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monolithic - 2008-12-28 11:38


billpc55 - 2008-12-28 12:16

i havent been to a movie theatre since i got my lcd projector.
i dont have to worry about being shot or shooting any one Big Grin Big Grin

fatdog - 2008-12-28 12:25

I absolutely HATE going to movie theaters. I only go if I'm dragged there by my wife or daughter. No matter where I sit, there's always someone behind me who kicks the back of my seat or talks the entire time. Then there are the people who are "open mouth" eaters who can't eat popcorn quietly enough to save their lives. Milk-duds and M&M's are always great noise makers too.

Aside from all that, why spend $25 going to see a movie, when the DVD will be out in six months for $19.95 or cheaper.

johnnygto - 2008-12-28 12:33

Originally posted by Fatdog:
I absolutely HATE going to movie theaters. I only go if I'm dragged there by my wife or daughter. No matter where I sit, there's always someone behind me who kicks the back of my seat or talks the entire time. Then there are the people who are "open mouth" eaters who can't eat popcorn quietly enough to save their lives. Milk-duds and M&M's are always great noise makers too.

Aside from all that, why spend $25 going to see a movie, when the DVD will be out in six months for $19.95 or cheaper.

I Agree

I too find the seat kickers and jaw/lip smackers! UGHHHHH! Smile I know the movie isn't on for just me, so I try to be respectful, most don't though... Confused


billpc55 - 2008-12-28 13:24

the new theatres we have here are pretty good. it is pretty much impossible for someone to kick the back of your seat. so yeah if they do you know they are doing it on purpose and those people are ejected immediately by security. i really just cannot do it tho any more. i can sit in my living room or lay on the bed with the projector pointed at the cieling and well its way more fun that being in the cinema.
i think that the movie theatre is going to continue to dwindle in popularity. they just do not provide any value for the dollar in my eyes anymore.
plus i can pause the film when i have to use the facillities and never have to worry if the place is clean or not.
meh digital projectors may seem costly but they pay them selves off very fast.

jt - 2008-12-28 16:11

netflix + HDTV = Smile

- 2008-12-28 16:39

Man that's just crazy Frown

***MONO, i love your new avatar...Critical Beatdown is in my top 10 all time favorite albums Wink


johnnygto - 2008-12-28 22:45

Originally posted by JT:
netflix + HDTV = Smile

Do you have a ROKU??? I love mine!! for $99.00 you can access 12000 movies for the same $9 a month you pay already!!

Friggin awesome!



thafuzz - 2008-12-28 23:16

For this fool to shoot a father in front of his own family? C'mon now, WTF! I like my big HDTV and all, but still would love to catch big budget movies on big budget theatre surround sound systems too.

gluecifer - 2008-12-28 23:34

Home Cinema's have made the movie theatre obsolete. I'd much, much rather watch a movie with friends at my house in a great relaxed atmosphere than spend a ridiculous amount of money to be squeezed into to an uncomfortable seat in a cinema that sounds worse than my home 5.1 system.

I do have some wonderful memories of cinemas, but the most memorable ones were on dates, and the movie itself certainly wasn't what I remember the most fondly, if you catch my drift...

Rock On.

ahardb0dy - 2008-12-29 00:45

what's a movie theater?

fatdog - 2008-12-29 05:23

Originally posted by ahardb0dy:
what's a movie theater?
Laugh Out Loud

fatdog - 2008-12-29 05:25

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
For this fool to shoot a father in front of his own family? C'mon now, WTF!
The kicker for me was that the guy stayed there and watched the rest of the movie even after everyone else had run away!!! He was the only in the theater when the cops arrived. Dude is seriously bad ass or seriously mental.

monolithic - 2008-12-29 12:37

Originally posted by Fatdog:
The kicker for me was that the guy stayed there and watched the rest of the movie even after everyone else had run away!!! He was the only in the theater when the cops arrived. Dude is seriously bad ass or seriously mental.

"Watched the rest of the movie... " WTF?!?

monolithic - 2008-12-29 12:46

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
I like my big HDTV and all, but still would love to catch big budget movies on big budget theatre surround sound systems too.

Depending on the movie, there's nothing like "sharing the experience" with a bunch of people. There's plenty of movies I wish I saw in the theatre: Naked Gun, Spaceballs, Austin Powers, Old School, etc.... mostly comedies. I think my laughs would've been enhanced with a crowd around. Nod Yes

monolithic - 2008-12-29 13:02

Originally posted by gsbadbmr:
***MONO, i love your new avatar...Critical Beatdown is in my top 10 all time favorite albums Wink

One of the last memories I had of carryin' my box around in 1988 (right before I retired from doin' that) was playin' "Watch Me Now" - lotta bass in that song! That entire album thumps! Cool

The picture comes from one of the 1st Hip-Hop magazines called Krush. That issue came out in 1989. Glad you like it. Smile