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Hadron collider.

ford93 - 2008-09-10 16:11

Not in my area but would like to know others opinion on this new ground breaking technology to find out how the big bang started. Located around Switzerland scientist fired two proton beams from opposite side and it was a success. The next test will be the true test and folks are already saying that this could create a black hole.

moncheeto - 2008-09-10 16:18

please juan dont go there you will end up bald and poor Laugh Out Loud

beatbox - 2008-09-10 16:20



beatbox - 2008-09-10 16:23

Lots of issues surrounding the whole deal.

Somebody compared it to a cathode ray tube, or old school TV. So, not much to worry about, but we cannot know whether it was something smaller, the same size or greater than this that started our Universe.

For all we know, it could have been something as big as a fly's fart.

The cost of the whole thing is something else. 10 Billion dollars?

For fook's sake.

ford93 - 2008-09-10 16:35

Originally posted by ramon:
please juan dont go there you will end up bald and poor Laugh Out Loud
I'm already losing some and to think that America and Japan were two of the biggest investors.

jt - 2008-09-12 11:35

I can think of much better applications for that money... The whole thing seems a bit like they could be opening Pandora's Box.

Some things are better left alone.


- 2008-09-12 16:24

gee I am all for it remember when we here in TEXAS lost that huge 27 mile collider ???

fatdog - 2008-09-12 19:32

I wouldn't fret too much about it. Just a bunch of uber geeks with really expensive toys. Of course, if the thing works, I'm sure the U.S. will find some way to militarize it. Roll Eyes

kid.sensation - 2008-09-13 01:07

I heard that this is the biggest machine we humans created until now.

But i agree that this one is pretty senseless.

I mean who is really interested to know if all these theories about the world are right or wrong except of those scientist-geeks.

The idea with the black hole is just another theory thrown in the discussion from all the critic voices.
In fact things like the scientists do in switzerland do happen worldwide in the nature in a way more powerful way and there are no black holes.

On a side note the black hole is a theory too Laugh Out Loud

The biggest hope i have with this project is that they could find great and good ways for alternative energies as this is the thing the humanity really needs.

Im not really interested how the big bang started or anything else science-theory-related stuff..Im glad that it worked out this way and still is.

By the way, a young indian girl killed herself after she heard about the machine.She thought that it will kill the whole humanity and destroy the world.

walkgirl - 2008-09-13 03:02

I hope when they create a black hole, they
fall into it! Mad

So they learn how to spend money wisely! Mad

Many many many poor peopels who are hungry could
eat for years to come for a fraction of that money
from what that poopcannon costs Mad

joe.cool - 2008-09-13 06:10

Roll Eyes

No No