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sorry I have been gone for a few days pics

erniejade - 2008-04-02 21:42

I picked up my carver amazing original speakers. I had Jen take a pic with me standing next to one in the basement so you can get a feel for the size of it.

the piano black still looks new on them!!!

They are fantastic sounding speakers. Extreamly revieling but needs a ton of power to run them!

Now the Huge issue with a speaker that has old ribbons on it it is rated at 4 ohms. at 84 db efficient. Bcause it is a ribbon, it will dip down to 1 ohm in a heartbeat. My 200 watt per channel amp cannot power them! Actually it went into protect mode and shut down!

Looking around, I found I either have to spend a ton of $ for a amp that can take it or look at a pro amp instead.

so ,,, i hooked a QSC PLX 3602
8 ohms
FTC 20 Hz - 20 kHz 0.05% THD
EIA 1 kHz 0.1% THD
725 W
775 W
4 ohms
FTC 20 Hz - 20 kHz 0.05% THD
EIA 1 kHz 0.1% THD
1100 W
1250 W
2 ohms EIA 1 kHz 1% THD
1800 W

Now just so you know when i tested the speakers, the person had a carver amp rated at 380 per and I ran the amp dry! it had no more to give. LOL 380 watts gives it medium / hi volume with NO headrom!

I am debating on if i should keep the qsc plx amp or try to look for a set of carver silver 7T or 9T amps.

The better amp to run on them would be the sunfire signature II 600 X 2 amp but they stopped making them 2 years ago! Tap Toes

If anyone has a suggestion for an amp, besides the pro amp, I am all ears!!! OR if you can find a sunfire 600x2 amp that would even be beter!

the speakers are 5'6" tall, 2 30" ribbons in each speaker so a total of 4. 4 12" honeycomb disk woofers in eqch so a total of 8. and at 8 ohm power rating 1200 watts, so at a 4 ohm rating it is in the 2000 watt range.

here is a shot with the grill off

enskanker - 2008-04-03 03:22

amazing machines, B. The only thing though, you seemed taller in person.

oldskool69 - 2008-04-03 04:15

Those ethings sound awsome! I'm going to look around to help you on this one if I can. Unfortunately Ernie, you may need to find an amp that was matched specifically for these. I remeber there was one but I can't remember the name for the life of me. Roll Eyes

skippy1969 - 2008-04-03 04:39

Wow man those are awesome!!!! Congrats... Eek Big Grin

erniejade - 2008-04-03 07:42

Thanks for the congrats!!

The amps from carver that were the " best" ones to run them on were the Carver Silver 7T mono blocks, or the Carver 9T mono block. Although they say the 760X run in mono and using 2 of them will do the tirck. Also the Carver TFM 75 has enough juice to run them.

THe Sunfire Signature II 600 X 2 will also take the current.

Other brands that will run them like Krell will cost me in the $5000 and up range! Eek

Ed, I was taller in person, Jenny cut my legs down so I couldn't run from her!

daiwa - 2008-04-03 07:51

Good to see you getting ready to damage the foundation on your home Brian! Razz Those things are literally going to suck the energy right out of your system. Time for solar panels on the roof, to power the stereo...oh, wait, Chicago, better go with a wind prop or two!!

My guitarist Jef still has two Acoustic Research amps that didn't sell at the Vintage Voltage show. I'll see what their rated, they have huge heat sinks in the back, but I get the feeling you're going to have to go with the proven Carvers... whatever you do, don't start any fires! Wink

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-03 07:54

Brian those are sweet looking and I understand sweet sounding as well. I understand they are power hungry though so the Sunfire amps are probably a good recommendation.

oldskool69 - 2008-04-03 07:54

Thanks guys! That's what I couldn't think of at 6 in the morning! The Sunfires were desiged for these if I remember correctly. Don't know how easy it is to get one though. Nod Yes

erniejade - 2008-04-03 07:55

LOL Daiwa, I actually am borrowing the qsc plx. from a friend that works at Guitar center. I have to return the amp in a day ro 2 or I have to buy it LOL.

The amp I WAS trying to go with was the crown Macro Tech MA3600 but, that amp needs a 20 amp and has the special funkeyyyyyyy plug on the back of it.

AR amps rocks! YES let me know or if he knows where to get a the amps mentioned above, that would rock also!!!!

erniejade - 2008-04-03 07:57

The sunfire signature 600 x2 or the singature II 625 X 2 yep.

They stopped makinging them. I have been looking on ebay but no luck so far. They do have the 300 watt version but that will not work.

daiwa - 2008-04-03 08:41

Hey B, here's a great link, but I don't think you're going to like what you read about the big Carvers, although it's a mixed bag on the 7 and 9T. Still looking for more info on what I meant to say is the "AUDIO (not "acoustic") RESEARCH amps, we have a D120 and a D52B.

Carver Audio Silver 7t/9t

erniejade - 2008-04-03 09:49

With the silver 7 and 9 T it was a love hate thing LOL some loved them some hated them but, they are one of the few home amps that can hold a 1-2 ohm load while not blowing themselves up.

Other then the carver ... my route is to keep with the QSC amp. It actually sounds good on the system.

the d120 is a fantastic amp but no where near the wattage or current that i need for the ribbons. same with the 52

Calssic amps though wonderfull sounding units!

erniejade - 2008-04-03 09:51

if you look the people that love the silver 7 or 9 are the ones running ribbon speakers! the ones that hate them are running conventional. That would explain it!

daiwa - 2008-04-03 10:43

I think the post counter is stuck at 5000! You broke the post counter man! Big Grin

enskanker - 2008-04-03 11:09


jimski - 2008-04-03 14:08

Originally posted by erniejade:
LOL Daiwa, I actually am borrowing the qsc plx. from a friend that works at Guitar center. I have to return the amp in a day ro 2 or I have to buy it LOL.

The amp I WAS trying to go with was the crown Macro Tech MA3600 but, that amp needs a 20 amp and has the special funkeyyyyyyy plug on the back of it.

AR amps rocks! YES let me know or if he knows where to get a the amps mentioned above, that would rock also!!!!

That is still 120 volt plug on it. I have 2 macro tech 5000vz same plug

erniejade - 2008-04-04 09:53

Cool!! I will look into the 3600 people said i would get better sound out of the 3600 the the qsc plx 3602


5001 LOL

jimski - 2008-04-04 14:05

any macro tech amp will beat down any qsc.

71spud - 2008-04-04 22:47

Originally posted by erniejade:
The sunfire signature 600 x2 or the singature II 625 X 2 yep.

They stopped makinging them. I have been looking on ebay but no luck so far. They do have the 300 watt version but that will not work.

I used to have 4 of the signatures at the same time.... nice amps! I only have two now.. the best ones with the gold connectors on the back. Also a Sig 5 channel and TGIV and a Classic Tube.... and 3 Sunfire subs (jr,sig and pro)

Love that Sunfire gear!

71spud - 2008-04-04 22:53

You can try Audiogon.com too. Better gear in better condition from better sellers than ebay. Usually for a better price too. No 600x2 right now though... I will keep an eye out though. Expect to pay $1800-$2200 for a vg condition amp though.

71spud - 2008-04-04 22:55

BTW if you want to audition one of my Sunfire signatures just let me know, I am not too far away from you. They are not for sale, probably never will be, but you are welcome to see how you like it. I could bring the tube preamp too.... Carvers love tubes...

erniejade - 2008-04-05 01:16

That would rock!! I live in Bolingbrook actually.

I have to deceide this week if i am going to return the qsc qmp and wait for a decent amp...... That would be ideal if I could hear them on that amp. Or compair that amp to the qsc i am running on them right now.

I almost hit the buy it now for the silver 7t on ebay ..... almost.

nak.d - 2008-04-05 05:23

Great thread, extremely nice to see such unusual and fantastic speakers! Although expensive new, how about a second user pair of Musical Fidlety kWP series mono blocks, or the monster sized kWP intergrated?

71spud - 2008-04-05 05:34

These are my speakers.... 5-way crossover... yes, those are 2 12's on the bottom. 5 feet tall...

erniejade - 2008-04-05 22:29

I remember thoes infinity's Nice!!! clean sounding speakers for sure!! I have a set of the small rs7B with the emit tweeters at my work. clean sound I love the infinity emits.

I am selling a pair of sm 150's but, before I was going to sell them i was going to put the emits in there.. I just never had the time to play with them.

Nak D Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista kW Monobloc: $23,995
In the looks department, the kW doesn't hold a 1000W candle to the magnificently turned-out Pass Labs XA 160 that I reviewed last November—but appearance isn't everything, and its imposing size and scale make the nicely finished, all-business kW look pretty good.

Each kW chassis has a single-ended input and is rated at 1000W into 8 ohms, 1800 into 4 ohms, and a speaker-boggling 3000W into 2 ohms. Instantaneous peak output is claimed to be a frightening 5000W, with a peak current potential of ±200 amps and output voltage of around 130 amps


nice but a bit out of my price range!!! lol

nak.d - 2008-04-06 03:51

Yes, sorry! I was hoping 2nd hand would be cheap and not the $24k mark, assuming $23,995 is the 2nd hand price...