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Thanks Jens, Paul, Retro and friends old and new

enskanker - 2009-05-06 02:18

Six years, many laughs, friends, and much comaraderie.

Having a recent post deleted for being in the wrong section has only reinforced my feeling that this place is no longer enjoyable for me.

I have done nothing to be treated in such a manner to have a post deleted.

Now I feel like this forum has become a unfriendly and will lose more like me who have done nothing to be disrespected.

Another moderator decision that was final but not right. Another instance of moderator impudence.

jovie - 2009-05-06 02:40

No appeal process either.This borders on tyranny.I have a feeling no one else with any power is really listening or wants to get involved.

im.out.of.hear - 2009-05-06 02:40

Ed,i hope your not going to do what i think your going to do,you cant leave man..
Thats against the Law..Your one of the old skool !!

isolator42 - 2009-05-06 04:09

ooh... Frown

71spud - 2009-05-06 06:27

I have been a member of a few different boards (and still am). Some I don't post to or even visit anymore. This is entirely because of the existance of a few members that spew their hate and bias freely without being removed from the membership roles. Sometimes it is subtle. Sometimes not. Some just manage to bring every post back to some chip they have on their shoulder. And for whatever reason this allowed to continue. At some point it is like lead poison to me... It just builds up and there is nothing that will make it go away... So I do.

That being said S2G is THE BEST at not letting this happen. Sometimes discussions get cut short or topics closed and I would rather they were not, but looking back afterwords I can see where it was headed and it is for the best. Some members have been banned, and for usually very good reasons. And that's all good. But I have never been a fan of "zero tollerance" "all decisions final" type moderation. And if nobody is policing the police it WILL drive people away for good. I am a fan of term limits.... And demotions from power if need be.

Nobody has the time to mess around with "my post/topic got deleted" complaints. However if there is a pattern of this and/or personal attacks and the powers that be fail to take action then people, good people, will leave. And I don't blame them.

ford93 - 2009-05-06 07:32

I Agree this used to be a fun place, a place where members would contribute in many forms.

It is here where I learned alot about how to fix certain issues on my Boomboxes and it came from members here. This is a valuable site for Boombox collectors and I had the priviledged to meet some of these members.

I just wish that when theres a disagreement on a topic that it should not escalate to a point that a member has to be banned. To me it just sends the wrong vibe to the rest of the community.

This all started with a member comparing the M-90 to another international Boombox. I'am sadden that it escalated to a level where it just got too crazy.

To me when a member starts to criticise a Boombox he or she don't belong here. This is a site about Boomboxes and yes I myself have compared Boomboxes but never made it to become such an issue.

I just hope that the next time a member here starts some drama they should be PM'ed and warned! I love this site and I would hate to see this continue, where it just might make me decide to not contribute anymore.

jt - 2009-05-06 07:34

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

"this thread will self-destruct it 2 hours!"

panasonic.fan - 2009-05-06 07:41


As you are well aware that topic was forwarded in it's entirety, to Jens so he could read it. The content was something (like this thread) that belongs in PM directly to the moderation team.

If I could have moved the entire thread directly into a PM addressed to Jens I would have, but the site interface doesn't give us that option. It wasn't deleted for being in the wrong section Ed, and you were fully aware of that when you made this assertion. You were PM'd very politely as to what action was taken and why.

Site moderation is not up for public debate. This has been consistently the policy here, and is standard operating procedure on just about every forum in existence. I am a member of about 30 other online discussion sites, and without exception this policy is in place on the other sites.

Ed, did I not politely encourage you to contact Jens via PM with your concerns after explaining why the topic was removed?

There was no disrespect in doing that.

I am not going to continue debating a policy that has stood from DAY ONE in this forum. Everyone who has posted in this thread has been around far long enough to know this. It has been consistently applied whenever it comes up.

I think Jens made it very clear what the expectation should be with regard to the site moderation policy here.

If you have a personal issue with me with regard to moderation that has occurred on the site, please contact Jens via PM to voice your concerns.

I am leaving this topic in place (closed) so that there is no question as to whether or not this has been brought up and addressed.