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Losing more members

thafuzz - 2009-05-06 14:08

Well, I must say that I'm saddened to see that we keep losing more valued members from this site (for various reasons). I'm troubled by this and feel more S2Gers might be jumping ship. I haven't been wanting to check in for fear of more bad news. Normally, I'd run to see what's going on here and couldn't wait to contribute. I've chatted with other S2G long timers privately and they've expressed similar views. This morale downturn is a complete 180 degrees from what it normally is. Frown Leaving

masterblaster84 - 2009-05-06 14:16

I agree Adam, it hasn't been the usual pleasant break here for the last week or two. All things change and it seems S2G might be going through a change as we speak. Only time will tell what or how dramatic that change is.

redbenjoe - 2009-05-06 15:49

i cant even keep track Frown

but i think . so far, we have lost -
in just a few days :

driptip, enskanker, fatdog and billpc -
and maybe more --

these guys have made invaluable, countless contibutions and have all helped to have made s2g what it was supposed to be.

johnnygto - 2009-05-06 16:10

I am really saddened to see this happen to this site, it was my all time favorite. Frown

jaredscottfla - 2009-05-06 16:12

yep i agree it's a total shame and really a very valuabl;e loss to the sight i hope they reconsider,the drama and nonsense really sucks Frown

jovie - 2009-05-06 16:24

I feel this IS a major turning point.The powers that be should be taking this seriously.Whether they agree with the reasoning or not,good members are leaving and I feel more will follow.You can't keep people when they feel they are unfairly censored and subject to disciplinary action without a way to contest it.The mods need to work together and come to a majority decision on disciplinary rulings.Checks and balances are healthy in any form of governance.Absolute power corrupts absolutely as they say.

Again it doesn't matter if you agree with those leaving or not.There must be a legitimate concern (at least) if so many people are coming together over this.I'm hoping others with the power will not remain with a "hands off" attitude towards addressing the problem.

71spud - 2009-05-07 06:33

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
i cant even keep track Frown

but i think . so far, we have lost -
in just a few days :

driptip, enskanker, fatdog and billpc -
and maybe more --

these guys have made invaluable, countless contibutions and have all helped to have made s2g what it was supposed to be.

It is all your fault for going on vacation... Leaving

bredgeo - 2009-05-07 10:49

HUMMM..... Not posting as much put me in the "I am not to sure what is going on" position...

I do remember having taken part in a dicussion that seemed to have turned sour... with metad and whom ever.... was this the start of this "DownFall"?

panasonic.fan - 2009-05-07 12:35

I agree that it's always sad to see people leave, regardless of their reasons.

isolator42 - 2009-05-08 02:34

..OK, time for my two-penneth...

All forums have the odd bust up & inevitably, this results in some of those involved leaving.
For example, I've been in contact with ex-S2G member Potrokh since his departure from S2G, which was the result of something similar. He's a nice & honest guy (he sold me my M90), but it's just the way of things.

Over the 4+ years that I've been on here, I've found S2G to be quite the friendliest forum I've ever been a member of.
It's why I'm still here.
I wouldn't choose to spend time with a bunch of stroppy or miserable people in real life, so why would I do so online?

I don't want to be drawn into taking sides on the current (or any other) disagreement - it's not my business. I just want to share boombox & walkman stuff with like minded people. While S2G remains a good place to do that, I'll be around.
If the new boomboxery site continues to develop into another place to do that, I'll be around there too.
End of Smile

weylandyutani - 2009-05-08 02:45

Hey little old me is still here even if RAMBO ESTRADA is now a member of legend. And funny thing is lately I have been selling some boxes [mainly very young buyers] and they all seem to know about s2go. Just a bit shy and scared that all you world widers may not reply. I know better than that though every one has been bloody brilliant in reply,s and encouragement.

metad - 2009-05-08 03:28

Originally posted by isolator42:
I've been in contact with ex-S2G member Potrokh since his departure from S2G, which was the result of something similar. He's a nice & honest guy

it's sad to see Potrokh left this place, but when he was leaving he didn't scream: "I'm Leaving! it's not fun to be here anymore!", and he didn't call to change moderators.

he didn't try to make people think like he wants them to think.

isolator42 - 2009-05-08 04:11

He just decided it wasn't for him anymore.
I wonder if he'll pitch up at Boomboxery?
Originally posted by metad:
Originally posted by isolator42:
I've been in contact with ex-S2G member Potrokh since his departure from S2G, which was the result of something similar. He's a nice & honest guy

it's sad to see Potrokh left this place, but when he was leaving he didn't scream: "I'm Leaving! it's not fun to be here anymore!", and he didn't call to change moderators.

he didn't try to make people think like he wants them to think.

metad - 2009-05-08 04:29

I wonder if he'll pitch up at Boomboxery?

Big Grin

transamguy1977 - 2009-05-09 15:28

he didn't try to make people think like he wants them to think.[/QUOTE]

He didnt have to try , people already think like him.

metad - 2009-05-10 03:05

Originally posted by transamguy1977:
people already think like him.

wrong, he has left not because of the moderation.

once again: he didn't try to make people think like him, unlike some others.