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da planes da planes.

billpc55 - 2008-11-15 21:24

ok that was pretty cheesy.
i took some pictures at a air show a while ago in the summer.
these are some of them.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-15 21:26

Laugh Out Loud Now i thought this was a Herve Villachez Thread,Darn it!

billpc55 - 2008-11-15 21:35

hahaah. well i admit it was semi intentional to remind people of herve.

oldskool69 - 2008-11-15 22:09

Where's my fantasy? WHAT?!?! Rich Corinthian Leather?!?!? WTF?@?@? Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

billpc55 - 2008-11-15 22:16

the chrysler cordoba
its rich virile stylings
filled with luxury and authentic plastic wood..
well its kinda odd but cordobas are actually becoming collectible. i never thought i would even kind of like them now.

ghettoboom777 - 2008-11-15 22:18

No-1976' Cordoba with the miserble 318 Lean Burn! Laugh Out Loud Then with the rich Corinthian Leather.
Well here's something for you,I had a friend's friend who had the 360 and it was mustard color-well he hated it and when it didn't work well anymore he set in on fire!!
He said he watched it burn and the fine Corinthian leather really smoked! Laugh Out Loud Leaving
Well he really got into trouble after that one. Roll Eyes
It was a friend of a friend mine about 17 years ago!
Have a great one-Ghettoboom777. Laugh Out Loud Eek

billpc55 - 2008-11-15 22:23

yeah my brother lit his rambler on fire when it broke down at the side of the road.
i really am surprised tho to see how few of these cars are left now. for sure it was one of the vehicles which lead chyco to ruin the first time around.
there a black one for sale here with a 360 in it. it looks pretty nice and its cheap. i have almost been thinking about buying it.
it would make a nice christmas present for someone i know.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-15 22:56

The cordoba,good ol' ricardo montelban. Big Grin
Btw speaking of chrysler if any of you car hounds ever come across either of these two,def give a shout out #1 my dad's old car,#2 my brothers old car
1)1972 chrysler imperial
2)1978 Dodge Magnum
these 2 model years u never ever see anymore,would love to find one of them! Big Grin

billpc55 - 2008-11-15 23:00

72 imperial cool stuff. would love to have one.
i would even like one of those magnums.
i mean its pretty bad when the only detroit cars i like now are over fifty grand.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-15 23:06

Nod Yesyep...
Cars are a fortune.
I'll content myself with my 74 Mustang.
It's a mustang II ,def not that desiarble for car collectors but i always wanted a stang,and i love this car,60's muscle cars and even the 70 gas guzzlers just bring me back to my youth,i even have looked for a 68-69 Lincoln My Grandpa had with the suicide doors,i saw one on ebay about 2 yrs ago it ended at 45-50 K ! Big Grin
The dream would be my mom's first car 1957 plymouth fury(Christine!) Except Her's was Metallic Green Not red,But did Have The Glass wheel! Even getting The glass wheel Would Be Fun,Maybe when I figure out How To Win The Lottery! Big Grin

billpc55 - 2008-11-15 23:07

i had a nice 60 fury. it wasnt christine but it was very cool.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-15 23:11

Cool Ol' mopar . Classics that is sooo Cool. Those were the days when cars were cars,Not Like this doo doo we have today! Laugh Out Loud

billpc55 - 2008-11-15 23:19

yep. we are using a 1979 impala right now. i have had it four years. its a beater no doubt.
i put oil in it every three months. check the fluids and put air in the tires.
it dosent get vandalised stolen or broken down at the side of the road.
it rides like a caddy and is pretty quiet. it gets almost thirty on the highway,not so good in the city.
i pretty much like most makes of older cars.
its not pretty but its a car. i mean i have given up on cars that look like a blob of either aquafresh or close up toothpaste.
no more new cars for me. i dont need to define myself by the car we own. i mean i am tired of being cool.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-15 23:32

Agree Totally! My'newest' car is a 97 volvo.
A) Can't afford a Brand New car and Like You Bill,Don't Like 90% of What's Being Offered.
Btw the 70's Chevy were Da bomb. Very Very reliable and Well Made Cars. My First Car was a 74 Green Malibu,That was an Awesome Car!
My Buissness Partner Thinks just The opposite of Us He leases a Car Every Two Years and Has Gone From Lincoln,To Cadillac To Mercedes Now To Jaguar. He Now Drives an Xj 12 At the Bargain Rate of $900 per Month on a LEASE Plus Full Coverage Insurance. A Mortgage Pymnt For A Car,Geez! Roll Eyes