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Any drummers here?

kittmaster - 2009-01-13 18:37

I'm looking for some electronic drums by Roland or equivalent, anyone got any or know anyone selling?

If you do play, how long?....Genre?

I've played long ago and want to restart using electric drums, the technology today is amazing when you look at the Roland TD20.... Eek

Anyway, let me know, any help would be great...Smile


fatdog - 2009-01-14 14:44

Not a drummer per se, but I can program the shiat out of a Roland R8 drum machine. Big Grin

Have you tried your area craigslist?

kittmaster - 2009-01-14 18:13

i've searched up and down, crazy dollars for some.......almost 7k, seen as low as 4400....still a lot of dough...LOL

billpc55 - 2009-01-15 22:36

Originally posted by Fatdog:
Not a drummer per se, but I can program the shiat out of a Roland R8 drum machine. Big Grin

Have you tried your area craigslist?

r8s are the bomb. i love them. anyways as for new electronic drum kits.
i still really like the clavia stuff its a bit more expensive and more geared towards electronic sounds than sample play back accoustic ones.
if was going to throw a sample playback kit in the studio again i would chuck in a yamaha one i think.
roland stuff dosent really excite me too much. i kinda find there new stuff to be a bit long in the tooth in terms of timbre.

teamstress - 2009-01-21 16:25

I'm a drummer, been playing for 22yrs or so. I play a Hart Dynamics 6.4 pro set with a Roland td-8 module, with a few acoustic cymbals mixed in. I've had it 4-5yrs now I love 'em. I also bought the Roland HD-1 kit. The little kit is awesome for jamming with my band. I midi it to my td-8 module because the drum sounds are better. It's nice to carry my whole kit in one hand!
The Roland stuff is great but very expensive. Yamaha makes nice drums too. Their newest kit is cool,has three zone snare and tom pads.

kittmaster - 2009-01-21 17:07

It looks like I'll be picking up a TD-10V with 9 pads, 5 are from a TD-20 it seems. Should be interesting....

billpc55 - 2009-01-21 17:32

yeah i like the idea of electronic drums. i mean its so nice that a small kit can just be up and ready to go i a matter of moments.
yes roland is expensive,but that being said its cheaper than the clavia stuff and well way better made than some of the chinese stuff coming over the water the last couple of years. i mean the sonic stuff is just horrid and there is some other stuff too.
one of the cool things about eletronic drums is you can really go crazy when tracking in the studio. using all kinds of wierd stuff via a sampler to create some pretty unique percussion sounds.
i mean i have done all kinds of things like that. from sampling shopping carts being hit with a drum stick to doors slamming.
you have to really process the sound to make it sound good but when it does it sounds fantastic.
i stole one idea from judas preist which was to take a kitchen drawer filled with cutlery and sample that being dropped then assign it to one of the drum pads.
it took a while to warm the drummer at the time to that idea.
but once they heard it she was all over it.
and then the samplefest was off.
i still like actual drum samples and when they are done right they are so good.
i do still like to layer stuff tho.
i mean layering a 808 detuned kick with a nice sample of a real kick can be really nice too.
electronic drums rock.