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is that a joke.

tpr - 2008-08-06 08:54

water running car


eddy - 2008-08-06 09:29

i don't know what to think about it. Fact is that we tried some stuff at work.
We have put some stainless steel plates together
and put this in a plastic bowl. We applied 24 volt to it and the gasses that came free were kind of explosive. This is just the principle of electolyse. If you type in water powered car in youtube you will see a practical limitless amount of these kinda movies

ford93 - 2008-08-06 09:33

Not sure how it works interesting stuff though. What bothers me is that like ethanol which is corn base is costing more to refine and it is putting people to spend more at the supermarkets. The third world population are suffering the most because they depend on corn for a variety of reasons. So I don't know how this works using water to run a vehicle, but I hope is not another technology which will hurt us. Water is very important for all of us.

eddy - 2008-08-06 09:34

I red a story too of a guy that made a car runnin' on water way back in the seventies.
One day this guy was missing. Most likely he was killed. The oil maffia don't like these inventions a lot. But now there's the power of internet. The oil mob can't kill hundreds of people that are experimenting with this stuff can't they.

eddy - 2008-08-06 09:39

@ Ford , the governments don't like this idea either. They just try to keep the consumer dumb. On whatever stuff our cars drive , they have to earn money on taxes. The problem with water is , how can they put taxes on water. Water is everywhere. Most people have rainwatertanks....

ford93 - 2008-08-06 09:43

I've heard of something similar on the am coast to coast radio show. Some guy had patended his invention on a fuel saving device back in the 70's. This case though is different he sold his idea to the Gov. or Opec. can't remember which one. You know what it's about GREED just like the Healthcare, Energy and Phone companies they lobby in Washington so they can have it their way!!

eddy - 2008-08-06 11:32

This video says it all.

eddy - 2008-08-06 11:43

Look at these too 1

ford93 - 2008-08-06 21:54

I was watching the history channel on Wednesday and they had a show about Mr. Tesla. This guy was a genius he invented the flourescent bulb. Thomas Edison came up with his own invention of a light bulb but Mr. Tesla invention was a more economical bulb. The other videos which is about Electro Magnetism was intresting too, it's funny how the News hardly mentions anything about it. It's more about Bio/flex fuel vehicles and Hybrids which are expensive.

walkgirl - 2008-08-07 00:20

This could save the world!

I do know that a former member from here does
have a forum about this stuff!!


chancenellie - 2008-08-07 02:54

There was a similar thread a cuople of weeks ago about this,its no joke.it works,I've seen it and help install a kit.I've got lots of info if anyone wants to try it.A decent kit with a map sensor will set you back around £300.It doesnt actually run on water but uses the hydrogen in the water to substitute petrol,so using less petrol.Its great stuff,its free and how the hell can the government tax water ???

penge - 2008-08-07 04:17

Nice one Eddy/ford93. I had forgotten about this type of thing.
"I red a story too of a guy that made a car runnin' on water way back in the seventies.
One day this guy was missing. Most likely he was killed. The oil maffia don't like these inventions a lot."
I remember these stories in the 70,s there was few of them.
Rumor was they bought the guy an Island in the Pacific, and the idea/he was never heard about again. This poem by Allen Ginsberg is along thoses lines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG3bUd90jVM&feature=related

"Power corrupts&ultimate power corrupts ultimately"

eddy - 2008-08-07 05:29

The problem is that the oil industry has way too much power AND money. There'a a lot involved here. Political and economical. That's why they don't like to see that alternative energy is on the rise.In the first movie , you can see how much money was involved. Anyway , we have to do something , this planet will survive , but humanity? I guess the generations after us are in for a bumpy ride.

master.z - 2008-08-07 07:35

I came to realize that the problem isn't big oil companies. They are just doing business like any other business but they just happen to be making record profits at the moment. Nothing wrong with making money right? It's the AMERICAN WAY. The problem is our government.

Lets look at it on the most basic level, the principal of Supply and Demand.
If there is a product that is in high demand it with no doubt have a high price. Well, there are 2 ways to lower the cost. Decrease demand or Increase supply.
If we decrease demand we need to come up with new technologies and alternative energy. but this will take a LONG time before the consumer reaps any benefits of lower gas prices.
That leaves increasing the supply. This would be acheved by DRILLING in the US and it's waters and not bringing it from overseas. This is where the problem with the Government lies. They are unwilling to allow this drilling because it will hurt the enviroment, the whales, the moose and whatnot. All these people lobbying against drilling are the people responsible for high gas prices. They are limiting the amount of oil we can use and at the same time taxing the sh!t out of it.
Take for example the cost of gas, say $4.00 a gal. What is involved for that figure to be acheived. well theres the cost of crude to be pumped up from the ground, refining and processing to fuel, Gov taxes, local taxes, and big oil's profit. Do you know what the % profit is for these big oil companies? around 4%. The rest is the actual cost of the product and the mainthing killing us, THE TAXES.
I'm not sure if you are aware but 4% profit isn't sh!t! I'm in the import business, and we on average have a percent profit of 25%.
It's not the big oil companies we should be worried about. Just look where most of the money is going. Big Oil record profits are just a drop in the bucket.

Sorry for the long post.
But please don't get me wrong, I hate large corperations with a passion. I don't eat at McDonalds for this very reason for f@cks sake! Wink I just think the truth should be known.

Paul Z.

ford93 - 2008-08-07 07:54

Wow Penge that video of Rage Against The Machine is classic. We as Americans must not loose touch of the political world for our sake. This world has become a 2 tier society either you're rich or poor. In China the other day in the news they were showing footage of bulldozers destroying homes of the poor people to build facilities for the Olympics. The home owners were crying, on PBS they showed a documentary of the new China already people are ignoring the poor over there. There was this young chinese guy thats into Hip Hop he stated that the women in China are interested only in men that are rich. Capitalism like I've said before on another thread is good but to a certain degree it can change people to ignore what we are really here for on this earth. Love one another and help out your fellow neighbor so it could bring goodness into your heart.

ford93 - 2008-08-07 08:00

Master Z, there had been new technologies since the 70's is just that Opec and the Gov. did'nt want it then. If they would have allowed it when we had that oil crisis in the 70's we would'nt be in this mess. Big oil companies has a big influence on all governments and I mean all around the world.

eddy - 2008-08-07 08:28

Anyway , we have to get rid of our oil addiction.