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fatboyrafe - 2008-04-12 23:09

ahhhh....just reclaimed the high score spots on my local playboy pinball machine. not only did i finally get back into first place, i took second as well on a heavily used machine that's been in place for about 7 months now. it's nice to be able to squeeze more than an hour and a half out of 2 bucks worth of quarters. anyone else know the feeling?

sinister - 2008-04-13 00:16

i suck!!! @ pool tonite. Frown

sinister - 2008-04-13 00:17

ooh yeah i love your avatar Big Grin

- 2008-04-13 07:51

I totally know the feeling.
Also arkanoid was my thing. 2-3hrs everytime I played. Totally burned more electric than a simple quarter worth Big Grin

jt - 2008-04-13 10:18

LOL!!! I know that feeling, too! A friend of mine has a pinball machine at his house. I forgot the name of it (will have to find out) but he had a party one night almost a year ago now and I put up a monster 27million points on it during a little tournament that night. Two weeks ago I got a phone call from him that he finally beat my score. Now he has that feeling!

My favorite boombox from back in the analog scoring days was SPACE MISSION. I remember the Playboy machine, that's a fun one!

Best of luck keeping your PINBALL WIZARD title!



autoreverser - 2008-04-13 13:34

i LOVE pinball !!!

one of my big passions (hifi, motorbikes, pinball, table-football), grew up with those things !!!

got my own '85 Williams HIGH-SPEED and a '69 Bally COSMOS...


fatboyrafe - 2008-04-13 15:06

i know hi speed, that's a good one. it's a little cliche to say it, but my favorite is twilight zone. there's just so much to do, so many toys... the bar i play at used to have it, but it disappeared one day and was replaced with the stern playboy, which is kinda blah, but keeps me coming back based on sheer number of replays you can get.

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-14 23:05

Pinball is good stuff.

I haven't gotten back in for about 4 years, but at that time I had most of my favorites:

Bride of Pinbot
Fish Tales

I also have had many upright and cocktail arcade machines. I look forward to buying a house again so I can re-establish a personal collection.

I miss me some Track-n-Field Smile

enskanker - 2008-04-17 09:04