook, I now have a t-shirt saying
“No I am not on F**king Facebook”

Facebook is not like here on this forum, over here we all have something in common.

Facebook is just people showing off how many friends they have and they think the world is interested in what they are doing or saying. What is the point in having 500 friends when you only really know 5 of them and never talk to the rest?
I like to interact with real people and ones I have something in common with.

Litfan you are better of away from Facebook and any of these social media cr*p.

Just my point of view.

litfan - 2010-09-03 08:17

Thanks. There are some plus sides. A lot of people, i had lost touch with, have contacted me, after seeing my name, but, it also has that sinister side. My mother was in tears over it.

billy.the.binman - 2010-09-03 09:59

that my man, is f*cked up.

you should update your status to let people know what he said.

plus get the guy reported etc

toocool4 - 2010-09-03 11:49

Hi Litfan

I see where you are coming from, but my take on that is if there are people I’ve lost touch with there are good reasons for that. I have friends that have moved all over the world, I stay in touch with them via Phone, Skype etc and do this because they are good friends / I want to be in touch.

billy the binman

I’m not sure reporting him will do any good. We all just have to accept that there will always be some nasty people in the world, that is life. Litfan just move on and don’t waste your time and energy on this guy.

lav.loo - 2010-09-03 11:52

wise words TC4 Nod Yes

litfan - 2010-09-03 14:20

I try, but, when he can send me a message, when i have blocked him. There`s something wrong there. Alan machen they call him. I`ll tell you his name, because, i want everyone to know, how deep this goes.

lav.loo - 2010-09-03 14:44

sounds like this guy has really got to you LITFAN Frown
i see it like this...if he can say things that bitter to someone as unfortunate as you have been or are as in the case i don,t know the full story of your illness, if that,s the right word to use??
then he is,nt going to have any friends of any sort No No and he will end up a sad lonely loser or even worse someone will lose the plot with him and he won,t be around to say nasty things anymore, if you know what im saying.
people like him should go away and take a large dose of something lethal and the world would be far better off Nod Yes Wink

walkgirl - 2010-09-04 22:34

Facebook is a rather odd thing, the name is all wrong also!, better cal it bottomtape or somtheting Confused Red Face

billy.the.binman - 2010-09-05 05:36

start a group page to let people know what he said. could get public quite easily.

if a cat in a bin goes in the news that easily, this could also.

i mean cats like bins anyway, top cat lived in a bin

im.out.of.hear - 2010-09-05 06:00

Richard,i did a search for him and he does'nt show up..his account must be on high privacy/security setting..damm turd,likes to put people down then hide away,typical coward ! steaming pile of cow dung !

Report him richard..defo !!

litfan - 2010-09-05 09:07

How though paul. There is no way to get in touch with anybody. It`s like the secret service.

peter.griffin - 2010-09-09 06:14

hey Litfan, I know this is easier to say then do, but, this person means nothing to you in your life. So you should not let his words get to you like this.

isolator42 - 2010-09-10 10:25

I reckon updating yr Facebook status to tell all about this idiots behaviour is a good start...

enskanker - 2010-09-23 12:52

Hey Lit,
I'll be your friend, and I'll be nice. You and a handful of others here will always have a place in my past as the good guys in all our early Boombox Museum/forum days.
Cheers mate and please continue to get better,

walkgirl - 2010-09-23 13:06

Kneetelevision Mad Big Grin