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s2g Teamwork !!

redbenjoe - 2008-08-26 22:48

have yet another story to share Smile

about a year ago --2 of us members noticed that we were often bidding against each other -as we want many of the same boxes --

so , of course , brilliant and slick members that we are !!!
we made a deal to 'team-up' -and take turns winning 'grails'

we act like there are no other members or ebay bidders on the planet who would ever want an m90 or a conion , etc --

so its " you win this one -- i win the next one"
like that ......

now - to reveal a vague hint as to exactly how successful 'our team' has performed --

we have not , between us , won even ONE of these team efforts in over 20 tries !! Laugh Out Loud


but , finally -- THE BIG WIN was in our easy grasp last week ---it was the now famous sinister M90 --
(the same one that sin won legit - but DM4U tried to rescue it for him ) Smile

there was just 'no way' we could lose on that one --because we knew that without the top trim - the box looked BAD -- and therefor a rare M90 SLEEPER --

anyway - it was my buddies turn - and it was very exciting to watch that auction go down to the end --for short money --and just when i expected to see his name in the winners circle --
he was nowhere to be found --but instead was shocked to see sinisters name there !!

(btw - i was exactly as thrilled to see sin win it --as he is part of US , anyway)

----as you might guess -- i sent my partner a very quick "what happened" ??? pm

he said ...... "sorry - i forgot to bid "

- i wonder why we our team is not doing very well Laugh Out Loud

enskanker - 2008-08-27 03:23

When your old like me and forget important stuff...this helps

redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 05:01

thank alot ed --
could use it myself -

but , as for my trusty, loyal , dumbsh-t partner Smile --he may be beyond help --

giving him no more than 2 more chances to fk-up -
then he is SO-FIRED !! Laugh Out Loud

so - keep your eye out for my near future s2g wanted ad :
" new team needed"

jt - 2008-08-27 06:03

Thanks for the link, Ed...

How long have you been using them? And does it work pretty good?

I'm kinda skiddish about giving my ebay password to someone else...


enskanker - 2008-08-27 06:28

Used for 7 years and I love it, only way to play on ebay.(for me)

Keeps you out of the fray and you pick your price and forget it....if you lose you lost because you
you did not let your emotions get you into a high price bidding war. I have sniped many an item at a good price, especially sleepers, and such.

I just sniped a pair of Bushnell Aviator sunglasses to replace my busted Ray Bans, won for 21.50 the pair a few days before that went for over 35.00, so I just bid at sniped at 6 seconds my pair rather than bid up the price with some ebay newbie.

Of course I have lost many auctions with this service but thats because I have my price set
and someone else gets into a bidding war and the price goes way up.

I find that ultimately I win what I want at a price I'm good with paying.

Also, the service is very reliable and you don't have to sit and watch the auction all the time.

All is fair in love and war and auctions.....

jt - 2008-08-27 07:14

Wicked! I'm all over this!

Thanks again!


redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 08:13

JT -- thats gonna be so cool -

if it works out --then you can be a 'short list' candidate for my next s2g team Smile

enskanker - 2008-08-27 08:38

so sorry to hijack your thread red.

redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 09:00

nope - i am seriuosly glad to have this link --its how all the 'pros' win --

whenever i lose a good box -- its always by bidders with very extensive feedbacks --and CONSISTENTLY in exactly the last 4 or 6 seconds -
so they are obviously on an automatic program --

like -whos goonna be that cool - to place a manual bid for a 'grail' Smile in the last 4 seconds ??!!

sinister - 2008-08-27 09:29

like -whos goonna be that cool - to place a manual bid for a 'grail' in the last 4 seconds ??!!

ME!!! Cool

jt - 2008-08-27 09:34

like -whos goonna be that cool - to place a manual bid for a 'grail' in the last 4 seconds ??!!

In the past, me too!

jt - 2008-08-27 09:35

OK, now lets delete this thread! Big Grin

Just kidding!


redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 09:42

SIN and JT --

you guys have huge b-lls --

i never can wait that long --

asking --about WHAT do you think your pulse rates are in the last 10 seconds ??

sinister - 2008-08-27 10:10

you have huge b-lls

not the first time ive heard that Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 10:39

oops sin -- was expecting you would NEVER see this thread !! Smile

i hope you know what was meant
-by saying your m90 looks BAD -

-but for any newbee or bidder that didnt know that top trim was replaceable -- they were scared away --

so that little trim issue --saved you about $250 !!! ( really )

amazing win/price --
unless that goofy seller is still sending out his second chance offers --you ought to have real soon

sinister - 2008-08-27 10:45

i aint trippin man. no worries Wink

jt - 2008-08-27 13:16

asking --about WHAT do you think your pulse rates are in the last 10 seconds ??

You'd be surprised... very calm, actually. I put in my bid with the most I'm willing to pay. And if I lose, then so be it...

I have lost more than my fair share of those bids, too... and each time, there was eventually another that came along. Oftentimes, I would then end up with that item for considerably less.

Patience really does pay on eBay.

baby.boomer - 2008-08-27 14:12

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
whenever i lose a good box -- its always by bidders with very extensive feedbacks --and CONSISTENTLY in exactly the last 4 or 6 seconds - so they are obviously on an automatic program --

Nope. Just an accurate watch and a fast Internet connection. Works every time. Wink

Of course, it doesn't win every time. That depends on the maximum bid.

I have, however, when reviewing bidding for a particular item, occasionally noticed multiple bids by the same bidder, all the same maximum amount, and all at the same last second. Since it doesn't seem humanly possible to do that from a keyboard, I've always figured it was a program. I don't see the point, however... maybe to flood the eBay server and crowd out other last-second bidders. Doesn't seem to work, though. No one's ever beat me that way... so long as my maximum bid was bigger, and there was no time left for them to bid again.

redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 14:16

well -- my way is gonna sound a bit childish --

but every time i lose a box at the last second --
after hoping to win it --for all of that LONG !! seven days

i just whip on my kaboom --twist up that fat bass knob --which ALWAYS works to make me realize :

" i didnt need the friggen thing anyway " Laugh Out Loud

moncheeto - 2008-08-27 14:16

yeap thats how i ended up with a sansui cp-5 for 16.00 dollars Nod Yes Big Grin

baby.boomer - 2008-08-27 14:26

When I lose a big one, I yell at my wife, eat until I get sick, and refuse to bathe.

redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 14:59

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

BB-- seriously --when you have played it down to the last few seconds --have you EVER got distracted , lost your concentration ??

like doorbell or phone rings , wife calls etc --

for instance -- i allow 12 -15 seconds for that sh-t Smile

enskanker - 2008-08-27 15:06

your fav porn site goes down....

moncheeto - 2008-08-27 15:12

whats going on here ira are you bothering uncle ed again? Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-08-27 17:09

Originally posted by JT:
asking --about WHAT do you think your pulse rates are in the last 10 seconds ??

You'd be surprised... very calm, actually. I put in my bid with the most I'm willing to pay. And if I lose, then so be it...

I have lost more than my fair share of those bids, too... and each time, there was eventually another that came along. Oftentimes, I would then end up with that item for considerably less.

Patience really does pay on eBay.

Same principle here. If it's for me it'll be with me. Nod Yes

oldskool69 - 2008-08-27 17:10

Originally posted by ramon:
yeap thats how i ended up with a sansui cp-5 for 16.00 dollars Nod Yes Big Grin

Plus some teamwork help! Wink

redbenjoe - 2008-08-27 18:11

ramon wasnt even on the team --and he wins a $16 grail-- Mad Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

- 2008-09-06 21:52

am just now reading this veri interesting thread here Wink

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
well -- my way is gonna sound a bit childish --

but every time i lose a box at the last second --
after hoping to win it --for all of that LONG !! seven days

i just whip on my kaboom --twist up that fat bass knob --which ALWAYS works to make me realize :

" i didnt need the friggen thing anyway " Laugh Out Loud