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Palin = moron ??

redbenjoe - 2008-09-30 21:27

seems so //hope not

I Agree Confused Tap Toes Confused

jaredscottfla - 2008-09-30 21:29

No NoWait til Tommorow Nite Ira,See if She can Stand Toe To Toe With Biden,I have To admit For Her it's Not been a Good Past weak! Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-09-30 21:35

well - no matter what our own politics are --

none of us are ever supposed to feel sorry for any candidate --but at this early point --
she seems pitiful--- Frown

(still a hottie though -- or sort of ) Big Grin

jaredscottfla - 2008-09-30 21:47

Nod Yes Nod Yes

reli - 2008-09-30 21:59

The problem is, people like to see an underdog rise up, so they will root for her despite the fact that she's not a good candidate.

redbenjoe - 2008-10-01 06:16

I Agree

or if she gets a few more photo ops with nascar drivers --thats a sure 50 million votes.

jovie - 2008-10-01 06:34

Unfortunately debates are won on technique alone.Someone can be wrong and win a debate.I'm more interested in a persons ideology than their clever use of the English language.Also its very important to look at their history and accomplishments.Palin's opposition has thousands of press secretaries in the media touting themselves as unbiased.Unfortunately,their are many media establishments working to trip Palin up.That's unfortunate and unfair in this "sound bite" world.Anyone can be made to look stupid this way.It's a matter of what gets reported and subsequently emphasized and what does not (57 states???come on!).In any event it will be an interest debate and coming month.I'm curious if this thread will be locked now someone has presented another point of view on this.

reli - 2008-10-02 12:48

Tonight, watch for Palin resorting to Republican soundbites instead of actually answering the questions.

moncheeto - 2008-10-02 13:05

looks like it going to be good Nod Yes

panasonic.fan - 2008-10-02 14:18

Let's be fair here.....

Joe Biden is a short tempered, hot head a**hole. He has made a career out of bullying to get his way at every opportunity. If he doesn't win this debate, he will be the laughing stock of Washington. The pressure is actually on him more than Palin.

If she remains relaxed, sticks to what she knows or has prepared for, she'll do fine.

I personally believe that there are 4 possible VP candidates running, and nobody qualified or prepared to be the President in the running this year. It's really sad.

baby.boomer - 2008-10-02 15:59

This is all getting a tad political. (A great show business name, by the way: Tad Political.)

Like everyone else, I'm curious about how tonight's debate will turn out, and it might even influence how I vote (although I'll likely give more weight to the presidential debates). I'll let the pundits decide/debate who "won"; my plan is simply to "keep all these things and ponder them in my heart."

- 2008-10-02 17:22

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Let's be fair here.....

Joe Biden is a short tempered, hot head a**hole. He has made a career out of bullying to get his way at every opportunity. If he doesn't win this debate, he will be the laughing stock of Washington. The pressure is actually on him more than Palin.

If she remains relaxed, sticks to what she knows or has prepared for, she'll do fine.

I personally believe that there are 4 possible VP candidates running, and nobody qualified or prepared to be the President in the running this year. It's really sad.

agreed i believe both obama or mccain are not qualified to be president. but who wants to be president now with the pitiful shape the country is currently in? lot of headaches, long nights and tough decisions for the next president to deal with Frown

panasonic.fan - 2008-10-02 17:26

I'm hoping that someone will reintroduce regulation into the financial sector. It is clear that de-regulation there and elsewhere has failed the US in the long run.

jt - 2008-10-02 18:57

Watching the debate now.... Palin has ignored several direct questions to revert to repeating same points about engery policy.

Good debate so far, though...

ahardb0dy - 2008-10-02 18:59

I'm flipping between the debate and the 100 greatest hip hop songs on VH1 lot's of boomboxes in the backgrounds

baby.boomer - 2008-10-02 19:33

I'm watching the debate, too, and I didn't want to get political, but...

I don't think I can take four more years of someone who says "nucular"! Mad

It's NUCLEAR, Sarah... NU-CLE-AR! Now, repeat after me...

jt - 2008-10-02 19:37

Biden comes across as much more stately. For sure.

Palin uses the word "there" in a unique manner, doesn't she?

She dropped a "doggonit" earlier, too... And said "maverick" about 22 times so far.

I heard more rehearsed soundbytes from her, with very little substance.

redbenjoe - 2008-10-02 20:02


(with t1ts) Smile

jt - 2008-10-02 20:27

Well, at least she didn't turn out to be the trainwreck that many of the pundits thought she would be.

Just saw poll results of people who watched...

Who did best job:

Biden 51%
Palin 36%

Who was more in touch with people like you:

Biden 50%
Palin 44%

Who seemed more like a typical politician:

Biden 70%
Palin 21%

Who is more likely to bring change

Biden 53%
Palin 42%

jovie - 2008-10-02 20:59

I feel it unfortunate that anybody would base their vote on the outcome of a contest like this.The differences in just the party platforms alone are vast.If someone doesn't have an opinion by now,they are probably not what I'd consider an educated voter.In that case I personally wouldn't vote.Voting is always presented as a right,but little is made of making these decisions responsibly.

As I said before,debates are won on technique and style and have little to do with substance.Someone can be a master manipulator with little substance and still win one of these contests.The one who has the last word in an exchange usually has the upper hand as the other candidate has no chance to respond.It takes education over a period of time to really internalize all of this.

Concerning regulation Pan Fan,there is enough out there.The problem we are in financially has to do with Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae,government created entities,making deals with congressmen who turned a blind eye to their corrupt behavior.They were not held to the same traditional lending standards as responsible financial institutions in the private sector.The government actually coerced the banks into making loans that were "fair" ,non-discriminatory,and not based on someones ability to pay it back.This was a result of the CRA act of 1977.Around 1995,attorney general Janet Reno actually threatened financial institution who did not comply with this irresponsible policy with investigation!Fanny and Freddy bought up these loans like they were hotcakes further encouraging banks to accept them.Remember that Freddy and Fanny were government created institutions.By bribing congressmen with campaign contributions,etc,the top people at Fanny and Freddy were able to show much volume and make big bonuses.Now the very corrupt congress that allowed all this to happen are now in charge of fixing this problem they created.

So who is responsible for all this mess?It's not the private sector left alone to make responsible financial decisions but government intervention.Now the case will be made for even more governmental controls.They'll take more of your money to fix what they broke.Eventually they will make the case to nationalize businesses and industry claiming they can't handle their own affairs.This path eventually leads to socialism.The sad fact is that no one is telling the truth about this.

masterblaster84 - 2008-10-02 21:40

These debates are nothing more than rehearsed, canned, political shows. They are good for nothing more than entertainment value and that's all the credit I give them. This is what politics became a very long time ago and campaigns are nothing more than pan handling for your votes so these power hungry ego freaks can feel superior and get rich if they aren't already loaded to the gills with cash.

Picture the guy standing at the freeway off ramp with a cardboard sign begging for your money, well that's what political campaigns remind me of. I don't have much faith in any politician to make the right choices when they are tough and needed. They all tend to spend, spend, spend our money like it's a bottomless pit in order to try to buy our votes and make everyone feel good. In the meantime they are courting lobbyist to become more powerful and/or richer all at our expense.

Whew! I'm getting off my soap box now to listen to a boombox and take my mind back off politics. Nod Yes

walkgirl - 2008-10-02 22:03

I Agree

I do not know anyting about politics, even the ones
from here, but I think they talk and promise too much,
they better save their words and convert them
into actions to make the country better instead of
broke Mad

redbenjoe - 2008-10-02 22:37

agree with walkgirl --thats exactly how it is over here.

thafuzz - 2008-10-03 00:20

Between the debate and the 100 greatest hip hop songs on VH1 lot's of boomboxes in the backgrounds..... I missed both due to work. I would've rather watched for Boomboxes on classic VH1 videos. Big Grin

jaredscottfla - 2008-10-03 00:56

overall this debate was much more interesting then the ist pres debate,she held her own,biden won. She did better then alot of folk including myself thought she would.
I did not watch or listen live but taped the debate watched the dodgers totally annihalate the cubs,No baseball fans on here? Cmon' now it's the National Pastime! Big Grin

nelsongf9696 - 2008-10-03 04:29

Agree with Jaredscottfla she did very well.She was almost expected to fail but she surprised many by staying focused and appealing to her none Washington experience,once a must,today a huge handicap.

jovie - 2008-10-03 07:19

The 2 minute time is not enough if responding to a statement made by the other candidate.Many times one side uses incorrect preconceived notions on which to base an argument.The other candidate is left to deconstruct the unspoken flawed basis for this argument before even responding to their actual claim.There goes the 2 minutes and your reply is only half finished.This format gives a carefully crafted lie the advantage if audiences are not knowledgeable enough to catch an incorrect premise for an argument themselves.The whole format is easy for someone to manipulate in this way.I hate debating and I hate debates.Unfortunately,they are a necessary evil in today's world.It's wonderful that everyone has the right to vote.It's horrible many abuse this right by solely using something like a debate to educate themselves.

In America,we are asked to vote to retain judges in our local elections.Personally,I don't know of any of these judges or their past rulings.For this reason I don't check any of those boxes on my ballet.If I don't know that is by default the responsible action to take.One could argue that I should pay more attention to these judges between the elections.However until I decide to do this I'll let others who actually have this knowledge make those decisions.This is at least more responsible than voting for the judge having the nicest looking campaign signs.

This election is really beginning to worry me.Of the 4,there are 2 really nice looking candidates and 2 pretty bad looking ones.One is gifted with a very nice speaking voice.None of this matters at all.For some who's only voting experience has been American Idol,I'm afraid it might.

jaredscottfla - 2008-10-03 10:12

Smile Interesting Observation Jovie,The Judge analogy Makes sense,and i agree with most of it,my only disagreement is i don't think u give the electorate much credit. I'm not as pessimistic as u are apparently on this point,people DON'T vote for vice pres,they vote for PRES. Most of the electorate HAS made up their minds allready,95% ,i think in the latest polls i've read. Basically that lv's 5% who will decide this election. Whether u agree or disagree,well that's life,and it's just the way it is.No matter if it's Obama-Biden or Mccain-Palin,one of the tickets will be our next pres and vp for the next four yrs,like it or not there it is. They are Not a supreme court Judge,King,Pope etc that are in for life,4 years isn't that long in the scheme of politics,and if they screw up they'll get tossed out of office. Michael Beschloss had a good quote the other day What does any 1st term admin want? A SECOND TERM! Big Grin
We've had our bumps in the road like any other nation RE: our Leaders some good,some bad,some totally forgetable,but most of the time we get it right and Mostly we do Get IT! Smile