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This is CRAZY

smokinendo - 2008-04-02 09:10

OK I've seen some dancin in my day but this takes it ! This guy is CRAZY GOOD

Check it out


thafuzz - 2008-04-02 09:39

I remember this guy. Saw it about a year+ ago. truly crazy. Amazingly strong and flexible dude.

jt - 2008-04-02 12:45

Yea, that guy is an incredible breakdancer. I seem to remember a post here with that same video where it was discussed that guy was in some kind of accident at some point and was confined to a wheelchair for some time. It was thought he would never walk again, but during PT/rehab he developed incredible upper body strength and regained use of his legs. When you watch that video, you can kind of tell his legs are very thin and that his leg motions seem a bit awkward at time. No denying his skills, for sure!

kid.sensation - 2008-04-02 12:57

BBOY Junior is his name Smile

If you like this..you might want to check out "Lazy Legs" from canada.( see the connection with crazy legs? Big Grin )
I think he has disabled legs but he dances with his walking aid(s)

check him out here

dude is crazy too!!

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-02 13:10

WTF? Eek that is wickedly good. I would have to agree that he doesn't have much weight below the waist otherwise he wouldn't be able to perform some of those crazy moves. At times it almost appears the video is running in reverse.