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Shtoopid woman.. :-(

2steppa - 2009-03-29 01:32

Waste of a nice little boombox Mad


viennasound - 2009-03-29 06:26

Waste of a nice little boombox

And a lot of tapes...

- 2009-03-29 06:52

Guys, She might just have another victim picked and this one ain't gonna make you all happy....

Looks like a bigger, nicer radio than the first, as if the first one wasn't a complete waste. She could have sold that radio and gotten a shrink and some happy pills. What a total waste !


moncheeto - 2009-03-30 14:35

i guess we can ask her nicely to sell us the box Nod Yes

jt - 2009-04-01 12:39

The word "flake" somehow comes to mind....

fatdog - 2009-04-01 12:58


jt - 2009-04-01 13:10

Originally posted by Fatdog:

I wouldn't quite put her that far out there... But the two of them should meet, they might be a match made in heaven!

She'd have a field day with a sledge hammer at his pad for sure!

Laugh Out Loud

baddboybill - 2009-04-01 13:17

Thats funny Laugh Out Loud Good thing it was only a GE imagine it being a JVC or something Nod Yes
Originally posted by Fatdog:

moncheeto - 2009-04-01 13:46

that might be his girlfriend finally he found someone to cus at Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud