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Whats up Ford93's ass?

noid - 2009-03-10 15:23

I got this message in my inbox about a day ago..

Just to say from all of us;
Thank god you've left you were nothing but a cheating POS who
ripped members off and screwed people over.
You're also an unpleasent ******* and nobody misses your
monkey ass on our forum.
If you dare to return you better be holding a white flag high
and clear asswipe.


hmm...i know i haven't been on in some time...but who and when have i cheated some one? i havent sold anything to anyone on this site. if someone has a problem with me..let me know...

skippy1969 - 2009-03-10 15:28

Thats not from Ford,I can guarantee that. Its that Jerkoff that is Kittmasters best buddy G.H. Mad
Just ignore it Noid..... Nod Yes
Check this out. G.H's handiwork.

masterblaster84 - 2009-03-10 15:28

Noid don't sweat it. We have an A$$ Clown getting his rocks off with trash emails to members. I recommend that you remove your email address from your profile since this is likely how this crack addict is able to email members.

Please don't post anymore about this in the forum, please PM members if you would like to talk about it. We don't need to feed this childish behavior by posting about it.

fatdog - 2009-03-10 16:16

Seriously, Noid. This is exactly the reaction the moldy, puss-filled, rectal infection known as G.H. wanted to see. Unfortunately, by not visiting the site often, you are probably ignorant of his sad little life and you have fallen victim to his "prank." There are plenty of topics on this subject and the moderators have asked before that no one post any e-mails received from G.H.

kittmaster - 2009-03-10 18:23

My signature says it all......ignore that used up douchebag

billpc55 - 2009-03-10 21:50

dirty cotton rocksucker i say