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ford93 - 2009-04-29 14:16

This is scary the WHO has declared a stage 5 one step from being a pandemic, please everyone take care of yourselves!!!

H1N1 aka Swine Flu is spreading rapidly world wide I just hope people will be more careful as to wash your hands, also start buying hand sanitizers.


redbenjoe - 2009-04-29 14:42

agree with ford --that thing suks -

avoid it like the plague.

petey.awol - 2009-04-29 17:31

The epicenter of it in NYC was at ahigh school like 3 minutes by me.

I'm not even the least bit concerend about this "disease" making people get all into hysterics.

jovie - 2009-04-30 20:56

I'll start worrying about things like this if they socialize our medicine here in the States.Government health departments are a good place to pick up all kinds of nasteez.

71spud - 2009-05-01 11:13

Just for some perspective.... every year in the USA the normal old flu puts 100,000 people in the hospital and 20,000 people die.

Of course care should be taken, but I feel that some of the scare is to push us towards socialized medicine.

erniejade - 2009-05-01 14:15

It is something out of a bad movie.

Although many people do die from phnemonia or a flu or some kind of infection but you don't hear about it.

riddler - 2009-05-02 23:07

Originally posted by 71spud:
Just for some perspective.... every year in the USA the normal old flu puts 100,000 people in the hospital and 20,000 people die.

Of course care should be taken, but I feel that some of the scare is to push us towards socialized medicine.

What he said.....