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two weeks of unfun

billpc55 - 2009-04-24 21:10

wow this flu i have had has been extremely bad. for two weeks now more or less i have been shut in. bed ridden for the most part. at times i had a extremely high temperature and its just been horrible.
its not your typical bug thats for sure. extreme headache and sinus pain. terrible pain in my eyes too.
the cough has been too crazy to almost like some sort of convulsive death hack.
now as dramatic as it sounds i am starting to wonder. my band mate just got back from mexico three weeks or so ago. i mean he hasnt been sick but with all this talk of this new strain of the flu in the news i wonder.
i mean i was really freakin sick. i am doing a lot better the last two days.
the other wierd thing with this virus i have had is i dropped fifteen pounds in two weeks just laying in bed.
this is the sickest i think i have been since i was in the hospital with pneumonia as a little kid.
the only contact with people other than my better half has been through this website.
so wierd how time has passed with this sickness. well i am glad i am getting over it.
i hope none of you guys get this flu it is extremely bad and unbelievably dehabilitating.

skippy1969 - 2009-04-24 21:13

WOW!!!! Bill that really sucks man,I hope your feeling better. Frown Wink

johnnygto - 2009-04-24 21:13

Bill I am sorry to hear you have felt so bad! Frown

Sounds like a real bad bug you had, worst I've ever been was for a week.

Get well soon. Smile

billpc55 - 2009-04-24 21:29

yes the entire house had it. the upstairs people and the downstairs people.
i mean it was a extremely horrid two weeks. i am feeling better.

thafuzz - 2009-04-24 21:42

I'm just now recovering from a 48 hrs bug too. Bad one too. I felt your pain (48hrs worth). Wink

billpc55 - 2009-04-24 21:45

at first i thought this was gonna be like that.
in the end it turned out to be the bug from hell. hehe

penge - 2009-04-25 03:27

Morning Bill, my friend had the same sort of bug a couple of weeks ago, here in the UK, real bad.
Better get in down on music.
Glad your on the mend.

skippy1969 - 2009-04-25 06:27

WOW,I was watching the news this morning and they were saying there is a swine flu epidemic in Mexico. 1000's of people are sick because of it. It sounds like you you may have had Bill....
And since your friend just got back from Mexico it makes since....... Frown
Heres the scoop.

viennasound - 2009-04-25 11:34

Ouch, sounds not good. Frown
Wish you the best!
Hope you get well soon. Smile

redbenjoe - 2009-04-25 13:42

hey bill !!!

you all better yet ?? Big Grin Big Grin

billpc55 - 2009-04-25 15:34

no ira only mostly better.

monolithic - 2009-04-25 16:01

I'm on the sick side as well, but nowhere near as sick as you tho...

Monkeypox, mad cow disease, bird flu, swine flu... Fish is next on the list of things you can't eat/have contact with - mark my words! Wink Then again, that might already be out. Confused

Lets not forget the bad peanuts and pistachios, broccoli, whatever... Pretty soon, you won't be able to eat anything! Frown

Hope you get well soon! Smile

thafuzz - 2009-04-26 02:20

they were saying there is a swine flu epidemic in Mexico. 1000's of people are sick because of it.

I believe I may have had it last Wed & Thurs Skippy. It started like heartburn/acid reflux all night. Vomited in the morning, then felt achey all over like the flu but w/o the fever. I was extremely weak. I popped lots of Rolaids antacids, drank lots of these 'Vitamin Water' containing loads of antioxidants(acai,Blueberry & pomegranate) and Tylenol. I was better in 48-72 hrs. It was very strange how it came from nowhere and suddenly left. All this before I saw all this on the news or heard anything of it. I guess it's too late to report it now that I'm all better. Confused