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MY NEW TOY !!!!!!!

autoreverser - 2008-03-17 14:21

folks, i do have a new toy:

(one on pic is not mine, but just as mine)

it's an analog 12-channel-mixer with 1/2" special-cassette recording... damn what a nice toy !!!
was sitting the whole weekend turning knobs, sliding sliders - and best - got it from a studio wich used it for many years, so i did get some 10 tapes full off vintage 12-track studio-recording with it (...all music some kinda 'porcupine-tree', 'yes' etc....).
that's it, just wanted to share my fun !

walkgirl - 2008-03-17 14:57

So actually it is a big walkman with many knobs? Big Grin

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-17 15:22

Originally posted by walkgirl:
So actually it is a big walkman with many knobs? Big Grin

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
I'd like to see autoreverser hook that on his belt and go strutting down the street.

blaster - 2008-03-17 15:28

must be a late 60s early prototype walkman until they decided to make it much smaller and more comfortable to carry!!...lol

daiwa - 2008-03-17 21:30

Thats a cool old mixer there Conrad! I'd love to go back to analog recording. I think we'd agree on that, especially as drummers. If the gones end up doing a vinyl release, I'm really hot on getting a more rich, analog sound. Digital is handy, but analog, well, it's the damned best! Have fun with all those knobbies!

- 2008-03-17 23:18

Oooooooohhhhh Cool Nod Yes
Very nice. Sort of reminds me of those Tascam 388 boards with the built in 1/4 inch tape machine. I've dreamed about having one of those since I read an interview with Mario Caldato Jr. where he talked about doing Tone Loc tracks for Delicious Vinyl on one. Alas, I am way short on space. I haven't seen yours before. 12 tracks on 1/2 inch. Very, very cool.

autoreverser - 2008-03-18 12:16

Originally posted by Daiwa:
Thats a cool old mixer there Conrad! I'd love to go back to analog recording. I think we'd agree on that, especially as drummers. If the gones end up doing a vinyl release, I'm really hot on getting a more rich, analog sound. Digital is handy, but analog, well, it's the damned best! Have fun with all those knobbies!

hey dave, why d'yo think your tape didn't arrive yet - because our GAMMELFLEISCH-12" only came out last week, so your parcel will carry a copy for u Wink

yeeeeah - let me quickly go and turn on the knobs !!!

erniejade - 2008-03-19 12:26

DUDE that rocks!!! Nice pickup! are the cassetts still around for that unit?