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The spelling of Ebay...

bredgeo - 2008-02-24 21:21

Yeah, total trivial question......... I might have missed this on ST2G... maybe the spelling of Ebay is done on purpose, but why do a lot of members spell Ebay as, "ePay" and not "eBay" as it should be... Big Grin...

I know, very trivial... Roll Eyes

beatbox - 2008-02-25 00:20

I guess it's because you always end up paying in one way or another no matter what...

joe.cool - 2008-02-25 06:00

And PAY and PAY and PAY!

redbenjoe - 2008-02-25 06:58

hi bredgeo --

things must be a little slow in your new country !!

and , btw, do they have irish jokes up there in ireland ?
you know ---- like 2 irishmen walked into a bar.....

peter.griffin - 2008-02-25 07:24

And it Think it's Pay Pay Pay for the seller as well as the buyerFrown

bredgeo - 2008-02-25 11:44

Yeah, yeah, yeah...... Pay, Pay Pay!

The answers sound logical... ePay it is! Big Grin


hi bredgeo --

things must be a little slow in your new country !!

and , btw, do they have irish jokes up there in ireland ?
you know ---- like 2 irishmen walked into a bar.....

Yes, things are slower than I would have hoped!!!!!! Frown

For Irish jokes...... Well I don't have a lot for there are a few more Pols at work than Irish and I don't have the money to go out to the Pubs qnd meet the locals...

But, now..... If you got a good joke, lets us hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joe.cool - 2008-02-25 12:55

So it's jokes yer be after eh? Wink

A young Irishman sat at a pub in the New World drinking beer and conversin'
with the barkeep. Another comes in and sits besides him. He says how you do
and hears the lilt and says you be Irish? Yes I am. The first man yells
barkeep give us another round and one for my friend here he's from the mother
country as well. The second man asks-so where in the old country ye from.
Dublin responds the first. Dublin you say - so am I and the second man
hollers barkeep bring us another round and a shot of your best Irish Whiskey
for me and my friend here. Afterwards the first man asks from where in Dublin
and the second man responds with the street and the first man says well I'll
be - so am I and yells barkeep another pair of beers and Irish Whiskey for
the pair of us.
The phone behind the bar rings and the barkeep answers it. The owner of the
pub asks - how is business. The barkeep responds - not too bad - The O'Malley
twins are here getting drunk again. Laugh Out Loud

kid.sensation - 2008-02-25 13:46

a rather mean one:

An Irishman decided to raise chickens, so he planted 500 of them.
They died.

He ordered 500 more and planted them with their heads sticking out.
They died.

Then he wrote to the University of Dublin describing the situation.

The university's reply was:
"Please send soil sample."

and another O'Malley:

O'Malley went to the local pub.He ordered one martini after another.Every single time he took out the "olive" and put it in a glass.
As the glass was full he paid and was about to get out the pub.
Another man was wondering and asked O'Melly why he did this.
O'Malley replied:
"Well, my wife send me out to get a glass of olives"

( i translated them from german to english..so maybe they sound strange to you Big Grin )

redbenjoe - 2008-02-25 18:43

an irish guy visits the same bar all alone every day for 6 months and orders never more or less than 3 drinks --
finally, the bartender tries to make friends and asks him why he always orders exactly 3 drinks

he said -- well i miss the old country and i miss my sister patty and my brother riley --so when i get the 3 drinks - its almost like we are all together again

6 months later -- he walks in and orders only 2 drinks

the bartender said -- OMG - did something happen to your sister patty or your brother riley ?

no, he said - but i decided to quit drinking

- 2008-02-25 19:13

Loll Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
Originally posted by Joe Cool:
So it's jokes yer be after eh? Wink

A young Irishman sat at a pub in the New World drinking beer and conversin'
with the barkeep. Another comes in and sits besides him. He says how you do
and hears the lilt and says you be Irish? Yes I am. The first man yells
barkeep give us another round and one for my friend here he's from the mother
country as well. The second man asks-so where in the old country ye from.
Dublin responds the first. Dublin you say - so am I and the second man
hollers barkeep bring us another round and a shot of your best Irish Whiskey
for me and my friend here. Afterwards the first man asks from where in Dublin
and the second man responds with the street and the first man says well I'll
be - so am I and yells barkeep another pair of beers and Irish Whiskey for
the pair of us.
The phone behind the bar rings and the barkeep answers it. The owner of the
pub asks - how is business. The barkeep responds - not too bad - The O'Malley
twins are here getting drunk again. Laugh Out Loud

peter.griffin - 2008-02-25 20:04

I'm offended by these Irish Jokes, and I'm Korean Leaving

redbenjoe - 2008-02-25 20:13

same here !!! Laugh Out Loud

bredgeo - 2008-02-25 20:22

I'm offended by these Irish Jokes, and I'm Korean Leaving

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Big Grin

All cute jokes!!!!!!!!!

I do have a good one... it is not Irish but Auzy. I am going to London for a few days, so I will tell the story when I get back Saturday..... unless I find a cumputer there, or a cyber cafe!
