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Everybodys healthy?

viennasound - 2009-01-17 02:27

In Austria the influenza-wave goes round.
In Vienna about 15.000 ill people, daily more... Frown

Since Thursday now i´m in bed too.
Outside cold, inside hot (fever), and i feel like...

So this weekend is nothing with flea. Roll Eyes

How is it now in your country?
I hope better.
So everybody stay healthy and have a nice weekend!

joe.cool - 2009-01-17 03:42

Sorry to hear you're not well VS. Best wishes, hope you're feeling better soon. Think of this as an opprtunity to enjoy the bbxs you already have in your collection! Big Grin

viennasound - 2009-01-17 04:52

Thanks Joe.
That´s right, so i have a little time to let some boxes play. Smile
This moment my new shot "SILVER" is playing next to me. The story follows tomorrow... Wink

For today i just want to share an old reclam i bought over ebay. For the boombox-scooterists: Big Grin

billpc55 - 2009-01-19 21:12

yes the flu vaccine this year failed miserably as it was for the wrong strain. its a world wide problem here in canada tho people just go to work sick and continue on with their daily business ensuring the sickness spreads to as many people as possible.
i am sure when a deadly panademic comes to north america this entire continent will be doomed.

thafuzz - 2009-01-22 09:57

Being a military member, we cannot refuse the flu vaccination (actually a nasal spray) cause we may impact troop readiness, missions & deployments. If we refuse, we have to stand before the Commander and explain why we're not following th program. On the Civilian side, all 1st responders (Fire/Police/Ambulance/ect.) are offered the flu vacc. on a priority basis because we contact many people. Unfortunatley, this years vaccination only covers last year's flu strain. Nothing for this year's strain til next year.

71spud - 2009-01-22 10:44