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Decentman4U's recent video of his place .

skippy1969 - 2009-02-17 17:12

I was looking around on Youtube and forund this video of James "DM4U" place. WOW,somethings never change. A lot of "here's some of those" and "I don't know what this is" LOLOLOL. Quite funny,man that guy has a lot of stuff....... Laugh Out Loud Wink James's place.

redbenjoe - 2009-02-17 17:49

thanks for sharing !!!! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

btw --asking if anyone knows that cool soft tune name and the artist -- i forgot ??

brick - 2009-02-17 18:29

O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smile

baddboybill - 2009-02-17 18:48

My wife would,-------------------------- no i dont think i would have a wife,----------------------------------- or kids, Oh hell i dont think I would even have friends. That is alot of boomers Nod Yes

tpr - 2009-02-17 19:01


redbenjoe - 2009-02-17 19:02

thats great !!! Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

skippy1969 - 2009-02-17 19:06

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Jens,your crazy man......

sinister - 2009-02-17 19:09


- 2009-02-17 19:25

"Adding comments has been disabled for this video."

Laugh Out Loud


baddboybill - 2009-02-17 20:50

Originally posted by skippy1969:
Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Jens,your crazy man......
I Agree

panasonic.fan - 2009-02-17 21:11

Brings back memories of Baby Boomer's best post EVER

gluecifer - 2009-02-17 21:56

I know he became wildly unpopular with some of his collecting practices, but I always liked DM4U,.. I miss his presence on here. Good to see he's still collecting.

If the world didn't have people like him it'd be a very boring place to live.

Rock On.

enskanker - 2009-02-18 03:38

Look, any reasonable person would agree that to own and store that much stuff and living in a sort of squalor and mess like he does is an illness. That man is a functional but sick individual.

I venture to say any trained person seeing that would agree.

petey.awol - 2009-02-18 05:38

Originally posted by enskanker:
Look, any reasonable person would agree that to own and store that much stuff and living in a sort of squalor and mess like he does is an illness. That man is a functional but sick individual.

I venture to say any trained person seeing that would agree.

There is no doubt about that. My pops suffered a breakdown after a bought of severe depression and was living in such a condition extremely simular to DM4U. My guess is that DM4U is spending money well beyond his means too just as my pops did. Things come crumbling down and thank god after getting my pops help he desperatly needed things are bouncing upwards for him.

This is definatly a sickness no doubt in my mind.

Sorry to let ya'll hear about depression issues close to home on my behalf. My two cents.

panasonic.fan - 2009-02-18 08:11

Originally posted by enskanker:
Look, any reasonable person would agree that to own and store that much stuff and living in a sort of squalor and mess like he does is an illness. That man is a functional but sick individual.

I venture to say any trained person seeing that would agree.

It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

I hope all of the boomboxes survive.

nelsongf9696 - 2009-02-18 19:02

He needs help .Hope he gets it.He's like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter.

jt - 2009-02-19 21:58

On a related but separate note....

Can you imagine what it would cost to put batteries in all those boxes?

You'd need a forklift to transport them...

ao - 2009-02-20 10:46

masterblaster84 - 2009-02-20 12:24

OMG, I would need serious therapy for major depression if I lived in a mess like that. Leaving

- 2009-02-20 13:50

So...how many boxes would you say are in his "mess" ? Big Grin


jovie - 2009-02-20 16:54

DM4U added quite an unusual identity to the forum roster.He was certainly unforgettable and could make things here interesting.Many times his responses to others were laced with sarcasm.There was obviously a certain frustration level with life detectable in his posts.Perhaps his living conditions also reflected this.Even so,he did contribute some informative comments and great pictures of overseas electronics shops from his military days.

DM4U is something of an enigma.Looking at his latest video,he seemed only able to recognize his kitchen due to the fact that he could see his refrigerator.I don't see how he could have actually used it as most people use their kitchen.I suppose it's possible he didn't spend much time at home as I don't see much livable space at all.It looks to basically be a warehouse.As I remember,he was retired military and worked for the city.If he lived alone (which seems likely) he might not have had a lot of extra expenses.Maybe he didn't go into debt buying all of those blasters.

As for his massive collection of boxes,I'd guess he is getting no satisfaction from them.Getting them seemed more about "process" than of a way to truly enrich his life's experience.This is evidenced most obviously by the items he won and never opened when he received them.As I was viewing the video,I was shocked at his apparent indifference to some of the boomboxes I saw!There are much lesser boxes in my collection that get appreciation and use.I feel the boxes themselves are being preserved well for future generations as they probably are never moved or touched.Hopefully he will decide to sell them sooner rather than later.

I do miss the guy also.Whatever he is doing now,I certainly wish him well ( though I'm not sure he really actually like us Laugh Out Loud ) .I often wonder if some who have been expelled from the forum have returned with different identities.

panasonic.fan - 2009-02-21 15:45

On the other hand, he also ripped off a member here over a $100 walkman (go figure after the THOUSANDS he spent stepping on many members here in his "quest"). He's a sad individual, who clearly couldn't give a crap about anyone other than himself.

I'd venture to say a woman hasn't seen that "house" (?) in a few decades.

vladi123456 - 2009-02-21 17:06

Jovie, well said

masterblaster84 - 2009-02-21 19:21

I Agree with PF, ripping off a member is reason enough to get booted.

As for his place I'm going to go one further and say nobody has seen the inside of his place in decades or at least nobody who returned a second time.

sinister - 2009-02-21 19:49

i for one am glad hes gone. i feel better knowing hes not here anymore. contacting people thru there contacts he got thru paypal or cuz hes lurking, and trying to buy things is pathetic. he needs to get a life, he clearly does not have one. Big Grin he has no idea how to appreciate the collection he has. Big Grin ocd4u.........

blah.blah.blah - 2009-02-23 11:38

and there's that....

funny, sad and flat out weird.

success - 2009-02-23 14:02

Ok, the flat looks like a mess.
But, What is the problem in having too much boomboxes ?.
Of course the more you have, the less you apreciate them ...

I remeber some member telling very beatiful storys about how easy was to pick-up a premium boombox for a few bucks. Many posts, and three o four dream-grails had been hunted each time.
I remeber that at this time I was restoring a RX-5600. It took me several hours and 70 dollars of materials.
Reading his posts maked me feel annoyed, you know ... you feel stupid trying to save a boombox that you can hunt for a few bucks.

But I most recognize that I would do the same if I could. Then, I can't complain to the member of telling this beatiful storys.

masterblaster84 - 2009-02-24 08:23

Well SUCCESS I can only say with DM4U it wasn't really one thing such as a messy flat but an accumulation of many things over a long period of time.

1) Ripped off a member for $100
2) Added complete ebay auctions instead of links to practically every post even after being asked by mods and members to only post links.
3) Posted pics in most threads bragging about what he possesed, he wasn't just sharing. This was especially annoying when he would do it in the Boombox wanted or for sale sections because he wasn't offering the boxes for sale just bragging that he had them.
4) In numerous cases he bought boxes out from under some members when a member would post specifically to another member about a box for sale. He would do so in a sneaky and brash nature then explain it when confronted with a selfish statement like "They don't make these anymore and I have to try them all now to find the ones I like".
This is counter to the sharing nature of most members of S2G who frequently try to help other members obtain boxes they desperately desire.
5) Tried to undercut the sale of a box by a very respected member by PM'ing the buyer the price that the respected member paid for the box.

These are just a few of the things that make him annoying and a former member of S2G, other members could add much more but these are just some of the big points. I agree with you that collecting as many boxes as you want is up to each individual, we may poke fun at people occasionally for it but it's not an attack. Collect on brother and I hope you and other good members obtain all the boxes you want, this isn't a competition so enjoy what you can find. Smile