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I'm in love for the very first time

vladi123456 - 2008-03-27 19:19

Ok, boys and girls - I really need some advice. There's a girl at my gym - she takes my breath away!!! Eek
But I don't know how to approach her - they don't serve alcohol at my gym - can you believe THAT!!! So I can't buy her a drink. And she listens to her stupid ipod all of the time, so I can't really start a meaningful conversation either, and even if I could - I have no idea what to say to a girl at a gym - obviously things like "You're sweating really nice today" is only gonna get me kicked in the nutts (excuse my French) Big Grin
So - anybody flirted with girls listening to stupid ipods at their gyms lately?
Or any ladies who like to work out - what topics would you be interested in discussing with a tall dark and handsome stranger while on a treadmill running 40 miles an hour????
Share some tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-27 19:24

Vladi, a simple ice breaker that has worked for me is to approach them and ask if you can work in, of course this only works when they are using weights or machines and not the treadmill. They always take the earphones out when I do it but I always try to follow it up quickly with a funny comment about working out then I introduce myself. Now the trick is the next time you see her make eye contact and walk up to her for some small talk, if she quickly pulls the earphones out then she's either very friendly or interested.

Hey laugh it up guys but it's worked for me numerous times. Big Grin

vladi123456 - 2008-03-27 19:35

That is an awesome advice - I will definately try that!!
Ya, I'm more used to communicating with half-drunk people at the bars - wow, I wish I could videotape myself - I would probably win the *Humiliation of the year* award Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-03-27 19:35

most girls feel more comfortable when you speak of a common person or place ----

so - here is your best shot -- say:

"hi - i am a friend of uncle eds -soon to be in Marshal NC "

-----(works for me) Smile

smokinendo - 2008-03-27 19:35

Even easier... for the next two weeks simply say

"Hey Jenny" Smile every time you see her

If the first day she doesn't say anything continue to say

"Hey Jenny" Smile every time you see her

Eventually she'll say...ahhh my names not Jenny !

and you can say well mine's not Steve Smile

Then follow up with your real name and Nice to finally meet you Smile

The ice will be broken you will have spoken to her a few times without getting nervous and you will Finally know her real name Wink

Your on your own from there kid-o

Good luck it's all about feeling comfortable so that she feels comfortable when your talking

jvc.floyd - 2008-03-27 19:40

i always at least make sure they know im alive then i look to see if they dig me ,if i get no response ,i move on .lol

vladi123456 - 2008-03-27 19:46

Thank you all for your input. I especially like Ira's advice - what woman wouldn't wanna spend a night with me after I mention UE Wink
But on a serious note - I think the best idea so far is what Don suggested - to ask if I could work out with her - that way I'll have at least a few mins with her, so I can introduce myself and such. I can't believe I didn't think of that before - and I've been drooling about her the last 2-3 weeks!! Laugh Out Loud
I'm totally out of practice!!

fatdog - 2008-03-27 19:49

This is Mrs. FatDog ('lil pup) Wink . First: whatever my husband tells you to do, do the opposite! I love him to death, but flirting ain't his forte.

Second: don't use a bunch of cheesy pick up lines you would use at a bar. Generally speaking, those only actually work for "hook ups" and don't last longer than the night. Having said that, I do like MasterBlaster's line about "do you mind if I work in with you?", but be careful, that could be taken as a sleeze ball phrase to the wrong girl. I think it's pretty catchy, but "Work In with you"...I mean if she doesn't hear the "with" it takes on a whole different connotation No No - you'll most likely get a slap in the face.

Girls always love compliments, but since she's in her workout clothes, you need to be careful there. I'm sure the spandex may make the T&A look real nice, but don't go there, trust me. And don't say anything that could be creepy like "Gee you look great when you run". Compliment her on something, hair and eyes are pretty safe.

I'd respond more to straight forward nice guys than anything. Try to catch her eye from another machine, give her a head nod and a smile (no blown kisses or winks). If she smiles back, give it a few, then ask her what she's listening to, or even check out itunes to see what's in the top 10, ask if she has them yet. Honestly, from your pic, you're a pretty good looking guy, I wouldn't mind if you came up to me and started chatting.

Whatever you don't don't flex your muscles or pose in fornt of her - dork supreme!

jvc.floyd - 2008-03-27 19:52

dude i been there like a lost puppy ,be warned if she dont warm up too you dont fall in love ,just friendy advice i been there too.no suffering is like watching the woman you love loving everybody but you .i hope you score man ,just be your self and you have nothing to lose ,still like 5 hundred some million left to choose from.but then im no rudolph valetino so dont listen to me ,lol

vladi123456 - 2008-03-27 20:13

Mrs. FatDog,
I don't know how to say in words how much I appreciate your advice. And compliments Smile Your husband must be a very lucky man Smile

She normally doesn't come on Fridays, so I probably will have to wait until next week to try the smiles and niceness. Good thing my smiles aren't as dorky as this one Big Grin

JVC Floyd, ya, I know what you mean - and no, I'm not planing on falling in love - I just want to buy her a cup of coffee and have a chat and see if we even have anything in common. Monday couldn't come soon enough Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-03-27 20:33

on monday --try the "hey. Jenny " thing -

then report back here !!

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-27 20:35

Vladi if all else fails you could take one of your boxes in to the gym and work out to the tunes. Maybe she would want to plug into your headphone jack. Wink

vladi123456 - 2008-03-27 21:22

After seeing Ira's picture in another thread - I never want to take a boombox with me - what if some chubby girl at the gym gets naked and starts breakdancing? How am I going to explain THAT to my princess?? Wink

smokinendo - 2008-03-27 21:40

Dude it's all about the small talk

light conversation with no commitment

and never ask a question

Hey want to work out together ?

No thanks Smile

end of conversation LOL Questions only leave you open for rejection

a small comment like hey Jenny or any name you want to use ? is totally harmless and playful

maybe smile... but not too much

you don't want to look creepy LOL

If she doesn't respond to something as simply as a hey how are you then I wouldn't want to be bothered with her

I know you don't know me well heck no one here does yet but I'm a pretty good talker and as a kid I'd let my friends pick what girl they wanted me to talk to. It wasn't a challenge to hook up or get their # it was about being able to hold a conversation with them and get to know a little bit about them

sure sometimes this would lead to hook ups and the likes but it was good conversation that would start it all.

After the first summer of clubin with my three friends they began to pick bartenders instead of girls at the club, just imagine what you have to do to make good conversation with the best looking women in the whole building after she's been feed pick up line after pick up the entire evening

breaking the ice is key

after that stay calm and be yourself

just don't seem overly anxious

Maybe after you talk to her for a bit and get to laughing tell her that you'll put her on the 7 step program

Give her one of your phone # digits each time you see her until she has the whole thing and I bet you get a call on the seventh day LOL

Remember your not trying to bang her, guys who talk and act like that never get laid (sorry if that's inappropriate) if you really feel like you like her then you want to get to know her

plenty of time for the other stuff

Good luck dude and sorry for the long wind

Brian (happily married with 2 kids been together for 13 years and never broke up Smile )

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-27 22:20

Originally posted by Smokin_Endo:
Dude it's all about the small talk

light conversation with no commitment

and never ask a question

Hey want to work out together ?

No thanks Smile

end of conversation LOL Questions only leave you open for rejection

Absolutely right, keep it light. Gym etiquette allows for working in with somebody when you both want to use the same equipment at the same time, it's not the same as asking if you want to work out together wich would be a bad move. Anybody who has spent time in the gym knows how casual that is but if it's played right can open a dialogue and even a friendship, It's really common and most people in gyms don't think twice about it.

How ever you approach it Vladi, good luck! Wink

smokinendo - 2008-03-27 22:43

Absolutely right, keep it light. Gym etiquette allows for working in with somebody when you both want to use the same equipment at the same time, it's not the same as asking if you want to work out together wich would be a bad move. Anybody who has spent time in the gym knows how casual that is but if it's played right can open a dialogue and even a friendship, It's really common and most people in gyms don't think twice about it.

How ever you approach it Vladi, good luck!

Yeah I guess your right and when you put it like that & you already have something in common with her

but...dropping little comments can build into something without ever really having a conversation making it much easier when you finally do talk

confidence is important too

Just like MasterBlaster84 said

"How ever you approach it Vladi, good luck!"

X2 Wink

bashngu - 2008-03-27 22:44

Let us all know how da nutz feel after they get kicked.

No, seriously think of this. You collect boomboxes right? I guess you do I don't know but lets just say you do. Big Grin Try this!! She listens to her IPOD all the time right? You just bought an i931 right? Are you putting two and two together? Bring in the i931 and talk to her. Say something like "Hi, I couldnt help but notice that you are always listening to your IPOD and I just HAD to show you this. (then show her the i931) and ask her if she minds if you show her something.... (no not that!!) Big Grin (I mean with her IPOD) I am sure she will be curious and let you. Plug it in and show her what it does. Be honest, tell her you collect old boomboxes and this new one just came out in the style of the old ones. This should break the ice and you should be able to stir up a conversation and take it from there. Wink If it doesnt, well at least you can amuse us with da nut kicking story.

redbenjoe - 2008-03-28 04:03

vladi - --
this will sound , look and IS silly -- but its true and it works -- (mostly Smile )

i have accumulated a boombox belt buckle. a beach pillow and a few of these goofy, dorkeeee bags --

---if you will acquire these items --
or at least this bag -- and bring it to the gym
------it is an ice-breaker , for sure
(not kidding)


enskanker - 2008-03-28 04:06

I'll ask Betty and report back.

vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 08:04

Brian (Smokin_Endo) - I like the *7 step program*!! Big Grin

Don, "work out together" was not exactly what I meant - I was going to try what you and Mrs. FatFog suggested - ask if she wouldn't mind if I work in Big Grin
My plan so far - and I can't say enough how much I appreciate all the comments - especially from the female perspective (thanks Mrs. FatDog) - anyways, my plan so far is to talk with her for a few minutes while we're "using the same equipment at the same time" - I should have a few minutes - so I just plan to introduce myself and ask her name and where she's from and such - she just started coming to this gym a few weeks ago, so she must've moved from somewhere. I am not really a creepy type, so I probably won't (at least - not this time) flash some condoms while introducing myself as "They call me big dong" Laugh Out Loud

Brian (bashngu) - I didn't buy 931, but expect the nutt-breaking story real soon!! Big Grin

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-28 08:32

Originally posted by vladi123456:
Brian (Smokin_Endo) - I like the *7 step program*!! Big Grin

Don, "work out together" was not exactly what I meant - I was going to try what you and Mrs. FatFog suggested - ask if she wouldn't mind if I work in Big Grin
My plan so far - and I can't say enough how much I appreciate all the comments - especially from the female perspective (thanks Mrs. FatDog) - anyways, my plan so far is to talk with her for a few minutes while we're "using the same equipment at the same time" - I should have a few minutes - so I just plan to introduce myself and ask her name and where she's from and such - she just started coming to this gym a few weeks ago, so she must've moved from somewhere. I am not really a creepy type, so I probably won't (at least - not this time) flash some condoms while introducing myself as "They call me big dong" Laugh Out Loud

Probably wise not to introduce yourself that way. Laugh Out Loud

The fact that she is new to the gym gives you a better opportunity to talk to her and ask her harmless superficial questions. It's all small talk but that's how you start.

Good luck but remember now that you've involved the S2G love doctor collective you have to report back. Wink

smokinendo - 2008-03-28 08:33

LMAO ! Flash condoms

See you have a good sense of humor and all

You Good Bro !

Just do what you said and be your self

Good luck and embrace the butterfly feeling it only happens every so often the older we get

smokinendo - 2008-03-28 08:36

Good luck but remember now that you've involved the S2G love doctor collective you have to report back.

X 2 really three as my wife was very interested as well last night and this morning (women love gossip LOL)

erniejade - 2008-03-28 08:56

Ok here....

Besides cardio, does she do any kind of weights? or machines? Find out her routien, go the the buisest piece of equipment that she would be using, stand in line behind her. Make a comment like man I wish they would get another one or 2 of them since this one is always so busy. If she answers back there is your foot in the door. If she ignores you... You have your answer.

Has this worked for me in the past yes.

Granted I havent had to in 5 years though but thats ok.

I have had women come up to me while I am on the gut machines and say Nice technique. Most people just get up here and start swinging there legs instead of a nice controlled movement and that would start a conversation with me. ( till my girlfriend would walk by and give a look LOL. )

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-28 09:00

Originally posted by erniejade:
Ok here....

Besides cardio, does she do any kind of weights? or machines? Find out her routien, go the the buisest piece of equipment that she would be using, stand in line behind her. Make a comment like man I wish they would get another one or 2 of them since this one is always so busy. If she answers back there is your foot in the door. If she ignores you... You have your answer.

Keep in mind she has her Ipod on so she might not hear Vladi which is why I suggested asking if he can work in with her on the machine. This way he has to get her attention and it should prompt her to remove the earphones. Without the earphones on your suggestion is good.

erniejade - 2008-03-28 09:04

It depends on how loud she listens to it.

When I was approached, I had my ipod on also. I dont use ear buds though. I use Koss Porta pro lol.

The if standing behind her sort of bump in to her or if you club is like Lifetime fitness and everyone has a towel, drop it so you have to almost bump into her to pick it up. she will wither remove one plug or lower the volume to hear you say sorry about that.

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-28 09:09

Originally posted by erniejade:
If you club is like Lifetime fitness and everyone has a towel, drop it.

Good god man he's in the Gym not a Gay bath house.
Laugh Out Loud

71spud - 2008-03-28 09:16

OK, here is the deal... avoid pick-up lines or anything that seems like a pick-up line. Avoid asking to work in, out, sideways, whatever with her. (I have a vision of you spending 30 minutes working your way towards her only to spit out "Can I work my way into you?" By now oddly enough the gym is empty and she screams and sprays you with pepper spray) Avoid asking personal questions. By now she knows you have been looking at her. Trust me. If you are falling in love she has felt your beady little eyes trained on her for a while. This is what you need to do...

(1) Work out on a machine next to her

(2) Ask at some point how she likes her iPod

(3) Mention that you would like to listen to music when you work out, but you collect 80's era boom boxes and you don't think that anyone would appreciate you bringing one of those it (laugh) (Don't get into details about your hobby yet)

(4) Ask her what she is listening to. Mention what you like to listen to now.

(5) Talk about the 80's and 80's music and work your way quickly into whatever era you two have in common. Talk about how you can't believe whatever music/style/whatever was ever popular. (Laugh)

(6) Introduce yourself if you have not already. Mention where you work and/or live etc. DO NOT ASK HER THESE QUESTIONS. If she is comfortable she will give you her info after you give yours. You need to offer this personal information AFTER you have connected on common experiences. Don't show your intense interest FIRST and then find common interests. That will show her you were probably after her body first and trying to make small talk to talk your way into her pants.

(7) DON"T ASK HER OUT. Casually mention that you have to leave and that you will be back on ____ day working out, maybe you will see her then. (Pick a day that you know she will probably be there, but do not let her know that you know her workout schedule... that's too creepy for most women to handle)

Now she probably has been wondering the whole time what she is going to say when you drop the "wanna go out some time" line. Then you don't do it. It will make her wonder if you are different from other guys trying to pick her up. Give her some time to think about you. Leave her with the impression that you (1) are funny (2) didn't make her feel uncomfortable with 20 questions about where she lives/works. (3) are not afraid to laugh at the things that you thought were cool in High School.

Now make sure you show up when you said you were going to. If she is there GREAT! Because if she is not there she is probably down at the police station filling out the restraining order. However when you see her don't just casually say hi! to her or nod. If you do this you will waste the secondary meeting. Then you would have to work your way over again. Give her a friendly hello and mention a few things from your previous conversation (nothing personal though, like "I was thinking about where you work...) It will show you were thinking about her and not in a stalking kind of way. Try your best to pick up where you left off the other day. Today is the day you want to ask her to lunch or something. About 2/3 of the way into the conversation. By now she knows you are interested this gives her time to work in a "my boyfriend" into the conversation if she needs to. If she does don't panic. Keep up an nice casual relationship with her and she will eventually wonder why she is still staying with that creep when there are nice guys like you available. If she says yes to the lunch date or whatever you propose don't just run off and take a cold shower, continue talking for a bit and then make your exit.

If you need help on the first date, just let us know!

jvc.floyd - 2008-03-28 09:28

vladi man you got to diplay the goods homie,take your shirt off while working out then peek out of the corner of your eye to see if she is looking ,get her all hot and bothered then she is ripe for the pickins,now you know why im called the dr kavorkian of love ,

vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 10:15

erniejade, she does do the machines after the cardio, so that is where I'm planning to *accidentally* bump into her - although I'm still debating if I should go with Don's "work in" or 71spud's "next machine" scenario.
71spud, wow.....THANK YOU for taking the time to respond - AND - if anybody still thinks that girls don't come with a manual - read 71spud's post again!! Big Grin
And ya, I will definately report back whenever I see her next time - regardless of how humiliating or joyful the experience will be Big Grin

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-28 10:23

Originally posted by 71spud:
OK, here is the deal... avoid pick-up lines or anything that seems like a pick-up line. Avoid asking to work in, out, sideways, whatever with her.

Spud, asking to work in at the gym is not a pickup line. For anybody who has spent some time in the gym this is a very common question that everybody is asked whether gorgeous, ugly, fat, short, bald or whatever. It does not have any implication of a pick up line which makes it a great ice breaker.

You have some good suggestions as do many others. I'm more worried about Vladi having so many ideas in his head now that he combines them and screws up his approach making himself look like he rode the short bus to get to the gym.

Laugh Out Loud

vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 10:27

Originally posted by jvc floyd:
vladi man you got to diplay the goods homie,take your shirt off while working out then peek out of the corner of your eye to see if she is looking ,get her all hot and bothered then she is ripe for the pickins,now you know why im called the dr kavorkian of love ,

There are some guys at the gym who are two times my size - they must be on steroids... But in any case - unfortunately I'm not going to amaze anybody at the gym - most people look very fit, and I'm just one of many. I might have better luck stripping at a grocery store - although in that case I'd have to introduce myself a little different - "They call me a flasher" Laugh Out Loud

peter.griffin - 2008-03-28 14:14

Vladi, I've been working out in gyms for 25 years of my life. I've seen men hit on women in the gym and get flat out dissedSmile

My advice is from 25 years of "observation".

Women that are in the gym with earphones, and that are working out "intensely", DO NOT WANT TO BE BOTHERED. Their there to workout. My wife falls into that category. She has so many guys try to approach her. She ain't interested, she just wants to work out.

The ones that come to the gym floor with faces made up, and flashing skin, are the ones that want to be hit on.

I'm one of the "big" guys, sorry don't mean to brag, but after 25 years, I hope soSmile So many times women, and men, come up to me for advice on how to use a machine or do a certain exercise. If you are working out seriously and doing movements correctly, she may come up to you for advice. Also, you could go up to her and ask her for the same advice, she may be flattered.

Women hate men that stare, so hopefully you ain't doing that.

And remember, women can sense "desparation". So if you do "strike up a conversation", keep it light, and funSmile Laughter is a great aphrodisiacSmile

If you get to the point your talking frequently or even working out, don't ignore any "signs" that she wants more. No joke, when I was younger I was training this one woman. I trained her for 3 weeks straight, just train. Then all of a sudden, she started training with someone else and started dating him. I was clueless manFrown

So good luck man, keep up postedWink

vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 14:43

Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:

I'm more worried about Vladi having so many ideas in his head now that he combines them and screws up his approach making himself look like he rode the short bus to get to the gym.

Laugh Out Loud

Don, I couldn't even catch the short bus - I had to run behind it to get to gym on time Wink

vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 14:51

Originally posted by peter griffin:
Vladi, I've been working out in gyms for 25 years of my life. I've seen men hit on women in the gym and get flat out dissedSmile

My advice is from 25 years of "observation".

Women that are in the gym with earphones, and that are working out "intensely", DO NOT WANT TO BE BOTHERED. Their there to workout. My wife falls into that category. She has so many guys try to approach her. She ain't interested, she just wants to work out.

The ones that come to the gym floor with faces made up, and flashing skin, are the ones that want to be hit on.

I'm one of the "big" guys, sorry don't mean to brag, but after 25 years, I hope soSmile So many times women, and men, come up to me for advice on how to use a machine or do a certain exercise. If you are working out seriously and doing movements correctly, she may come up to you for advice. Also, you could go up to her and ask her for the same advice, she may be flattered.

Women hate men that stare, so hopefully you ain't doing that.

And remember, women can sense "desparation". So if you do "strike up a conversation", keep it light, and funSmile Laughter is a great aphrodisiacSmile

If you get to the point your talking frequently or even working out, don't ignore any "signs" that she wants more. No joke, when I was younger I was training this one woman. I trained her for 3 weeks straight, just train. Then all of a sudden, she started training with someone else and started dating him. I was clueless manFrown

So good luck man, keep up postedWink

Ya, I do not stare at her - or anybody else. Well, I might look sometimes Laugh Out Loud But not in a way that would make anyone feel uncomfortable.
And now that I think about it - in the whole 3 weeks since she started coming to the gym - I haven't seen her talk to a single person - she comes by herself, does cardio for 30 minutes, then machines for 15 minutes and then she leaves. Ya, now I wonder if she is one of those who only come to intensly work out and get all the strikingly good looking men such as myself dissed Big Grin

jameswp67 - 2008-03-28 15:49

Vladi, you have so much info here, I do not want to add to it, but I am looking forward to hearing who it goes! Best of luck mon ami! Be yourself, being a bit nervous is ok too!

kittmaster - 2008-03-28 16:56

easy.........walk up to her, slam her on the ground, ravage her, and then say "Hi my name is........"


vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 17:42

Chris, I think in your scenario - just to make things a little more dramatic - it would also make sence to rape her dead body once I'm done with ravaging - now maybe you and I could sell this to Rob Zombie or Black Sabbath or something - sounds like some bad ass lirics for one of their songs

redbenjoe - 2008-03-28 17:51

i still say - do the BIN on that boombox bag --

and then if you need a sure score -- get her one of these ::


jvc.floyd - 2008-03-28 18:04

fake a heart attack and see if she gives you cpr.if not then she's not the girl for you.

vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 18:08

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
i still say - do the BIN on that boombox bag --

Ira, this bag might not look so good in Dallas where most girls favor trucks, guns and cowboy boots. I have to take the local conditions into consideration, so currently I'm working on getting my very 1st pair of cowboy boots (and will be for at least the next 10 years Laugh Out Loud )

kittmaster - 2008-03-28 18:21


oldskool69 - 2008-03-28 22:26

Originally posted by kittmaster:
easy.........walk up to her, slam her on the ground, ravage her, and then say "Hi my name is........"


vladi, I've stayed away from this one as the simplest advice I can give you is...BE YOURSELF!!! (I believe Mrs. Dog said that.) Anything else may get you:

A. Slapped.
B. Kicked in the nuts.
C. Maced
D. Ass kicked. (She may be a three time black belt or the gym has bouncers!)
E. Thrown in jail. (Thank Chris (Kitt) for THAT one! Laugh Out Loud)

Best I can tell if you have us paying attention to you then she should be a piece of cake. Laugh Out Loud And take it easy man, if I recall correctly,you were just released back into the wild!!! So don't reverse the location of your "dong" with your brain. I've seen to many friends go down in flames. Trust me on this one, spread your wings for awhile, enjoy a nice lunch during the week first with her if she bites(it's safe and doesn't leave room for connotations)and see what happens from there. Be direct, say "pardon me", tell her you noticed her while working out, say you'd like go to lunch to have a decent conversation without house music banging or equipment clanging, get an IM or e-mail (phone is best, cell better) and go from there. If you get contact info, leave a mesage on one or two (e-mail and cell is best) and wait. If she calls back...great, if not...phffft! Laugh Out Loud Move on. Texas is a pretty big lake. Big Grin

kittmaster - 2008-03-29 06:48

Big Grin

driptip - 2008-03-29 09:20

hEY Vladi, just treat her like crap, women like that.

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-29 09:41

Originally posted by driptip:
hEY Vladi, just treat her like crap, women like that.

Driptip I think your on to some good advice. I see some beautiful (some are even nice) women around hooking up with total tools. The guys can be rude, mean, controlling and abusive but the women stick with them. Roll Eyes

On second thought if it's not in you naturally to be a total tool you probably wouldn't be effective at it if you tried. Vladi, you seem to cool to be that kind of a retarded abuser so just be yourself and if that's not good enough then she's not good enough. Wink

fatdog - 2008-03-29 10:06

Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
... so just be yourself and if that's not good enough then she's not good enough. Wink
Ding ding ding!! We have a winner! Truer words were never spoken. Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-03-30 21:45

hey vladi -- todays the day --
its monday -
and the entire worldwide s2g community is awaiting the video of you jumping the gym chick !!

no pressure, though Laugh Out Loud

vladi123456 - 2008-03-30 22:36

Jumping the gym chick???? That sounds like 15 to life to me Wink

autoreverser - 2008-03-30 23:09

vladi, hookin' on so many other advices before, b yourselfe !

well, first time you have to throw some gun-powder in (not too much !)

you're a boombox-collector, right ?
she's an ipod-user, right ?
you want her to like you as you are, no masks, no trap-doors in the floor ?

my advice ? jump over your shadow, take a nice boombox with to the gym, HONESTLY !!!

maybe you don't take the biggest, but a decent medium one, one that YOU really like...

you play YOUR tunes on the machines YOU use (...just make sure they're close enough to hers !!!), don't play loud, obviously just for you...

in case of doubt use a cool Walkman instead of the boombox, just make sure you have loads of nice covered mixtapes lying around !!!

allright, if THE lady reflects to you in any way, she'll wonder why you have THAT gear for sound and ask you, if she does so, YOU ALMOST WON !!!

the conversation-trip is your job than, no more advice, would be for the bin anyway, i do believe that while you talk for the first time you'll forget ANY advice, you might afterwards go home and think permanently what kind of a stupid dog you are, what crap you were telling her etc. etc., that happens to most guys, but doesn't matter, if she's interested in you, she'll smile at you and come to you again, the rest goes automatically, promise...

...and if SHE's the one, she'll know about your passion for boomboxes than, and won't run away when she enters your place for the first time !!!

ao - 2008-03-31 00:30

No, I wouldn't.

Boombox collecting, is, er...a bit weird.

She'll run a yard.