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billpc55 - 2009-03-27 12:33

hey man give me a call sometime soon
leave a message cause i am almost always in my little studio room and aways from the tele.
i have tried to send a pm through here but cant.
also being a retro nerd i have a rotary phone,so if you call i have no caller id.
we should get together soon.


- 2009-03-27 13:10

Originally posted by billpc55:
also being a retro nerd i have a rotary phone


That's hilarious bill Laugh Out Loud


71spud - 2009-03-27 13:22

If you were a ~real~ nerd you would be running a VoIP on that rotary phone. Tap Toes

billpc55 - 2009-03-27 15:19

yes i would be runing voip on the rotary.
even better yet
i would be surfing the net with the atari 1040 that is in the closet.
yes i have one in there.
i used to know someone who did use theres to surf the net. Laugh Out Loud