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home made hydrogen fuel cell

jimski - 2008-07-22 16:49

Was just checking these out awesome,was waching the video where the guy sets the bubbles on fire and they pop.I see the concept thou make a computer car run lean and feed hho gas thus saving on actual pump gas.Do u guys think this stuff works.

chancenellie - 2008-07-23 00:03

I've been looking in to this for a few months now as im an alternative fuel geek.The general concences is that it works,but you doo need the electronic map control to wire in to your cars ecu,that way you "turn down" the amount of fuel your car gets so the hydrogen can be used to make up the defecit.If you just fit the cell alone then the car is still using the same amount of petrol.Also they recommend more than one cell depending on the size of engine.The kits can be made if you like,but the ready assembled ones seem to be the better option as the components to make them can be a little hard to source.
They are available all over the net,especially ebay,at wildy varying prices.The best kit ive seen comes in at £300 with 2 cells,the map controller and all fittings.The way the government here in the UK is taxing fuel is crazy,4 months ago a litre of vegetable oil was .45p,now they know we put it in our diesel cars its over £1 a litre.LPG is slowly creeping up.
Cant wait to see how they are gonna justify taxing water ?

eddy - 2008-07-23 05:38

The guys at work, and i did some experimenting with this too. One guy has had a tiny explosion at his place. The house is still there though. His wife was almost gone Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

vladi123456 - 2008-07-23 10:48

Originally posted by jimski:
was waching the video where the guy sets the bubbles on fire and they pop.

I hope it wasn't a video of me farting in a hot tub Laugh Out Loud Sorry couldn't resist!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin