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Damn Ciggi's!

jaredscottfla - 2008-03-16 20:16

Frown I am weak!I've quit the habit 3 times in the last 2 years only to go back!
It's def a poor charector flaw on my part! Wink
Anyone else suffering the dreaded ciggi addiction?

jvc.floyd - 2008-03-16 20:26

oh yeah man ,i should call my self marlboro floyd.

redbenjoe - 2008-03-16 20:39

jared --there IS a semi-solution -

the 4mg nicorette gum tastes like a 3 year old chicklet that you scraped off an old bums shoes -

but -- in case you are smoking because you NEED a nicotine hit -- that nasty gum WILL take care of that and more --its MUCH more potent than a camel with the filter ripped off --
and NO ill-affect on your lungs

however - if you smoke 'just from the habit'
then you are screwed and you need a shrink or a group or etc -

considering that 5% of your lungs are 10000% more
valuable than any boombox collection ---

lay off buying boxes - and invest in gum -

---i know that i am one of the goofs on this site -- but this is so SERIOUS -- good luck

jaredscottfla - 2008-03-16 20:44

Smile thanks ira
nope that nicorette garbage just did not work for me,u are right about the taste,ugh!
Maybe acupuncture? Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-03-16 20:52

try again -- you can double up on the gum dosage --then is HAS TO work -

or whatever you do -- do it Smile

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-16 21:25

All I can say is quit for yourself, your family and your friends. I have watched some family members suffer slow deaths as the result of heavy smoking. Watching a family member die of emphysema was a horrible and helpless feeling and the sad part was it didn't have to happen. Listen to Ira and do what you have to do to quit, nicorette gum, therapy, acupuncture or whatever but remember the biggest part is you have to want to quit. Many people say they want to quit but don't truly mean it, you won't be able to quit until you truly mean it.

I was never a smoker, I made the concious decision as a teenager that I wasn't going to smoke. I've smoked precisely half a cigarette in my life and it was the one that allowed me to make that decision (let's discount the ganja that I may have partaken in as a teen).

Sorry to be so somber but I have strong feelings about cigarettes, the bad they do and the discusting people that get rich off of people killing themselves.

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-03-17 02:10

i quit smoking around 4 years ago , fortunately for me i am very strong willed . .

i used nicorette patches for two weeks , that was it . .not so much as a single toke of tobacco since . .

quit it , its the future !

looking back now , i cant even believe i used to smoke . . its crazy , really is . .

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-03-17 02:15

i was gonna add ,

you really have to be in the right mind set to quit , or i just think it wont happen . .

the day i quit , i woke up , and felt like i had aknitting needle pushed thru my left shoulder , apparently it was pluerisy !

enskanker - 2008-03-17 03:54

Well, here's a suggestion jsfla...

My true love, Betty, quit on New Years Day, after starting on Chantix, and taking it for 2 weeks prior to quitting. She has tried to quit and gone back several times over the years, similar to your history.

Wierd for me.... I have smoked on and off over the years, (loved those Kool's) but I can stop on a dime with no withdrawel or hassle. I smoked from early 2005 til about a year ago and then just quit, though my max was like 2 packs a week. Anyway loook into Chantix, it worked for her.

Your friend and mine,

- 2008-03-17 04:07

I hate smoking. Been doing it since I was 11.
now like 28 years

skippy1969 - 2008-03-17 05:23

I've never smoked cigs or pot. And I'm 39 Big Grin Cool

redbenjoe - 2008-03-17 06:19

try pot Laugh Out Loud

skippy1969 - 2008-03-17 06:30

No thanks,then I'll have bad dreams about U.E. No No Laugh Out Loud Confused Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-03-17 07:01

Laugh Out Loud

smokinendo - 2008-03-17 07:05

I'm going strong Smile It's been about 3 weeks for me now and I feel great...Been smoking since I was about 14 and have quit a bunch of times but this time it is for good. I have convinced myself 100% that there is no such thing as a safe cigarette and I will not allow myself to fall victim again ! I'm finished... for good !

For me it has always been an issue with gaining weight but this year I am prepared, I am ready for summer and I've been working out to keep that stupid quit smoking figure off LOL

I'm not fat I just have a hard time with weight in certain areas. If I quit and I don't work out it goes right to my midsection Frown In 1999 I was 5" 7' and weighted 190 (OUCH) then I asked my wife to marry me and wanted to lose 40lbs for our wedding. Well with a change in my eating habits and a lot of exercise I made it happen. On our wedding day I stepped on the scale and was 150lbs (actually 148lbs)

To keep this weight off has been considerably difficult but I work hard to stay looking like I do and quitting has always been scary. This year I started working out a little a few weeks in advance and when I quit I had to make sure I wasn't compensating the cigarettes with food

Late night snacking will get you LOL

Anyway I'm going strong and I'm ready to keep going for the long hail this time. If I start to gain a little weight I'll just have to find another way to fix the problem... I know that smoking is not the answer anymore

Another trick I've learned is to eat celery, this curves your cravings and actually will make you lose weight. Plus you've got something in your mouth so you can trick your mind into thinking your smoking LOL

Good Luck everyone I'll be going through it with you

Cheers Brian

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-17 08:27

Smokin_Endo that's a great story, congrats on your decision and willpower. Your wife (kids?)and dog will thank you as well as your car, clothes, house, teeth, co-workers, bank account, etc...

This is also great motivation for others and proof that if you really want to stop you can, no matter how bad the craving.

smokinendo - 2008-03-17 08:54

Thanks MB85 Smile

Everything does smell better but I think the best part is how good stuff taste when you quit LOL I wish I could quit biting my nails now (I think it's about as disgusting as smoking YUCK)

One demon at a time Mad

sinister - 2008-03-17 09:11

Originally posted by skippy1969:
I've never smoked cigs or pot. And I'm 39 Big Grin Cool

arent you special skippy.... Razz

yeah im smoking again cuz of stress. it doesnt really help it but at the moment im not ready to quit.

- 2008-03-17 10:05

Originally posted by SINISTER:
Originally posted by skippy1969:
I've never smoked cigs or pot. And I'm 39 Big Grin Cool

arent you special skippy.... Razz

yeah im smoking again cuz of stress. it doesnt really help it but at the moment im not ready to quit.
In the same boat. If I did'nt smoke. I'd kill someone for losing out on a radio by 5bux Nod Yes

ao - 2008-03-17 12:01

I rate snouts. One of the few things in life you can rely on. Light one of those puppies up & you know just what's coming your way.

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-17 12:18

Originally posted by r o y a l ®:
i quit smoking around 4 years ago , fortunately for me i am very strong willed . .

i used nicorette patches for two weeks , that was it . .not so much as a single toke of tobacco since . .

quit it , its the future !

looking back now , i cant even believe i used to smoke . . its crazy , really is . .


That's great, I'm happy for you and wish your words would inspire others to do the same. Smile

No one needs cigarettes, it's a cop out to claim you need them. You need food and water, everything else is negotiable. Wink

sinister - 2008-03-17 12:24


masterblaster84 - 2008-03-17 12:26

Originally posted by SINISTER:

Sinister, I stand corrected! Laugh Out Loud

At least blasters won't kill you! Well if you stack them high enough and they fall over on you maybe.

kid.sensation - 2008-03-17 12:28

I do smoke too.

Around 1,5 package a week.

I do not really smoke cause im addicted ( i think ) cause i only smoke when i know that im going to enjoy the cigarette.Like on a smooth evening, hanging out on the balcony with a beer.

I know that i should stop anyway and that smoking is bad, but im not ready yet.

Im a rather careful smoker too.I never smoke if there are non-smokers around..It's my health im treatening..no need to involve others.

sinister - 2008-03-17 12:31

Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
Originally posted by SINISTER:

Sinister, I stand corrected! Laugh Out Loud

At least blasters won't kill you! Well if you stack them high enough and they fall over on you maybe.

Big Grin

skippy1969 - 2008-03-17 13:20

Yah,I'm special and I ride the short bus to school too........... Razz Roll Eyes Laugh Out Loud Leaving
Originally posted by SINISTER:
Originally posted by skippy1969:
I've never smoked cigs or pot. And I'm 39 Big Grin Cool

arent you special skippy.... Razz

yeah im smoking again cuz of stress. it doesnt really help it but at the moment im not ready to quit.

sinister - 2008-03-17 13:33

thats funny!!!! Laugh Out Loud at least you know.

autoreverser - 2008-03-17 14:05

ok folks, i did smoke loads, did try to quit a few times, but was never lasting, untill i got a ReVoX-amplfier from a smoker's household. that beast allways switched off after working for +/- 25 minutes, the heatprotection switched off... allright, inside it was a bronze-coloured nightmare, so i did flood the beast in my bath with industrial-cleaner (polo-motorbike-cleaner).
after leaving that stuff to soak for 5 minutes i started to rinse the amp, andd that - let's call it grease - what came out looked like honey, but smelled like a full ashtray filled up with old beer. that made me think. this amp was then about 25 years old (that's as many years as i did smoke at that time), but it was all it's life only a passive smoker, so i could imagine how it looked like in my longues.
i don't wanna die soon, nor in pain, i wanna enjoy my ghettos and walkman for many more years...


masterblaster84 - 2008-03-17 14:13

Autoreverser if we could only teach others with a direct example like that. I'm happy you finally saw the reality of smoking and wish others would as well. Cigs = a shorter more painful life and possibly a more painful death.

That's the simple truth. Nod Yes

autoreverser - 2008-03-17 14:26

...and you didn't even mention an extremely important aspect:

no cigs = MO MONEY FOR BOXES !!!!!!!!!

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-17 14:31


no cigs = MO MONEY FOR BOXES !!!!!!

That's a very important equation to remember. Big Grin

jcyellocar - 2008-03-17 16:35

I quit in Oct. '05 cold turkey and it was one of the toughest things I ever had to do. The cravings still come once in awhile which is weird. I'd say it took me five times before I actually did it. Just keep trying, one day you'll do it.

daiwa - 2008-03-17 21:24

Gotta admit, I'm a casual smoker, spending so much time in bars while gigging. Mostly, I'll steal a cig if I WAY over eat, or am REALLY stressed about something. But now that Denver has banned smoking in bars, it's nice to come home with clothes that don't stink like an ashtray.

Plus, I'm less than a month away from the beginning of hiking season, and I'd feel every cig while climbing that first killer hill, if I did it too much. I stopped smoking out of habit awhile back. Now, just for pleasure, if you can call it that... Roll Eyes I commend anyone who can quit.

My wife Erin works for an "eye bank", and they recover corneas for the living. She says if young folks stopped smoking, a lot less people would have eyesight, because the majority of deaths she sees are due to lung disease and cancer.

beatbox - 2008-03-18 03:33

A really massive problem is the whole thing about 'quitting' something. This implies giving something up, or even losing something. A lot of folk use cigarettes very much as a cruch in everyday life. Trying to 'give it up' is a disastrous way to look at it and can make the whole situation impossible.

I don't smoke myself, but have friends that did, and they followed Allan Carr's advice. Probably the most succesful Stp Smoking book ever written. He talks a lot about how you're not giving something up, but more gaining a lot. You read the book while you're still smoking. No pressure.

Here's a quote from his website -

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

From this page on the site.

I have told people about this guy before only for them to just brush it off and say, 'yeah, I've read all the books I'm gonna read, they never work...' and such things.


This includes my best friend back in the UK who smoked every 10 minutes from the age of 16 to the age of 29. I mean, this guy was a walking cigarette, and we all thought that he would never be able to give up. But using this guys book, it took him like 3 weeks to read it, al the same time still smoking and then when he got to the end of the book he simply said 'OK, here's my last cigarette. That was about 4-5 years ago and he hasn't looked back.

TRY THE BOOK, PLEASE!!!!! And save yourselves from a fate as good as death!!!

Here is the book my friend used -
Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking

The website -

Stop Smoking

A couple of videos describing the method -

Check out 'A smoker's way to stop smoking' interesting!

Oh, and very very very good luck to you all!!!!

redbenjoe - 2008-03-18 17:30

ok jared --if majority rules -- then you have QUIT
did you ?

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-18 19:07

I think it's official, the overwhelming majority supports not smoking! Nod Yes

jaredscottfla - 2008-03-18 19:33

I Agree
Thanks guys,i'm trying... haven't had a ciggarette since yesterday(whopee, Roll Eyes Razz Razz) i guess it's a one day at a time thing,i am trying,(and climbing the walls doing it!) Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-03-18 19:37

jared - that ONE day is a monster accomplishment -
so you sure are on the way -- good luck

isolator42 - 2008-03-19 06:08

Anyone who smokes because they are addicted has my sympathy.

I smoked pretty consistantly for three years when I was at University. I only smoked when I was having a drink, no wake up & light up for me, but it was 20-30 fags a week for 3 years.
Somehow, I did not get addicted.
I like a cig now when I'm drinking, but they've banned it everywhere that you can have a drink, so that's that.

It must be genetic or something. My dad smokes on & off with no apparant addiction too. He got into it when in the Navy doing his National Service (they gave you fags free). But now, 50 years later he smokes for a while then stops smoking whenever he feels like it.

The very best of luck to those trying to quit. Thinking of the money must surely help. A girl I work with smokes about 10 a day - that's around £70 every month. Or to put it another way, it's the same as the monthly cost (in the UK) of broadband, cable tv, home phone & a mobile tariff.

enskanker - 2008-03-24 08:14

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-24 08:17

Laugh Out LoudWhere did you ever find that UE?

enskanker - 2008-03-24 08:42

Voila...One of todays pix on PIXDAUS

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-24 10:38

Originally posted by enskanker:
Voila...One of todays pix on PIXDAUS

I see now, thanks for that UE. I've bookmarked the sight, it's pretty cool. Cool

peter.griffin - 2008-03-24 11:25

Coming from a non-smokers point of view. I just find it hard to believe a sane person would smoke, knowing all the side effects. Don't mean to be cold or anything, but why would you knowingly damage your body?

It's like buying a boombox when you know it can kill you? Sorry, just my point of view.

I hope you can quit, and stay away from ciggi's Jared. Good luck.

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-24 11:42

Originally posted by peter griffin:
Coming from a non-smokers point of view. I just find it hard to believe a sane person would smoke, knowing all the side effects. Don't mean to be cold or anything, but why would you knowingly damage your body?

It's like buying a boombox when you know it can kill you? Sorry, just my point of view.

I hope you can quit, and stay away from ciggi's Jared. Good luck.

Very simple way to put it Peter, I've asked myself that question before. So please those who smoke maybe you can help explain this so we can better understand what drives smoking.

tpr - 2008-03-24 12:10

ever tried kautabak?


masterblaster84 - 2008-03-24 12:27

Nice jens, still doesn't make me want to use tobacco though! Big Grin

Have any of you ever seen pictures of guys who've had part of their jaw or face removed because of cancer caused by chewing tobacco?

tpr - 2008-03-24 12:33

yeah! complete as well.. Big Grin

vladi123456 - 2008-03-28 17:36

Originally posted by Jaredscottfla:
Frown I am weak!I've quit the habit 3 times in the last 2 years only to go back!
It's def a poor charector flaw on my part! Wink
Anyone else suffering the dreaded ciggi addiction?

I missed this thread somehow - but from my own experience - I used to smoke a pack a day back when I was young and innocent. And I had a friend, who was a doctor and he also was studying Chinese medicine including hypnosis and acupuncture. Anyways, after 3 days of acupuncture I quit smoking. It's been 15 years. So you should definately give it a try Big Grin