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Where is Daiwa?

walkgirl - 2008-10-15 14:13

Where is Daiwa?

I hope all is well!

oldskool69 - 2008-10-15 15:25

Yeah, you're right! Where has he been? Confused

fatdog - 2008-10-15 16:59

His last post was on Tue September 02 2008 11:17 PM. Does anybody have another way to check on him??

jaredscottfla - 2008-10-15 17:18

Frown come home daiwa! Smile

thafuzz - 2008-10-15 23:21

Wasn't his last post something like "Let me be the first to set the example and respectfully bow out of this conversation."? I hope he's okay too. Maybe he's just been busy.

fatdog - 2008-10-16 06:16

Well, his most recent post was commenting on a Prosonic PQR-9850, but you're right - before that, he made this comment in a Sarah Palin thread that was getting a tad too political:
Thanks for clearing that up Fatdog. I was mislead by the political theme of your post. Then I got caught in the absurdity of the moment. Here, let me lead by example, and bow out gracefully. You're right, it's not about politics... Goodnight ladies...

jovie - 2008-10-16 06:32

Due to his strong political views,Maybe he's active concerning the election.That could explain his absence.I think we'll all be glad when this election is over!

jaredscottfla - 2008-10-16 09:28

Nod Yes Nod Yes

daiwa - 2008-10-21 09:15

Sorry guys... it's not about politics. Been going thru some rough times lately.

As some of you know, I lost my wife and partner Erin of nearly 10 years, last year, due to depression and financial issues (isn't it always... Mad ). I spent the year trying to save my marriage but could not find a way to break-through. I had to move out of my home of nearly eight years, and I had to do it in three weeks last term, beginning of August.

The move set me back in my Masters' program. It's not a good idea to get behind in a Master's program. It took me most of my break to catch up on schoolwork and finish two final papers, case studies and mulitiple posts. (thus, very little time to be posting on S2G! Frown )

But I'm happy to report that I made it through two of the toughest classes ever, Accounting and Finance with A's, I'm not sure how I made it. For a right brainer like me, it was a real challenge.

Somehow, despite the spiritual, physical and emotional upheaval my life has been going through this past year, I survived. Moby and I are adjusting to the new place, but I miss my partner something awful. I'm hoping that time begins to heal these wounds, soon. But I fear it's a slow process. My "ex" has blocked me out of her life. That is the toughest part of this separation.

Don't feel sorry for me. I'm a strong Ohio lad, my family built a lot of character in me, and I have a lot of great friends and support in my life. My work, my band, and my masters all keep me too busy to dwell on life's curve balls all day long.

I did get a chance to party with Frank (TransAmguy) and will be posting some long overdue picks. And near the end of last term, I made it back to Ohio for my nieces' wedding (which also set me back even more, but I had to be there) and it was good to get some "Mom time" and a dose of my best friends back in the homeland.

It is nice to have been missed by my S2G family though, so thanks for thinking of me and don't forget to vote, no matter who you decide to vote for! Razz


enskanker - 2008-10-21 09:19


Its hard, damn hard.

Been There....divorce, raw emotions, pain. BUT...you will survive and it does
get better, slowly.

I will keep you in my meditations and send you
all of UE's best thoughts.

daiwa - 2008-10-21 09:41

Thanks Edward, that means a lot to me. Wink

ford93 - 2008-10-21 09:48

Hey, Daiwa I'm amazed that you aced those classes after what you've been through. It'll take some time to heal I've been there too, although my wife and I have not divorced yet but we are separated. Whats funny is that now as friends we carry a relationship better between us. Everytime I watch that movie with Bruce Willis (The Story Of Us) it reminds me of my marriage. I will eventually have to close this chapter by doing the divorce papers soon and yes it is hard. If probably for the best of you both to go through this who knows maybe later you guys might cross each other and reconcile. If not then move on Daiwa as I'am also, hang in there!

thafuzz - 2008-10-21 09:48

Dave! You're back! I'm glad you're still on your feet my friend. A a big congrats on your Masters progress amigo. Keep on Truckin'! Wink

redbenjoe - 2008-10-21 11:58

daiwa is elton john "im still standin"

glad to hear you are still in there, dave

chancenellie - 2008-10-21 12:30

Daiwa,glad you aced those classes,testament to your inner self,been through the break up/divorce thing big time and your right,you dont want sympathy,if you got your friends and family around you it "does" get better,hope all will be well with you,glad to see you back posting

fatdog - 2008-10-21 13:37

It is quite uplifting to see your still around and doing so well (considering the circumstances). Hang in there, Dave! Nod Yes

monolithic - 2008-10-21 13:50

Good to see you back, Daiwa! Smile

Not at all tryin' to make light of your situation, but maybe THE KID's father in Purple Rain had it right when he said, "Never get married." Leaving

Keep your head up! Smile

oldskool69 - 2008-10-21 19:41

Hang in there D. The beauty of all of this (if it can be called that) is the wonderful rise in store for you. You have a great attitude and great drive, you'll be amazed at what comes next. Trust me. Nod Yes Smile

jaredscottfla - 2008-10-22 06:24

Great To Hear Ur Ok Dave,Sorry About The Trouble With The Mrs,Been There Done That,But You Have A Strong Charector You'll Perservere Congrats on Your Success in School! Great To Have U Back! Cool Btw Who Ya Rootin For In The World Series? Wink

daiwa - 2008-10-22 13:37


Thanks so much for the kind words and the very thoughtful PM's... I WILL keep on keepin' on. I think you're right Olschool, life always amazes us with it's twists and turns. I'm ready for some amazement, that's for sure...

I'm taking the D Rays Jared. I imagine you too? Smile

jaredscottfla - 2008-10-22 17:22

Nod Yes Nod Yes Florida team,ya know Razz

- 2008-10-22 18:13

Im no good at speaches daiwa lad ill leave that to redbenjoe but good to see you back man i guess life can only improve for you now dave and MR Rimmer says bin that gf9000 and get a real stereo like an m90 then you will realy apriciate sound, only kiddin mate i just bought a sharp a gf990 what am i doin bying a sharp ehh Big Grin anyway you will get through it mate im sure, were all backing you. Smile. thoughts are with you.

transamguy1977 - 2008-10-22 18:50

Dave !!!
Good to hear you are ok .
For a minute there I thought you were going to pull a Danny64 on me. Laugh Out Loud
I positively know things are going to be good for you!!!!
Im looking foward to seeing the pics as my phone pics came out too crappy to post.

isolator42 - 2008-10-27 08:03

Hey Daiwa, so sorry to hear that you've been the statue & not the pigeon just lately...

Good to hear you've got a positive state of mind & that the work didn't suffer.

Keep you're pecker up, it's all gettin' better from here Smile