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Just glad we could help

thafuzz - 2008-08-25 09:42

Yesterday there was a tragic civilian plane crash 6 miles from Manas AB (where I had been deployed). Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan's capital city is about 18 miles from there. Our Air Force Air Base there, support this very poor country with humanitarian, medical,support and financial donations (like my collection for their children's heart surgery ward),etc. Many people were injured and some died Frown During this tragedy, ALL available resources came together for the mutual aid call. It's heart warming to see that 376th Security Forces Squadron, Base fire trucks, medical personell and crash support people were allowed off base (usually restricted) to assist the Kyrgyz people. Although I won't be back there for a few more years, I made friends with the locals, who I still chat with and feel a sort of connection there. <iframe src="http://www.cnn.com/video/savp/evp/?loc=dom&vid=/video/world/2008/08/25/vo.kyrgyzstan.plane.crash.ap" height="393" width="406" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

thafuzz - 2008-08-25 09:44

Sorry. I tried pasting the link. Confused

beatbox - 2008-08-25 09:53

The link to the video

Sorry to hear this news. It must be heartwrenching for you. At least you know everyone did their best.

fatdog - 2008-08-25 09:57

Plane crashes are the worst because so many lives can be lost at one time. Frown I'm sure your friends did all they could to save as many as possible.

chancenellie - 2008-08-25 09:59

Hey Adam,its terrible when these things happen,sometimes worse that it takes a disaster to bring the world and its races closer together.But it makes you feel good inside to know there are guys like you that are there 24/7 to rely on.God bless you man Nod Yes