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Global Warming,climate change,etc...

jovie - 2008-06-04 07:42

Carbon emissions seems to be a big topic with people these days.Many think it is the greatest threat our world faces.Also many feel that government intervention is needed to reduce these emissions thereby saving the world.

ford93 - 2008-06-04 08:33

There have been many ice ages thousands of years ago due to climate changes. Man was not around then so who caused it, the earth has it's moments where it needs to cure itself it's a living thing. Volcanoes causes more carbon than man. Mother earth is a living, breathing planet is just like all other living being such as our own bodies. When we catch a cold what happens our own bodies cures itself just my 2 cents.

fatdog - 2008-06-04 11:21

I Agree

All things are cyclical. Even if the entire human race was eradicated tomorrow, the planet would still go through warming / cooling stages because our sun does the same thing. That's the way it has been for billions of years and that's the way it will be for billions of years to come.

oldskool69 - 2008-06-04 11:30

One of the coldest winters of note in the U.S. this year. Very cool spring. Doesn't seem like much has warmed up to me.

Everything has a cycle like anything else. We as human beings and the rest of the animals on this planet emit plenty of bad gas just being alive. I mean sheesh, one good forest fire from a natural lightning strike will create enough NoX equivalent to a few years of our normal routines if it burns for for two weeks. And there are quite a few of those worldwide every year. Smile

masterblaster84 - 2008-06-04 11:38

Originally posted by Fatdog:
I Agree

All things are cyclical. Even if the entire human race was eradicated tomorrow, the planet would still go through warming / cooling stages because our sun does the same thing. That's the way it has been for billions of years and that's the way it will be for billions of years to come.

I Agree

redbenjoe - 2008-06-04 12:22

down here in my hood --we've had global warming for a week --over 90 //each day Smile

fatdog - 2008-06-04 14:22

It's called "the equator." The closer you get to it, the hotter you will be. Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-06-04 14:46

ok fatdog --then i stepped on the friggin thing today Laugh Out Loud

fatdog - 2008-06-04 15:12

You should come up to Tennessee in July and August. That's when Mother Natures bestows upon us the "98°/240% relative humidity" days. You can have your air conditioning set to a comfortable 74°, open the front door, and immediately have all of your clothing become soaking wet from the humidity. Nod Yes

masterblaster84 - 2008-06-04 15:52

Originally posted by Fatdog:
You should come up to Tennessee in July and August. That's when Mother Natures bestows upon us the "98°/240% relative humidity" days. You can have your air conditioning set to a comfortable 74°, open the front door, and immediately have all of your clothing become soaking wet from the humidity. Nod Yes

I AgreeI have been there in July and can't attest to sweating my A$$ off just standing still. I was leaking so much I was looking for the holes.
Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-06-04 16:18

Well, try 'Bama! Tennessee is cooler cause it further north and elevated higher, and at least in Florida you have greater area for "ocean breezes".

Remember...we ARE the home of the "professional" redneck we get so much heat. Even the mosquitoes hide during daylight! Laugh Out Loud

fatdog - 2008-06-04 16:27

Originally posted by oldskool69:
Even the mosquitoes hide during daylight! Laugh Out Loud
That's nothing! Ira's woodie would burst into flames if he brought it to Tennessee in August! Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-06-04 17:18

Originally posted by Fatdog:
That's nothing! Ira's woodie would burst into flames if he brought it to Tennessee in August! Laugh Out Loud

It wouldn't get a chance to burst into anything here as it would have ended up in some wood smoker pit for barbecued deer as soon as it crossed the state line! The "Harley" would provide party tunes, the electric motor would be used for a fan and the wheels would be spares for a single wide trailer! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

- 2008-06-04 18:05

well you evidently have never been to the MOST airconditioned City In the universe (( Houston )) Our four season's here are HOT HOT HOT Warm ... repeat ...
Originally posted by Fatdog:
You should come up to Tennessee in July and August. That's when Mother Natures bestows upon us the "98°/240% relative humidity" days. You can have your air conditioning set to a comfortable 74°, open the front door, and immediately have all of your clothing become soaking wet from the humidity. Nod Yes

fatdog - 2008-06-04 18:12

Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
well you evidently have never been to the MOST airconditioned City In the universe (( Houston )) Our four season's here are HOT HOT HOT Warm ... repeat ...
Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-06-04 18:28

Houston has a "special" type of heat indeed! Wink Laugh Out Loud

jovie - 2008-06-04 20:20

Well the governments of the world better be sure about this.They at least need to consider the possible economic repercussions of some of the ideas they are considering.Google "Vaclav Klaus" + "Global Warming".He is the current Czech president and has an interesting take on the cost of the serious measures being considered to address the issue.

beatbox - 2008-06-06 03:43

At the risk of breaking up this party and spoiling the fun around here, I for one believe that we humans are responsible for a lot of what is happening right now. Yes, you are all right in saying that the earth goes through certain climatic changes every so often and yes, there have been some big moments in the earths history. But it is NO coincidence that this is all happening now. Saying that the earth HAS to go through these things to cleanse itself and start anew is a moot point. We don't know what would have happened without the ice age etc. But I find it distressing that folk use this as an excuse to not have to think about the trash we spew into the atmosphere.

Yes the earth can cure itself from certain things. But that's like saying, 'I'll just keep banging this person on the head. He'll heal eventually, but I'll just keep banging this person on the head'. The truth is that the person will never heal if he keeps getting banged on the head, just as the earth won't ever heal if we keep emitting Carbon into the atmosphere. Volcanoes do errupt, but they stop. Meteors do hit the planet, but in both these cases there can be thousand or millions of years before anything serious happens again.

We can't KEEP ON subjecting the earth to our harmful behaviour.

It hurts to think about. And I'm sure this is why a lot of people simply choose to dismiss what's going on and blame nature instead.

The world would simply be a better place without the horrific levels of carbon emissions we release on a minute by minute basis.

I do not wish to offend anyone with this. But it is something I feel incredibly passionate about. I do think we should all do better, and yes I do think governments should intervene.

Is it really wise to take the risk? I mean, can you really be 100% sure it ISN'T us who are messing everything up?

thafuzz - 2008-06-06 21:48

Great points by all. I agree on many counts and do feel we (humans) are def. contributing to this global warming. But, I do recall scientists reporting the temperatur of Mars has risen too due to the Sun itself getting hotter. Just thought I'd add that lil' news bit for thought. There's a lot of pressure on developed countries but, I've been shocked at how grossly polluted under developed countries I've visited realy are- and why they're not ones singled out. Confused

penge - 2008-06-07 10:14

I totally agree with beatbox . I'am voting for giraffe's next time to inherited the world, they couldn't stuff it up as much as we have.

oldskool69 - 2008-06-07 10:49

Originally posted by Penge:
I totally agree with beatbox . I'am voting for giraffe's next time to inherited the world, they couldn't stuff it up as much as we have.

Laugh Out Loud

- 2008-06-07 11:43

Global warming i agree with the guys and who cares anyway we will be dead in 50 years and the people around you don't care about you (robbery rape murder buggery) all that crap in the world so i dont care about future generations the people around us are bad enough already.

jvc.floyd - 2008-06-07 12:37

lol lol lol you said it tim in 50 years it wont matter to me hell in ten years it wont matter to me lol.its the other things that are killing us now like gas prices/food prices/shortages/hell pretty soon i will be able to pay the ladies of the evening with 89 octane regular gas ,be kinda awkward handing them a gas can instead of money

asdexander - 2008-06-07 13:36

But hey, people. At least our ghettoblasters run on electricity, and not fossile fuels!

jovie - 2008-06-07 23:01

Fear and guilt are big motivators.If you tell the masses the planet is dying (and as a result of their own conduct),they will do anything they're told.The science isn't settled on this issue.However,most peoples minds have been already made up for them.So just to be on the safe side get ready to be told what you can drive and how far,what kind of light bulbs you can use,etc.,etc..Mostly get ready to give this authority along with more of your money to the governing bodies of the world so they can "fix" the problem.

Of course this "necessary" interference goes way beyond the individual also.The west puts more and more regulation (environmental and otherwise) on their industry even telling them what they can and can't produce in the name of saving the planet.Meanwhile China and India proceed uninhibited and have no intentions of tying their own hands economically.As a result the balance of powers and economics continues to shift.

Do you see a trend here?Isn't it really all about power and control anyway?Crisis modes allow for more governmental control of people and their wealth,property,and even conduct allowing socialism to tighten its grip.Say goodbye to your liberty for the "common good"...

beatbox - 2008-06-08 07:02

Originally posted by Jovie:
Fear and guilt are big motivators.If you tell the masses the planet is dying (and as a result of their own conduct),they will do anything they're told.The science isn't settled on this issue.However,most peoples minds have been already made up for them.So just to be on the safe side get ready to be told what you can drive and how far,what kind of light bulbs you can use,etc.,etc..Mostly get ready to give this authority along with more of your money to the governing bodies of the world so they can "fix" the problem.

Of course this "necessary" interference goes way beyond the individual also.The west puts more and more regulation (environmental and otherwise) on their industry even telling them what they can and can't produce in the name of saving the planet.Meanwhile China and India proceed uninhibited and have no intentions of tying their own hands economically.As a result the balance of powers and economics continues to shift.

Do you see a trend here?Isn't it really all about power and control anyway?Crisis modes allow for more governmental control of people and their wealth,property,and even conduct allowing socialism to tighten its grip.Say goodbye to your liberty for the "common good"...

hmmmm interesting point, but you have to assume that the everyone who is worried about the future of the planet and who believes that what is happening now is man-made, is indeed part of the 'masses' you talk about.

I for one don't own a television set. I don't read the papers, and rarely listen to the radio. I did however hear new born birds chirping away in February of this year and do notice changes around me in nature.

I think that naturally assuming people with opposing views to yourself are automatically part of the 'masses' is a flaw in your argument.

Secondly, the many governments of this world have been well aware of the risks due to certain manufacturing techniques as well as the proliferation of carbon emitting processes and vehicles for many years now. If they'd wanted to take advantage of the situation, they would have over 20 years ago. Come on, the US STILL hasn't signed the Kyoto agreement. So here is another flaw in your argument.

Pointing fingers, whether at human nature, governments, the Chines, the Indians or even Aliens doesn't show anything other than the ever growing tendency of people and entire nations who would like to divert attention from themselves and there own failings. Another unecessary flaw.

If it is, as you imply, about the government trying to control you and how you live, why not take control of your own lives?

I do not drive and very very rarely use public transport. I ride my bike everywhere or walk. I don't watch TV, and I distance myself from the mass media. I eat locally produced foods and am considerate of my environment. And all this not because anybody 'told' me.

By the way, scientists have as recently as late last year agreed on the fact that humans are indeed responsible for big changes in our climate. So, yet another flaw.

It really isn't hard to do and believe it or not, you don't have to lose your liberty, just feel more in control of it!

But true, it is a lot easier to blame others and point fingers.

I apologise if this sounds a little harsh. Its just that I don't like to be pidgeon-holed or grouped in with the 'masses', just because my opinion differs to yours.

walkgirl - 2008-06-08 07:52

I think they should bann slurpy cars!, they
do make the most polution, and after that
war machines like earoplanes which fly around
all day for no real reason Mad

beatbox - 2008-06-08 08:29

Originally posted by walkgirl:
I think they should bann slurpy cars!, they
do make the most polution, and after that
war machines like earoplanes which fly around
all day for no real reason Mad

Damn those earoplanes!

fatdog - 2008-06-08 08:32

Earoplanes!! Laugh Out Loud We love you, Nicolle! Nod Yes

While there are many ad nauseum arguments on both sides of this issue, it all comes down to common sense when taking care of your environment. Unfortunately, there are lots of people all over the world who decide not to exercise any of it. Roll Eyes

I think the reason Jovie brought in the whole "government" thing is because, at least in the U.S., some of our government "officials" try to blame everything on so-called global warming.

Tornadoes? Global warming.
Too much rain? Global warming.
Snow storms and ice storms? Global warming. (WTF - Snow??)
Too many fat people in the world? Global warming. (It's true! I cause global warming all by myself - http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/booster_shots/2008/05/what-shall-we-b.html)

Pretty soon, you'll hear something like, "walking outside to get the mail causes global warming."

After a while, their reasons turn to fallacy and you realize there's perhaps an ulterior motive to blaming climate change on everything.

walkgirl - 2008-06-08 08:48

Originally posted by beatbox:
Originally posted by walkgirl:
I think they should bann slurpy cars!, they
do make the most polution, and after that
war machines like earoplanes which fly around
all day for no real reason Mad

Damn those earoplanes!

Those are the ones! Big Grin

Oops, I did not realise I did write it wrong Red Face

walkgirl - 2008-06-08 08:50

I see them all day flying around, what does that mean? Confused Razz

* my brain hurts * Tap Toes

jovie - 2008-06-08 09:23

Don't apologize for sounding harsh Beatbox.When I posted I really wasn't thinking of you so don't be offended.I respect you and always have.I just don't agree with any of your points.Also you read too much into my single use of a specific word.My point was that it's easy to influence "masses" (simply meaning a large amount and I'm not intending to otherwise group them or include you) of people.This is obviously being done and I feel it is based on incorrect science by people with agendas.All I'm saying is that there is another side to this argument that needs to be heard before some very drastic measures are put into place.I feel Al Gore is only trying to deter free speech when he proclaimed "the debate is over".He has significant financial investments based on the seriousness of mans affect on the warming of the planet and has said so.

As for not watching TV or listening to radio,I'm assuming you get your news from the internet.This is probably the best way in my opinion as both sides are out there.However,it seems many people tend to believe the first thing they read and not research the other side.In a way it sort of reminds me of the 911 conspiracy theories.There are websites debunking all of it but obviously that's just less interesting and exciting to a majority of people.

fatdog - 2008-06-08 09:58

It's funny you should bring up ol' Al Gore. The man is supposed to be some big environmentalist, but is actually involved with strip mining in his home town of Carthage, TN. A old friend of mine owns land on the other side of the river, from which you can see the entrance to the zinc mine. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

ford93 - 2008-06-08 10:15

Also when Al Gore flys he's always leave a carbon footprint due to the airplane he flies in. C'mon Al practice what you preach you just want us little people to practice on being green so you can still fly like a rich boy. All the rich gets to enjoy their toys except for us hey!

jvc.floyd - 2008-06-08 11:21

just keep in mind nobody becomes a politician for free or even cheap its all money driven the whole damn lot ,if they could profit from the end of the world they would.

- 2008-06-08 14:03

Originally posted by jvc floyd:
lol lol lol you said it tim in 50 years it wont matter to me hell in ten years it wont matter to me lol.its the other things that are killing us now like gas prices/food prices/shortages/hell pretty soon i will be able to pay the ladies of the evening with 89 octane regular gas ,be kinda awkward handing them a gas can instead of money

lol hell man the way things are going they will be charging you for your own fart imissions

And i agree with nicoll about aeroplanes one flight to america and back puts out more imissions than sombody does in there whole life this is an actual FACT but tell everybody they cant go on holiday again there would be riots.

I belive i dont drive so i can fart more etc i have done my bit for the inviroment thank you.

beatbox - 2008-06-08 14:08

Hey Jovie, I'm really glad I can point out what I think may be flaws in your views, and also enjoy that you can argue back without either of us bowing out or giving in. Whatever our beliefs, its certainly better to talk about them and get them out in the open and DEBATE, rather than become one of the many who simply crawl back into their holes holding onto their beliefs incapable of LISTENING.

Well done for opening a thread and for keeping the argument going. As Fatdog said, there are many views and opinions on both sides. And woe onto us if we, as humans can't at least talk openly about what we feel.

Respect right back to you.

- 2008-06-08 14:20

And here is my biggest point yet wich is closer to home years ago things lasted for 20 years, most things now only last 6 months so where is all that crap going, nobody has actually pointed this out in goverement why because they can make MONEY out of throwaway genarations. CASE MY REST I.

ford93 - 2008-06-09 09:57

We as a whole have waited too long and my guess is that there will be wars fought over oil. I just pray that our politicians quit fighting each other and find common ground pronto! If we are to exist in this world we must act now!

masterblaster84 - 2008-06-09 10:05

Originally posted by ford93:
Also when Al Gore flys he's always leave a carbon footprint due to the airplane he flies in. C'mon Al practice what you preach you just want us little people to practice on being green so you can still fly like a rich boy. All the rich gets to enjoy their toys except for us hey!

Yep, most politicians are huge hypocryts and this has nothing to do with being a Republican or a Democrat, it's the whole bunch. They profit huge off of us schleps by selling us what they think we want to hear. There's two sides, the one they present to us and the one that really goes on which they profit from big time. Politics is for the rich, those that get into politics with truly good intention don't last because the game wears them down and spits them out.

ford93 - 2008-06-09 15:32

I Agree you are so right MB just recently I was posted at a golf course community million dollar homes. One of the residents held a fundraiser for Pres. George Bush last year in less than an hour they raised 1 million dollars the plates were going for $25.000 a pop. I bet the residents were letting him know "now don't you forget me ya hear". America has a for sale sign and it's ashame that for one capitalism has is good intention and then there's the bad intention "GREED"!

beatbox - 2008-06-09 17:03

The situation in the States does sound bad and does seem to cloud the overall issue here. It seems as though wherever possible, people are willing to take a stand against the government.

I don't know how much good this does to the issue of climate change.

It is a global issue, let's not forget and so however important what goes on the US may be, not every land on the planet is the same and we must look at the issue on a global basis.

Anyway, I think I've said enough on the matter. It sure sounds sh*tty to live in the US right now. I feel for you guys! Frown

fatdog - 2008-06-09 17:11

Originally posted by beatbox:
Anyway, I think I've said enough on the matter. It sure sounds sh*tty to live in the US right now. I feel for you guys! Frown
If I didn't have a wife and daughter, I'd be mighty tempted to try out a new place of residence, at least temporarily, in Sweden, Germany, or Ireland.

jimski - 2008-06-09 18:18

All i have to say hear is that, where headed for self destruction. Leaving