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Our dog died..

litfan - 2009-02-12 08:21

Our poor little beagle, ben, died the other week, aged 14. he had been ill for a while. Here`s a pic i took of him, a few weeks ago. He was totally out of it. Poor little thing. RIP.

walkgirl - 2009-02-12 08:28

Oh no! Frown

That is terrible!


litfan - 2009-02-12 08:29

Hi nicolle. I knew you would be first to reply, Thanks. He was a one-off.

redbenjoe - 2009-02-12 08:40

sorry lit --
beagles are wonderful dogs --

get another one

litfan - 2009-02-12 08:51

No way ira. Too much hassle. have you got a dog?

redbenjoe - 2009-02-12 08:59

we did Frown
it was a BEAGLE --
his name was "archie"
by far - the most loving, loyal and popular dog around Smile

but ---
nothing could stop him -when he spotted a squirrel - across any busy street --

so finally -- he got run over -- dead Frown Frown

we miss him - ALOT

litfan - 2009-02-12 09:02

No way? Was he stubborn as well. Did what he wanted.

litfan - 2009-02-12 09:04

Our benny was deaf. I was taking him for a walk, about a month ago. Instead of crossing the road, he was trotting down the middle of the road, 3 cars behind him, pipping their horns.

kittmaster - 2009-02-12 09:27

Terrible to lose a member of the family.....Frown

blaster - 2009-02-12 09:48

sorry to hear lit...

masterblaster84 - 2009-02-12 09:52

Sorry to hear Lit, it's never easy to lose a member of the family. Frown

viennasound - 2009-02-12 10:04

Sorry to hear Lit, it's never easy to lose a member of the family.

That´s right. It really hurts. Frown

eddy - 2009-02-12 10:40

Sorry to read this Lit.
14 years is very old for a dog.
We had a lot of dogs , but there was only one that reached 14 years too.
The poor thing was totally at his end . Almost blind , lost all his teeth , coold not stand up anymore. We let him put to sleep. RIP Boomer

ghettoboom777 - 2009-02-12 10:57

Hi-I'm so sorry to hear that.
Our dog lived to be 14 also.
That's 108 in dog years.
I feel for you buddy! Frown
Take care-GB.

enskanker - 2009-02-12 11:00

Sorry Lit....

All The best Thoughts to you....

Look Here:

Dog Chapel

redbenjoe - 2009-02-12 12:26

hey lit --
just remembered my funny 'beagle-on-a-leash' story
--------but, need your OK to hi-jack your thread Big Grin
lmk Tap Toes Smile

litfan - 2009-02-12 12:32

Go ahead ira. Cheer us up.

jvc.floyd - 2009-02-12 12:58

wow ,sorry to heat that man ,i know how good beagles are my buddy has 2 of them they are great dogs, my favorite dogs of all are chihuahua's i had one and it died from old age so i feel for you dude.

walkgirl - 2009-02-12 13:01

My old uncle does have a dog, a jack russels,
that dog does eat from the bins, and street, and
is 16 years old now!, and runs like a 3 year old
dog!, I do not understand this, also that dog
is stiff from fleas Confused

redbenjoe - 2009-02-12 13:19

Originally posted by Litfan:
Go ahead ira. Cheer us up.

ok - thanks lit Smile
its not THAT funny though --but that NEVER does stop me----

as you know -- beagles are not only serious hunting dogs --but when they are young and 'in shape'

they are incredible athletes -- running, jumping --the best --

and our archie could dodge any dozen cars at any speed -- never a problem Smile

finally - after 10 years -he slowed down a bit -and after far too many close calls and 2 hospital trips Frown

we tried the 'leash thing'
it was the law, anyway Laugh Out Loud

well - one kind of dog thats not born to EVER be on a leash -- is a beagle !!!
it was more like torture than safety for him -

so - we decided -- to save his life --we would give him away to a family we knew very well --
and their 3 kids had always loved archie --

and - all because they lived out -MANY miles away- on their own multi acre private farm --with a six foot fence around it --
so archie would be happy and safe--

we stalled it - for many weeks -as we just knew we would miss him so much --

finally - the sad day happened --when they came to pick him up -- their kids were soooo happy--
of course --we had ANYTIME visiting rights Smile
but STILL-- Frown Frown

late that same night --we get a panicky crying call from the family --"cant find archie"

the next morning - we heard that great sound --he had made it - all alone -he was back HOME - HERE with us !!!!! Smile Smile Big Grin

litfan - 2009-02-12 13:45

I knew it ira Big Grin. I once, about 10 years ago, took our ben somewhere he had never been. It`s a double football field, about 3 miles away. Un-luckilly for us, on this day, some kid`s had decided to go motorbiking there also. I don`t know about your`s ira, but, benny was scared to death of motorbikes. He wasn`t on the lead, these bikes started up, he was off, into the distance. He was knowhere to be seen. Some people helped me search for him, nothing. After an hour, i decided to go home, wondering what to say to my parents. I just turned the corner to our house, there, sat waiting by the gate, as if nothing had happened, our benny. I couldn`t believe it.

redbenjoe - 2009-02-12 13:51

well rich,
i we had to be dogs --its best to be beagles Big Grin

928gts - 2009-02-12 13:52

14 years old is very old for a dog.

Even so,I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Pets can very much become members of the family and when they go its like theres this giant void in your house.

erniejade - 2009-02-12 14:42

Sorry to hear about that. My golden ernie died last year at the age of 16 and Mikey my english bulldog I had to put him down in sept and he was 10. It is like loosing a family member and is hard.

fatdog - 2009-02-12 14:58

Hey Lit, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. It's especially difficult to lose one when they grow to be as old as Ben. Here's to you find another faithful friend. Smile

litfan - 2009-02-12 15:06

Thanks lad`s, but, as you know, you get too attached to them.

panasonic.fan - 2009-02-12 15:16

Sorry to hear about this Richard. I haven't had a dog in many years, since childhood, but the feeling of the loss is something I can recall even now.

Having lost another longtime pet a little more than a year ago, I can relate. I'm sure your dog had a great life with your family.

jovie - 2009-02-12 15:19

I'm sorry to hear of your loss.He was obviously where he wanted to be the most in his last days.I've been considering getting a dog for some time now.Though I've never had one,I just feel my life would be better.I've considered a beagle actually though I am leaning towards a "toy" type of dog.When looking at the lifespans of the different breeds,it appears as though your dog lived a full life.No matter what pet you have eventually you have to deal with its passing.I'm sure there are dogs requiring less upkeep than a beagle.Personally I feel you should bring the excitement of a new young pup into your life!

oldskool69 - 2009-02-12 15:36

Wow. Frown Sorry about that Rich. I know he was a family member as any son or daughter would be. If there is one silver lining is that you will have all hose great memories. God Bless my man.

appleknocker - 2009-02-12 18:54

Very sorry. It's so sad to lose a dog.

baddboybill - 2009-02-12 19:43

I Agree Sorry to hear about your loss. A dog really is man's best friend Nod Yes

thafuzz - 2009-02-12 21:54

Hi there Lit. Sorry to hear about your loss. Pets can become so much a part of our lives. Frown

jerryjg - 2009-02-13 01:10

yeah, 14 years old..he had a good run, but im sure your still heartbroken. All those years he had to mean alot to you.

isolator42 - 2009-02-25 09:21

Damn, Lit, you are not having the best of it right now, eh?

Sorry to hear this, on top of everything else you're going through.
I'll bet you've got loads of great pictures to remember him by.

...hopeing things start getting better for you soon. Surely you're overdue that by now? Smile

litfan - 2009-02-25 09:38

Hey, my man, thanks. After your aldo nova post. I dug his "portrait of" cd out. Made my day, hearing those tracks again.

isolator42 - 2009-02-26 02:14

Know what you mean. It's great to dig out an old, forgotten album sometimes Smile