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Susan Boyle

walkgirl - 2009-04-21 09:21

Hello Smile

Did any of you nice peoples see this great
and lovely singer?

Singer Smile

She is fantastic!, plus the video does get over 4.000.000 views per day! Eek

I hope she wins! Smile

redbenjoe - 2009-04-21 09:28

yup-- I Agree

billpc55 - 2009-04-21 10:19

even if she loses you can bet your life someone is gonna make a film about this story.

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-21 11:43

I Agree
She just blew up the stereotype. Great voice and a nice sense of humor, doesn't matter if she doesn't look like a model. In fact I think people in general would like her to succeed for these reasons. Nod Yes

Enough mental Brittany's and privelaged Paris Hilton's, how about someone we can relate to? Susan Boyle. Smile

thafuzz - 2009-04-21 11:49

doesn't matter if she doesn't look like a model. In fact I think people in general would like her to succeed for these reasons.

I'm completely with you on that Don. Nod Yes How about cheering for an "average Joe-ella"! I have'nt caught a single show in two-three seasons. But, I do catch the highlights. More power to her. Good on her for stepping up and going for it. I'm rooting for her.

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-21 11:57

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
Good on her for stepping up and going for it. I'm rooting for her.

Absolutely Adam! Nod Yes

billpc55 - 2009-04-21 13:34

sometimes people need to get smacked across the face and be reminded that regular people are the majority.
most of us are not models.
people have become so tied up in the assumption everyone should look a certain way or dress a certain way.
there is something very punk rock about this woman. yes dare i say punk rock.
what i mean is it goes back to the whole idea of just being yourself and not giving a crap about what someone else thinks.
personally i find the people who find her odd and creepy to be well
lets face it if someone like vera lynn or jimi hendrix for that matter were getting started today it is most likely they wouldnt stand a chance beacause of thier looks or image.
this woman susan boyle has really struck people in some kind of deep and viceral way.
some could call it hype,but honestly there is something much bigger than just plain hype going on with this.

ford93 - 2009-04-21 16:39

I'm rooting for her she has an amazing voice.

I give credit where credit is due and she wins it.

transamguy1977 - 2009-04-21 18:01

Awesome performance from a very talented woman.
It is very sad though to see how poorly people reacted to her when she walked up on stage.
Its sad how shallow people really are in this world.
She showed them though she has more talent in her little toe than most people have in thier entire body and soul.

billpc55 - 2009-04-21 18:29

Originally posted by transamguy1977:
Awesome performance from a very talented woman.
It is very sad though to see how poorly people reacted to her when she walked up on stage.
Its sad how shallow people really are in this world.
She showed them though she has more talent in her little toe than most people have in thier entire body and soul.

I Agree

ao - 2009-04-22 10:25

Oh, please....

This was just another attempt to create media 'spin' around this show. Yes, she's got a great voice but it bugs me that this poor lady had to suffer the indignity of being 'dressed down' & made to look drab to further the shock effect.

Other contestants on the show get the full make over experience with nice clothes & make-up etc but the producers felt that to maximise on the 'how can this rather bland looking woman sing so well' effect they had to get her to look like this plus editing the show to put her in a poor light until the moment she opens her mouth and sings.

Media manipulation to create sensationalism. It's shock therapy designed to line Simon Cowells pockets further.

nah, not great.

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-22 10:40

Originally posted by agentorange:
Media manipulation to create sensationalism. It's shock therapy designed to line Simon Cowells pockets further.

Of course there is manipulation for profit, all media whether news, movies, reality shows or whatever it's all manipulated for profit. Money is the overwhelming driving force behind everything and at a very discusting in your face level but that doesn't totally discredit real people such as Susan Boyle. I'm sick of people like Brittany Spears being idolized, that to me is far more discusting than Susan Boyle being marched out with messy hair, no makeup and in drab clothing.

penge - 2009-04-22 11:53

"I'm sick of people like Brittany Spears being idolized, that to me is far more disgusting than Susan Boyle being marched out with messy hair, no makeup and in drab clothing." I agree 90%

But her hair & clothing was pure Punk. ( I don't mean Punk as in dress , i mean attitude)
She just went as herself.
Best tonic the country has had for a while.
Yes a couple of tears sneaked out.

Great post walkgirl, thanks.

billpc55 - 2009-04-22 12:27

yep i am with penge
i mean sure someone at some level probably expected her to be able to sing,but you know there is something about peoples reaction to her that cannot be denied.
people are pretty sick of the hollywood idea of success.

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-22 12:48

Originally posted by Penge:
But her hair & clothing was pure Punk. ( I don't mean Punk as in dress , i mean attitude)
She just went as herself.

I agree, didn't mean it like she looked horrible just completely un polished but that's a very good thing in this case. I Think many of us are tired of the fake, perfectly polished people that are paraded in front of us all day long.

analogboi - 2009-04-23 08:39

I think people are sick of synthetic music... for example "singers" with minimal or no talent (save for desirable appearance) and computer pitch correction, etc. Mad

Then you get someone like Susan Boyle and people are all over it!! Big Grin

Another alternative is to seek out those singers from before about 1985 (sixties and seventies offered many) that had talent before computers made performers. Roll Eyes

Examples would be Dusty Springfield, Etta James, Petula Clark, etc...

peter.griffin - 2009-04-23 08:47

I was watching that at work, and I laughed at her too when she walked on stage. Then she sang, and I tell you, I thought it was a joke, like someone dubbed her voice. I couldn't believe that sound was coming from her. I watched the whole thing, truly was an amazing experience, whether the producers "manipulated" it or not. She deserves everything that's coming to her.

ao - 2009-04-23 12:06

Yes, yes, yes, but this is what this show is designed to make you feel, it's all tailored to invite sympathy & 'you tell em' type responses.

Yes, she can sing, so can millions of others, but the fact of the matter is that this show is poison, it's designed to tug on the heartstrings to get you back week-on-week. Higher ratings = £££££.

Don't fall for it.

I tell you something though, voice or no voice, she really is tough on the eye.

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-23 12:47

Originally posted by agentorange:
Yes, yes, yes, but this is what this show is designed to make you feel, it's all tailored to invite sympathy & 'you tell em' type responses.

Yes, she can sing, so can millions of others, but the fact of the matter is that this show is poison, it's designed to tug on the heartstrings to get you back week-on-week. Higher ratings = £££££.

Don't fall for it.

Wow AO sounds like you need to throw out your TV. Laugh Out Loud

Don't all "SHOWS" do this in one way or another for profit? Okay maybe not all public access channels but those are typically bad productions. How about your local city council meetings on public access, those will make you want to jab a fork in your eye.
Laugh Out Loud

ao - 2009-04-24 00:08

I don't do TV, you're right.

For those of you who still think dear Susan Boyle is a genuine rags to riches Cinderella who has been given another chance by the oh so grateful Britain's Got Talent, here are some fluffy kitten videos:


litfan - 2009-04-24 03:07

Ha ha. Funny you should mention susan cris. I was round her house the other day, for dinner. We were sat at the table, susan say`s "how many potatoes would you like richard", i said "one please susan", she said "no need to be polite richard. So, i said " one then, you stupid cow".

masterblaster84 - 2009-04-24 10:09

Originally posted by agentorange:
I don't do TV, you're right.[/url]

Probably a smart thing AO, TV can be a mind draining physically unhealthy black hole. Look what has happened to the youth, they are TV addicts, it's no wonder the childhood obesity rate is climbing every year.

baby.boomer - 2009-04-24 10:41

I tell you something though, voice or no voice, she really is tough on the eye.

Check out the latest. Susan got a "mild makeover"! She's still no beauty, but at least now I can open my eyes when she sings. And I DO like the way she sings: perfect voice for stage or a Disney movie musical!

I agree with MB84. TV is all about manipulating us (making us curious, teasing us about endings, twisting plots to keep us glued to our sets) to keep us watching. Nothing wrong with that... or with making money.

It's the same reason stores have bright lights and cars are redesigned every few years: to keep us interested and coming back and spending money. When that stops, the economy dies and people lose jobs... like right now!

If we were manipulated by Susan, so what? I can't thing of anything I'd rather be manipulated by than a "rags to riches" story and a beautiful voice.