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Guitars anyone?

litfan - 2009-02-21 14:15

Decided to give my fingers some exercise today, so, the guitars came out. Thought i would post a pic of this stunner. It`s a tokai LS-1000, no.42 of 100 worlwide. I found a video of myself, playing the guitar, from about 2 years ago, can`t believe it`s me. I`ve a job of putting 2 chords together now.

autoreverser - 2009-02-25 13:21

hey bro, thought you were dead !

nice to hear from you again !

nice guitar ! i have a 60'ies HOFNER, must make pics...

ao - 2009-02-25 13:41

Yeah, I got one somewhere, it's a 1964 Burns Wild Dog which I bought when I was a student in Leeds & spent three years sourcing original parts.

litfan - 2009-02-26 08:53

Come on cris. What`s up?. I thought, you were going to have a go at our cheapo, repro cabinet.

ao - 2009-02-26 09:19

I toyed with it but the the carpet burnt my retinas out before I had a chance.

How you doing buddy?

litfan - 2009-02-27 08:49

Big Grin. I thought as much. I am fair to crap thanks. The carpet will be no more soon. We still have a solid fuel fire, and, a few weeks ago, i was poking it up, and, a piece of coke flew out, burnt a great hole in it. I have to fork out for a new one, next month. Something similar, of course Wink.

ao - 2009-02-27 08:53

Repeat the hole at 2 ft square intervals to make it appear as it's the pattern

litfan - 2009-02-27 09:04

I would cris, if it wasn`t for the damn awful stink it causes. If you`ve ever smelt burnt carpet, you know where i`m coming from. Phew.

ao - 2009-02-27 09:12

Yeah, I burnt a roll of wet carpet last weekend. Toxic cloud of cack over the village.

928gts - 2009-02-27 11:45

Wait,did someone say guitars? I love guitars....and I have way too much gear.


1965 Hagstrom II
Les Paul Special Faded Cherry
Squire Stratocaster(also known as "The Freak" because it plays better than any Mexi or American strat I've played)
Epiphone Double Neck
Ibanez Artcore
Rickenbacker 4003
Ibanez GSR-100(my first bass and it plays beautifully for a starter bass)
Epiphone AJ-100


1968 Traynor YBA-1A Mark II
1973 Ampeg B-25B
~1963 Kay 803
Fender Rumble 100(for bass)

EHX Big Muff Pi
Line 6 Echo Park
Dunlop JH-1 Jimi Hendrix wah
Fulltone Fulldrive 2 MOSFET
Seymour Duncan Tweak Fuzz
Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
Boss CS-2 Chorus
Danelectro Fab Distortion
Dunlop Jimi Hendrix Octavio

What does anyone else have?

penge - 2009-03-01 06:58

Nice guitar Litfan, not seen that model before. Im still bashing on the old SG, same year as Angus Youngs, never managed to sound anything like him, so I changed the pickups to Ibanez pick ups V70, same as in the other picture of the guitar which is sort of a Randy Rhodes copy. After all these years I now know 7 chords, A, B, C, D, E, F, G!!!! The bombs on the short Hofner guitar are Mexican milk bottle tops , lots of them have come off over the years. I took this guitar with me when I used to go overseas to do business. I did get pulled up a few times by over anxious security guards. The 2 switches on the guitars are kill switches, one is spring loaded and the other is a morse code key. I must admit Im getting a bit bored with the kill switch syndrome, so i'll probably take them off soon. The letters on the edge of the pink Ibanez, where some are missing, is a warning to myself and a caution "theres no fool like an old fool"!
1..2..3..4 Penge.

litfan - 2009-03-01 07:08

That SG is a beaut. Never been a fan of these, but, your`s is nice.

autoreverser - 2009-03-01 07:18

...and my 60'ies HOFNER - pick-up's are all original, nice dirty garage-sound (...on a vintage 80W SUPREM tube-combo and a VOX Wah-Wah-pedal...)

penge - 2009-03-01 07:20

Sorry Litfan, I forgot the amp! When I lived in Australia, a friend of mine, a retired postman, decided to make guitar amps. He makes them all the time, its more of a hobby than a business. He's made several for me, all low wattage. Unfortunately he got quite popular in West Australia and hasnt made me another one for 3 years. This one is running a couple of old transformers, the valves are 3 12AX7's / ECC83 Mullard; 2 tall valves are Russian EL84s from about 1973. I used to always run this amp with religiously Mullard EL84s but I tried the Russian ones once and I liked them. This one is 15watt. I have a early Marshall valve amp 25/50 but since Graham my friend started making the amps, it sat under the stairs for years. Its just not in the race!

penge - 2009-03-01 07:21

Autoreverser - Thats really nice, havent seen it before, bell ringer.

litfan - 2009-03-01 07:22

Beautiful stuff. You can`t beat an EL84 powered amp. The best.

autoreverser - 2009-03-01 08:50

...wow, don't say that, i still have a HIWATT200 with 6x EL34, now THAT rocks !!!

litfan - 2009-03-01 08:53

Mm. A pete townshend special eh

autoreverser - 2009-03-01 13:25

..what ??? ...sorry??? ..eeh, i can't hear you, f*cking nice tinitus....

ao - 2009-03-01 14:21

Conrad, now that's a nice looking axe