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A big thank you

beatbox - 2008-07-17 11:15

Just want to say a big thanks for everyone here for continuing support in my year of complete unrest.

Especially our mod Jens for offering to pay for me to attend the get together here in Germany later on this month.

I was involved in a road accident earlier this month, and though I was unhurt, German law stipulates that it was my fault, although it clearly wasn't, and so I face a huge bill of over 1000 euros for the repair of the other guy's bumper. The fact I was on a bike and he was in a VW van doesn't matter, and I have no witnesses.

I am still jobless, and so any small (or large) gesture means a lot to me right now, and I can only say thank you again for the wonderful people on this forum.

Peace be with you all.

walkgirl - 2008-07-17 11:45


that is terrible!

You better move to Holland!, here the pedestrians
and bikers are protected by law!!! Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-07-17 11:51

I Agree
with walkgirl Smile

kid.sensation - 2008-07-17 11:52

oh well.they are protected here too.But there is a lot wrong in germanys bureaucracy.It's way to difficult to understand and it allways has regulations for EVERY SINGLE case that COULD happen or not.I do often wonder at work and school as my main task is to work with german laws.

I feel sorry for you mirko.As already said i would help you to pay if i could!

Another note:

I agree on your words about the forum.So much great people here and it allways feels good to come on this site, read the friendly words and feel the nice athmosphere!

Hope you can win over this struggle you're fighting with at the moment!

Best wishes!!