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WMC 08 South Beach Sanyo

jt - 2008-03-29 18:58

The Sanyo makes the trip to SoBe!

Having a blast down here for Winter Music Conference 2008! Temps in the 80's and killer vibe going on musically!

If any of you are into any kind of electronica, you gotta make a trip down here for this one March!

Here's a Lasonic I931 sticker on the side of a phone booth I saw yesterday... I now own that sticker! LOL!

This caught my eye... for obvious reasons!

At like 4am at the AM Only party, Karu&Y in Miami:

Later!!!! Off to head out for an all nighter again!


redbenjoe - 2008-03-29 19:06

THRILLING shots-- thanks

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-29 19:18

Thanks for sharing JT, looks like you and your Sanyo are having a blast.

jaredscottfla - 2008-03-29 19:33

Cool enjoy jt!

jt - 2008-03-30 02:53

Here's a few more... 5:46am and finally back to the hotel. South Beach is sooooooo over the top!
There's still massive foot & vehicle traffic outside:

here's a blurry Benny Benassi shot..

Second Sun live PA, very good show!

Main Room at Karu & Y


petey.awol - 2008-03-30 07:25

WMC is the tits. I fina lly made it down last year for it. First night i was down there me and two of my crew drank for 19 hours. Eating and drinking untill the DJ Craze party opened. Ultra Fest is over rated and too expensive, but the smaller parties are so the way to go. JT you make me jealous you bastardo*. (With respect natrually)

vladi123456 - 2008-03-30 09:07

JT, super nice picture of a band - what camera did you use?

ford93 - 2008-03-30 10:03

Hey JT you've got some great shot being low light. I used to live in Miami and during the Music Conference you could'nt drive your car total madness. Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-03-30 10:30

for any of those great South Beach events ,you have to ditch your wheels and WALK !!

but then -- its some of the worlds best walking Smile
--- hey JT -- what camera and what sanyo ??

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-30 10:48

Originally posted by ford93:
Hey JT you've got some great shot being low light.

I noticed the same thing, those are excellent low light shots. JT what did you take those pics with.

ford93 - 2008-03-30 14:54

I bet JT is asleep the last post was at 5am. Those shots are great were they taken with the flash off and what was the shooting mode set and what brand? Cool

oldskool69 - 2008-03-30 21:15

Those are some nice pics. I use a Canon S3IS and it does night shots like a dream! Nod Yes I wish I could still party like that! Laugh Out Loud

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-30 21:24

I wish I could still party like that! Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Yup, wish!!!

jt - 2008-03-31 08:34

OK, so its Monday morning and I'm finally back home and have had a solid nine hours of rest behind me. Thank goodness that I only live four hours away by car and didn't have to fly to Miami! RBJ is right, traffic in South Beach itself is absolute mayhem, eclipsed only by the sheer ridiculousness of the drink prices and cover charges. A beer is at least $8, mixed drinks start at $12 and the most expensive cover charge I heard about this year was the Danny Tenaglia party, where he played an 18-hour set.... entry price, only $200!!!!

To answer some of the questions from you guys, the Sanyo that graced our hotel room and trips to the pool and patio with music was the M9990 (and a Digisette MP3 player).

The camera I used is a Canon 20D. Lenses were either the 17-55mm f2.8 IS or the Canon 10-22mm wide angle zoom. In that environment, I push the ISO to 800 or 1600 and shoot in aperture priority mode. And since the scenes are dark anyway, I push the exposure compensation down to -1 or even -2. That gives me a quick shutter speed and lets the lights at the venues show up with more of their own effect. I do use the on-camera flash sometimes, but typically prefer not to. I have been taking WMC pics for 8 years straight now and when I get to 10 years I'll likely do a book. I'm fortunate in that, being a DJ in that scene myself for as long as I have been, I know a lot of these artists and DJs personally and thus get a fair amount of priveledged access, which saves a $hitload on cover charges and often gets me behind the DJ booth as well.

The Sanyo got several compliments from passers by, some of which turned into pretty good conversations about which boxes they had in their past and how they wish they still had it. One guy was raving about his old Conion and how he wish he regrets selling it years ago, but the most memorable of these chats was with a really friendly guy named Tim from NYC. He got very excited when he realized he probably still had an M70 buried in a box in his parents garage... (My thougth was, how could you forget you had one of those?). While we were poolside, he even went so far as to call his folks to make sure they didn't toss it out and had his Dad go out to the garage and take a look. He was as excited as a little kid in a candy store when he found out they actually still had it. He said his dad found it real easy because it was still packed in its original box!!! He also said it was missing an antenna but remembers it should be pretty good shape otherwise, but the strap was pretty worn. When I told him that an M70 in its original box went for over $1800 on eBay last year and that they routinely sell for over $300 in very used condition, he left for a few minutes and came back with a pitcher of mojitos! I also told him about this site. Maybe he will join?

From our final night out, here's just acouple more shots from the Hope Recordings 10-year anniversary party at Shine, a club in the Shelborne Hotel... Dave Seaman and Nick Warren played what I thought was probably the best late night DJ sets I ever heard, which is really saying something. What a killer vibe at this one! The pics really don't do it justice, but I had such a good time I had to include these anyway.

And finally (for those of you who like to look at almost naked girls) here are my final parting shots... They are from the Headkandi party at one of my favorite venues down there... Nikki Beach!

Take care and keep booming!


ford93 - 2008-03-31 08:45

Danny Tenaglia great DJ love his work, I wonder whatever happen to Junior Vasquez another great DJ from NYC.

House music all nite long! Big Grin

ford93 - 2008-03-31 08:47

That Canon takes very good shots thanks for the info. JT.

oldskool69 - 2008-03-31 09:25

Well JT it looks like it was a really great time! And those are some sweet squaws you got pics of! Eek The good thing is that at least you didn't post poorly dressed plus sized (for the politically correct) chicks like Ira would have! Laugh Out Loud Vladi however is dissapointed. Laugh Out Loud

kid.sensation - 2008-03-31 09:26

I hope one day i will put my feet on american ground.And this place would be one of the first to check out Cool

Those pics are great JT!3 of them just went in to my randomized background-slideshow Smile

looks like a very nice event, thanks for sharing!

redbenjoe - 2008-03-31 09:37

oldskool --due to your spirited encouragement-
i just deleted my massive chubby chick gallery --

----------and almost admitting that these JT squaws are 1/2 as nice as my spring break groupies Laugh Out Loud

-and JT - the 9990 looks great , as do all your cool shots

jt - 2008-03-31 10:53

Thanks for all the props, guys! I'm always glad to be able to provide something positive and fun that pertains to music being played very loud! Especially with some of the drama that has played out on here lately.

Ira, it sounds like I need to check out your spring break pics! Should I do a site-search here or do you have them posted to a gallery somewhere?

Oldskool, I think if there were a vote on this forum for Official S2G King of Wit, you would likely win. And if the 69 in your handle is related to your birthyear (rather than the obvious other connotation) then take some comfort in the fact that I was born in '66... Go to a party with me and you will not be the oldest person there!

Ford, I don't know what Junior Vasquez has been up to lately... I haven't heard any new stuff tunes from him for some time now, but I did have the good fortune to hear him play at Palladium back in the mid-90's, Great DJ!!! He was pretty old then and must be pushing 60 years old by now. If you're in Tampa (seem to remember reading you were) we need to hook up sometime and boom some tunes over some brews!!!

Kid, Thanks again for the Boombox Classics CD you linked me up with! I hope we can meet sometime too!

redbenjoe - 2008-03-31 11:34

JT - yup , my goofy shots on on this off-topic channel -- back a week ago --"spring Break live"

but they are like dead --compared to yours !! Smile

- 2008-03-31 12:53

Vasquez still Dj's in NYC. As well as Danny Tenaglia. Last time i personally caught Tenaglia was him and Carl Cox playing at the old Twilo, think Danny went on at 5am and the place was still wall to wall with dancing people.

- 2008-03-31 12:54

Sh*t, this i Petey Awol. Why'd my name change. Went to my graffiti tag name. Weird. Oh well....

jt - 2008-03-31 13:53

Vasquez still Dj's in NYC. As well as Danny Tenaglia. Last time i personally caught Tenaglia was him and Carl Cox playing at the old Twilo, think Danny went on at 5am and the place was still wall to wall with dancing people.

Hi Petey, Carl Cox and Danny T on the same night must have been awesome!

Since you seem to be in NY, do you ever get to any of Francois Kevorkian's parties up there?

Check this out: Francois K. Interview

It was confirmed to me over the weekend that he is still doing his DeepSpace Monday nights. He is an amazing DJ and if I am ever in NYC on a Monday night I am definitely going to hunt down that venue.

petey.awol - 2008-04-01 18:03

To be honest I'm not too into music outside of Drum And Bass, and NuSkool Breaks. I Do listen to alot of other stuff dont get me wrong. If i head out im 99% of the time going out for a d&b event. Its what got me into the whole scene to begin with. That and taking extacy pills in the early 90's honestly. LOL. However I am into good dj sets from some of the heavyweights. From Frankie Bones to Adam Beyer to Cox etc etc etc. Big fan of Billy Nasty sets, but I dont think he's been back to NYC in years.

Heres a link you'll want if you come to NYC. It'll pretty much have 90% of the parties that go on in NYC. Rhythism.com

I have been to Cielo before and that venue is dope. I have seen Ronnie Size there and more recently i did catch Adam Beyer there in like fall last year. Beautiful venue. Highly recommend going to it if you do come up. You would enjoy it. Also Love on McDougal Street @ 8th street. best sound system in NYC by far. Best DJ both also.

If i find pictures of the booth at Love i'll post 'em. Any other nyc party scene questions feel free to ask.

petey.awol - 2008-04-01 18:24

Thats Dj DB of NYC's legendary NASA fame playing on the system at LOVE. (I knew i would find a picture.)

jt - 2008-04-02 11:28

Hi Kid, Thanks for posting the great pic! Nice booth! Those rotary mixers are starting to crop up all over. Are those big analog VU meters built into the booth structure? Very cool idea!

I like some drum & bass, mostly the older, more chill LTJ Bukem style, if you know what I mean. Funny thing I noticed when my friend Dread came over with some D&B & jungle records to record a CD a couple of years ago... there are actually some D&B records that were cut for 45rpm that you can slow down to 33rpm and they sound like house tracks.

I do play some NuSkool breaks sometimes to throw some variation into house sets. Have you ever heard of DJ Hyper or General Midi from the UK?

petey.awol - 2008-04-02 13:20

Hyper is a familiar name. I just got the breaks bug from attending Dj Craze's Bass Session party last year at WMC. So i am slow to learn it all. Like the who's who of it all. It basically all im downloading these days. (Yes im a soulseek scumbag.) I dont DJ so i dont have a need to buy the vinyls.

Bukem is cool. I love just about all DNB/Jungle. From the super intensity of a DJ Hype set to a chilled out atmospheric set too. Depends what mode i'm into at the moment. Recomend so dope breaks sets to search out for. Like any live event you can name off the top of ya head. If you got soulseek. Im drelstar77 on there.

jt - 2008-04-03 04:35


Thanks for that site info, I'll keep it in mind for future travels. A trip to NYC is inevitable.

For some good progressive breaks, check out any of the Y3K or Y4K compilations on Distinctive records. That is the label Hyper works with. Also, General Midi has some really good progressive breaks tracks and compilations out there as well.

A cool site for all kinds of DJ mix downloads is www.freshlymixed.com which I'm sure contains some D&B and Jungle as well. I think I remember some Fabio & Grooverider sets listed there at some point.

Take care,