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Hi everyone.

litfan - 2008-07-23 14:33

Hello again. Good to be back. I suffred a brain aneurysm, 6 months ago. During surgery, i had a stroke which left me unable to walk, talk, etc. I have been in rehab these last 6 months, so i apologize. This is my first night home, and, i am finding it vey hard to type this mesage. Nice to see you all again.

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-23 14:36

EekOMG Lit!
Glad Ur Back! G-d Bless and Wish u a speedy,Healthy Recovery! Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-07-23 14:39

welcome home

skippy1969 - 2008-07-23 14:47

My God,you don't need to apoligize for not being here Lit. We are just sooooo glad you are here and ok..... Wink Big Grin

litfan - 2008-07-23 14:49

Thanks guys. You are the best.

erniejade - 2008-07-23 14:51


Hey I am glad you are ok It will take some time. Don't rush things.

Welcome back!!! We have missed you!!

jimski - 2008-07-23 14:54

Wow glad to see that youre ok,welcome back.

walkgirl - 2008-07-23 15:24

Ooooooooooh! Frown

That is terrible! Frown

but I am back you are well! Welcome back!! Smile

kittmaster - 2008-07-23 15:43

wow......glad you pulled through.....glad to have you back!

penge - 2008-07-23 15:49

Welcome back Litfan.
Get well soon.

ned.209 - 2008-07-23 16:05

Jayzus Lit! whoa! good to hear from you man. this mortal lark sucks, ass! stick around man we'll get those fingers fighting fit

tpr - 2008-07-23 16:09

welcome back litfan!

and all the best for your health!

moncheeto - 2008-07-23 16:14

glad you are ok--and i wish you the best Smile

thafuzz - 2008-07-24 00:13

Lit, so glad you stuck around. Glad to hear from you again. God bless my friend. Rest easy, and we'll be sending good vibes your way. Smile

fatdog - 2008-07-24 00:18

Hey Lit, welcome back - in more ways than one! You've definitely got a purpose in life to survive that. God bless! Smile

enskanker - 2008-07-24 01:18

Litfan old friend,

To see your thread and now know your back has made me smile this morning. I wish for you
recovery and health.

You are one of the originals and best.
Peace and Respect,

oldskool69 - 2008-07-24 02:00

Welcome back Lit. You're a trooper and you will stay in my prayers. Smile

joe.cool - 2008-07-24 05:58

Welcome back Lit, best wishes for a speedy recovery. Smile

beatbox - 2008-07-24 06:15

A very big welcome back and wishing you a speedy recovery also.

All the best.

ghettogas - 2008-07-24 08:30

Welcome back mate. Hope your on track to being your old self.

chancenellie - 2008-07-24 08:41

hey lit glad to see you back,get well soon buddy

eddy - 2008-07-24 08:43

Yep Lit , welcome back man.Don't listen to loud music for a while Wink .

bashngu - 2008-07-24 08:48

Wow.... Just Wow... God Bless!

jovie - 2008-07-24 09:26

Very good to have you back!Typing will get easier as you learn your way around this thing.So post often! I've always liked your observations and input.You are one of the first members I noticed here and you've always seemed to me to be a cornerstone of this community.With your return,this is a very good day Smile

isolator42 - 2008-07-24 09:49

sorry to hear about all your woes Litfan & welcome back.

Y'know, you had Tim giving all but a candle-lit vigil for you on here Smile I'm guessing he didn't know of your situation...

Cris has been keeping the acerbic wit going, but we've missed you.

metad - 2008-07-24 10:35

Get well Litfan Smile

fuzzyduck - 2008-07-24 12:55

Great to know you're getting better now Litfan, looking forward to seeing you back on here again! Cool Nod Yes

- 2008-07-24 15:50

Ahhhhhhhh lit i wish i had seen this post urlier my freind i hope you get better as each day goes buy lad god bless and my prayers are with you.

A good freind of mine is practically in the same situation as you're self he has just had a stroke while in hospital and cant talk he is paralized all on his right hand side, my point is lad can you give me any advice for him and what is the best thing i can do in this situation lad. Any answers greatly apriciated bro, once again god speed and hope you get fighting fit soon. love ya speak soon.

panasonic.fan - 2008-07-24 16:51

Very, very happy to see you posting here again Lit. Please take good care of yourself as you continue to recover. You are much of the mortar and bricks that make up this site.

Echoing Skippy and Ed's words, there's beyond no need to apologize. Thank you so much for letting us know that you're still here and on the mend.

themightyrepairer - 2008-07-24 17:08

hiyas Mr Lit.. awesomely glad to have you back bud.. here's to a speedy recovery.. we certainly missed you here Smile

driptip - 2008-07-24 18:51

LITFAN, i would like to take a moment to wish you a fast and safe recovery and hope to see you here more often, i have learned a lot from you in the last 5 years that i been here and i like to Thank you for that.

Best Regards

masterblaster84 - 2008-07-24 19:01

Welcome back Lit, I hope you have a full and fast recovery. Sorry to hear you have to go through this at all but you can Let S2G be part of your therapy, we sure need you here. Nod Yes

el.rojo.grande - 2008-07-24 21:10

[quote]Lit, so glad you stuck around. Glad to hear from you again. God bless my friend. Rest easy, and we'll be sending good vibes your way

"Look out! Here comes THAFUZZ!"

I think by good vibes, he meant bass frequencies "from a JVC that rocks the concrete"

And to think we were just congratulating ourselves on being 40 or so on another thread.
Here's to a full recovery Litfan!

Welcome back!

litfan - 2008-07-27 11:49

I just want to say.Thank sto you all, from the bottom of my heart, it m means a lot to me. I am now able to talk, and walk, with a frame. It is getting there, slowly. My only woe is. I have lost a lot of mu8scle from my arms, which makes some blasters impossible to lift at the moment. They have been stood for 6 months,and, are coated in dust. I can`t remember buying some of them.

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-07-27 12:05

hey rich , just seen this thread , glad to hear that you are on the mend my old friend . .

look forward to talking to you more on s2go , i'll try pop over to say hi once i'm home . .

all the best mate,


jt - 2008-07-28 06:35

Hi Lit!

Sorry to hear about your health problems... I sincerely hope that your recovery continues in good form. Best of luck and try to find humor in as much as you can. Laugh-therapy is for real!

I don't spend lots of time praying, but will definitely say a prayer for your speedy and complete recovery!

Take care,


asdexander - 2008-07-28 14:36

Originally posted by Litfan:
I can`t remember buying some of them.

Wish i could forget the prices of some of my buys.. *caugh*

Happy to hear you are making progress and feeling better.

[Trying to lighten things up by pulling a (perhaps inapropriate joke)]

isolator42 - 2008-07-29 07:37

Originally posted by Litfan:
...I can`t remember buying some of them.
Well Lit, if you can't remember buying your Aiwa CS-J50, then it must belong to me... Big Grin

ford93 - 2008-07-29 07:47

Hey Lit just read this thread about your health, I'll keep you in my prayers brother. Get well soon so you can once again enjoy your hobby!

God Bless

nelsongf9696 - 2008-07-29 10:54

Recover quickly Lit my Prayers are also with you and for you.Nelson

redbenjoe - 2008-07-29 12:05

litfan -- how are you doing ?

autoreverser - 2008-07-29 12:47

lit, ol`buddy, great to have u back here !

believe it or not, i honestly missed u here !

chat soon !

retro.addict - 2008-07-30 10:58

Welcome back. Smile Sorry to hear you've had such a hard time. Hope you get well soon. Nod Yes

jameswp67 - 2008-07-30 11:14

Welcome back Lit! So glad you are recovering! Take it slow but steady!

geoffhartwell - 2008-07-30 11:59

welcome back lit, hope you make a speedy recovery