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kicked out of Goodwill... :(

jovie - 2008-11-06 16:27

I'm one of their best customers I'm sure.While looking at Goodwill at close to 5:00 this evening I was kicked out by the manager.When I politely asked for an explanation,she said she didn't have to give one and that I was NO LONGER WELCOME there. She told me to leave or she would call the police.Tonight I feel like I just entered....the Twilight Zone Confused

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 16:34

Eeki would call the local corp office and speak to the district mgr,jovie,that's outrageoues there are only 2 reasons i can think of for banning a customer from a thrift store causing a ruckus prev or shoplifting!
For the mgr to just tell u get out or i'll call the police with no reason is just wrong,i'd want to see the b---- get fired~! Mad

bashngu - 2008-11-06 16:36

Did you try to talk someone into saving radios for you and offering them a kickback? Be honest.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-06 16:48

thats a double extra weird twilight zone to get into , jovie --

if you saw the type of clientele at my goodwill.....

well- the management is not overly selective !! Laugh Out Loud

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 16:50

Originally posted by bashngu:
Did you try to talk someone into saving radios for you and offering them a kickback? Be honest.

Jesus,i never even thought of doing that kind of hen house nonsense! Roll Eyes

jovie - 2008-11-06 16:55

I'm pretty straight and narrow when it comes to things in life.I certainly haven't stolen or caused any ruckus.There is an employee up there I get along with fairly well.We Email each other occasionally.At one time he said he would save a box for me if he saw one.I told him to not do anything that would get him in trouble.He has never done this.No money has ever been offered under the table.I'm very nice to everyone there.It has occurred to me that my 6 pocket cargo pants may appear suspicious.I really have no choice but to wear them as I carry a couple of styles of electric cords and some batteries to try things out.They have a no return policy so i don't want to get stuck.I've emailed my friend/acquaintance to see if he may have heard anything.I'm completely baffled Confused

reli - 2008-11-06 16:58

Maybe they intecepted his email? Or didn't appreciate you pre-testing their merchandise?

bashngu - 2008-11-06 17:00

Originally posted by Jaredscottfla:
Originally posted by bashngu:
Did you try to talk someone into saving radios for you and offering them a kickback? Be honest.

Jesus,i never even thought of doing that kind of hen house nonsense! Roll Eyes

Wink Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-11-06 17:01

reli -- nope

there are outlet plugs all over -- they encourage us to test everything

skippy1969 - 2008-11-06 17:03

WOW,that is very strange..... Confused Confused I guess I would wait a few weeks Tap Toes till the heats off then try to go back and see what happens then. Wink

jovie - 2008-11-06 17:06

She made it clear Skippy that if i returned she would call the cops.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-06 17:11

jovie -- i am now convinced that you should not wear that intimidating outfit in your avitar

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 17:16

I agree With Skip,But I too Bring Batteries With Me,and Cords,To ALL the stores i go to. They See me Play with The Stuff and This is NEVER an Issue. My Goodwill Nr Me(The One i Recently Scored a GF-515) Has a Seven Day Return Policy For Electronics,No Cash Back,But Store Credit,Shows ya,not all Stores in The Corp Chain of Goodwill are NOT the same. I think this stinks,As a Customer You should NEVER EVER feel weird or Uncomftorable about Going into Any Store.
My Freind Had a Similar Circumstance when He went into a Publix Supermarket a few months ago with His Newborn,The Baby Started Crying,as Babies do,He Completed His Purchase and He and His Daughter and Wife Went home.
A few days later he went back to shop,and The Mgr did the same thing LV THE STORE SIR,No exp ,Nothing! Obviously the crying baby po'd some jerk at Publix. Well,My Freind Call Publix Corp,after we talked,and Threatned Going To the Press,(turned out he went back to buy milk and Baby Formula,They Made him Lv w/o buying the baby items) He Exp Not only was it Embarassing but he had to run around to another store,(walgreens i believe) at 1100pm. NOT RIGHT> The Story had a Happy Ending Publix sent him a Letter of Apology and a $500 Gift Card! Believe me,Nobody want's Bad Press spreading around about their store,Not saying goodwill will give Jovie $500 but He Needs to get an Explination,No matter what! Good luck Jovie,Hope u get it sorted out! Wink

fatdog - 2008-11-06 17:17

I'd call:

1. The regional/national home office
2. The Better Business Bureau
3. The local paper
4. The local TV station

All in that order. I would make it a personal goal to ruin that biatch's life and embarasses the shiat out of her (or him).

redbenjoe - 2008-11-06 17:19

jared --do we suggest that jovie settles for $400 ?? Smile

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 17:23

Laugh Out Loud or an m90 Fully working Ira.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 17:23

Originally posted by Fatdog:
I'd call:

1. The regional/national home office
2. The Better Business Bureau
3. The local paper
4. The local TV station

All in that order. I would make it a personal goal to ruin that biatch's life and embarasses the shiat out of her (or him).
I Agree

jovie - 2008-11-06 17:24

LOL..redbenjoe..I might as well have been wearing that with the treatment I got.My friend's girlfriend who also works there once was accused of stashing things by the manager.She was fired and was so angry she called the district office.They came down to visit the store to find out what was going on.After that the manager was nicer to all the employees.A few days ago while looking at the cassettes,she came up yo me and very tersely asked,"MAY I HELP YOU WITH SOMETHING?".I politely said,"no thank you",and continued browsing.She continued to stand there for a couple of minutes glaring at me.Feeling almost victimized,I didn't acknowledge this.I mean,WOW!What kind of treatment would i get if I had actually done something wrong?

jovie - 2008-11-06 17:26

sadly my Goodwill days are over.The Brandon store is just to far to check daily Frown

reli - 2008-11-06 17:30

What city is this? If it's some podunk small town in Kansas, maybe she thinks you're a gang member with those cargo pants Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 17:38

The Woman Has A personal Prob With U Then Jovie,Even More reason to call corporate,She sounds like she's out of Control. Believe me Corp will Take action on ANY complaint,Maybe Go To the store when She's NOT there. But Def Follow up,U should Not be intimidated at any store.
My store Fired The Mgr recently for NOT speaking Fluent English. Why they Hired Someone in a Managerial Position That did not Speak English is Beyond Me,But i asked and was Told She No longer Works For The Company and My Cashier friend told me That was The reason,I took it with a Grain of Salt as i could really care less,but something like this that affects you personally,I would not stand For that!

ghettoboom777 - 2008-11-06 17:38

Hi Jovie-That's to bad.
I have never had any problem at the Goowill I go to.
I hope you can get her fired and get like free stuff to.
You deserve it after that!
Have a good one-Ghettoboom777. Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-11-06 17:51

yes -- jovie --now that we are involved --
we cant let you just give up on that mystery --

like -even if you owned 3 of every box in the bbdb Smile

--you got a bad deal today -- Mad
and there is nothing to lose by a relentless effort to find out WHY !!


jovie - 2008-11-06 18:01

I'm pretty sure I can find out from my acquaintance I just Emailed.When he has a chance to ask the nice lady who works there about it,I'll post the answer to this mystery.Unless I reconsider,I probably won't complain.At this point I wouldn't go back even with an invitation...and I've never been an angry or vindictive person.I had been sending Jens pictures of many of the boxes I've run across for the new base even if I left the box behind.That was quite fun and something I looked forward to doing on a daily basis.I'll have to collect all my recent pictures and send them along to him as they will be the last.Salvation Army never has anything and they price what comes in like it was new so that's not an option!

redbenjoe - 2008-11-06 18:07

would you go back if you found out it was a stupid mix-up --and got an apology ?

(with or without the $400) Big Grin

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 18:12

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

billpc55 - 2008-11-06 18:15

i would have told her to call the police.
i mean i think you should definately push it a little. no one deserves to be treated that way by anyone.
i sometimes get people in the stores i go to that try to give me attitude.
i dont put up with it.
it dosent matter if its a thrift store if its a chain with a head office you can bet the regional manager would be getting a call from my lawyer in the morning of the next business day.
no one deserves to be threatened and humiliated like that.
they have to have just cause to deny service otherwise its discrimination.
thats law suit territory.

sinister - 2008-11-06 18:26

next time dont start a striptease right b4 they close Big Grin

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-06 18:32

I Agree With Bill and Sinister. Big Grin

ford93 - 2008-11-06 18:50

The times that you visited that store have you seen her before or is she a new employee. I figured by now most of the employees would have known you already. That must have been the most awful feeling.

jovie - 2008-11-06 19:19

My friend just got back to me and gave me the scoop,at least in part.He says that the manager had told him previously that I had been stealing CDs out of their cases!!!!Totally insane!!!I do usually hang around the CD table because it is next to the sorting room.About the time of day they roll the cart out,I like to be there to see it.come to think of it the cassettes are on the same table.You'll remember me saying she was glaring at me one day as I was looking through these.

Due to the NO RETURN policy,I will usually take a cassette and a CD when necessary to test equipment but I am very conscientious to return them.On a couple of occasions I have found CD changer boomboxes loaded with CDs.When this happens,I go back to the CD shelf and look for empty CD cases as I don't want to steal.On one occasion I didn't find empty cases for the CDs in a PC-XC70.Due to the fact that the boombox had just arrived that day,I figured they had been in the CD tray when the box was donated.For this reason,I left them in the boombox when I purchased it (even though I hated all of them Roll Eyes ) .Also I hate when I take one to test and find nothing in the case when I open it at the other end of the store.Sometimes when I am over in electronics,I will actually RETURN misplaced CDs and cassettes to the table FOR THE STORE!My point in telling you all this is that I'm beyond conscientious when it comes to their CDs and tapes!She takes me as a thief just because the CD and cassette table is next to the sorting room door!

But get this....My friend tells me that she HAS ALREADY BEEN SUED OVER THE SAME SORT OF ACCUSATION AND THE ACCUSED CUSTOMER WON!In fact He tells me that he himself has been accused of having a coworker mark two items he wanted to buy too low though he didn't actually tell her what to mark them.The lady's a psycho!

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-06 19:25

Wow... Well Up to u What u Want to do Jovie,Me,i would Still call corp,and Give Her as Much Grief as Possible,But it's your call of Course. That is Wild Re: The Cd's.
What A Psycho is Right,IDef Would Stay away from That Store,Are u in Florida,The Carolinas,New orleans,Your Location Just Says Hurricane Alley.

sinister - 2008-11-06 19:44

ok stop with the krazy typing. my eyes cant handle it..... Eek

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-06 19:47

Wow Jovie, I know how you feel as I found out a year after quitting a job that the owner told people I was stealing money. Eek I was shocked and felt a whole bunch of emotions because I never took a penny from this employer.

In this case I would at least call corporate headquarters and file a complaint, maybe even more than that but as Jared said it's up to you.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-06 19:52

jovie --i have an idea
(SO DUCK !!!)

since you now KNOW --the problem --

and since that is your local goldmine --and your ONLY one --
and since its part of your daily life --

then --see if can print out your posts on this thread --and send it all to any and every higher-up in the goodwill group --

let them read your own detailed part of this story --

BET it will work.

jovie - 2008-11-06 20:01

I'm interested to know if anyone else shopping at Goodwill has noticed a lot of empty CD cases on their shelves.I'm not saying there isn't some theft (although certainly not by me!),but I have an equally logical theory for missing discs.It has been popular for people to remove CDs from their jewel cases and putting them into CD wallets.Perhaps when people find CD jewel cases in their closets at home they just assume the CDs are still inside when they donate them.I'd like to know if the sorters even look inside the jewel cases when they are donated.After all,they aren't even actually priced as there is a policy of $3.00 for any CD they sell.I've actually always considered this a more reasonable explanation as I find A LOT on their CD table to be empty myself.

jovie - 2008-11-06 20:02

very interesting idea redbenjoe.I just have to wonder if they would actually read it.Your pretty sharp as a thinker Smile

jovie - 2008-11-06 20:04

Thanks for all your support guys!I may have lost a local goldmine,but I still have many fantastic friends here at S2go.And thats what its really all about to me anyway Big Grin

jovie - 2008-11-06 20:19

oop...just corrected my previous post.The manager had been sued before over a similar accusation and the CUSTOMER won!My friend says he would have thought she would have learned from this.You know that manager looks and acts almost like a robot.Her eyes look all black too like she has no eye whites.Rather creepy really...hmmmm.I wonder if shes one of those reptilian people they talk about sometimes on that "Coast to Coast AM" overnight radio show? Laugh Out Loud

billpc55 - 2008-11-06 20:25

thats slander and defamation of character just for starters. it may sound petty but in this world if all you truly do own is your name and your reputation its a big deal. at least it would be to me.
stealing cds out of the cases.
you know i cannot stand how people judge others based on some kind of weird predjudice. yep i get it all the time and well sometimes people need to be put in their place.
i mean i dont get it.
stealing cds. not putting stuff back in the cases. thats just completely ridicullous.
she needs to loose her job over that stuff man.
i mean really. just not very good at all.
if i was you i would call the police and have them meet you there tomorow. better yet if you can afford it call a lawyer and sue them. its a charity but its the pricipal of it. people need to be held responsible.

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-06 20:35

I Agree with Bill, I wouldn't let this go so easy.

billpc55 - 2008-11-06 21:02

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
jovie --i have an idea
(SO DUCK !!!)

since you now KNOW --the problem --

and since that is your local goldmine --and your ONLY one --
and since its part of your daily life --

then --see if can print out your posts on this thread --and send it all to any and every higher-up in the goodwill group --

let them read your own detailed part of this story --

BET it will work.

yep you should tell them they are going to boycott goodwill. and tell of this tale to others. i still think you should rock the boat a bit. its worth it. especially when you have spent money there.

sinister - 2008-11-06 21:57

Originally posted by Jovie:
very interesting idea redbenjoe.I just have to wonder if they would actually read it.Your pretty sharp as a thinker Smile

jovie you give rbj toooo much credit. now hes going to have a swelled head

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-07 00:43

Which Goodwill store is this, specifically?

Seeing as she has no proof that you have ever stolen anything, I suggest that you go to the store with a digital camera that takes movies with audio. Perhaps going with a friend would help, they can run the camera while you walk in and get threatened by Ms. Psycho.....

Get it all on audio/video, then call the cops on the spot when she accuses you of stealing. After proving that A) she's a psycho and, B) she was wrong and you stole nothing, make a cd of the movie clip and mail it to the district/regional/national offices with a note asking that someone do something about said Psycho before you have to get lawyers involved.

I would be willing to bet that she'd be either relocated or fired within a week of you doing this. Either way, problem solved Smile

enskanker - 2008-11-07 04:36

J, are'nt you in Lakeland?

Goodwill shows 4 stores in Lakeland.

I would hit the other stores.

All the rest of the ideas are good too. PF's
is the most powerful and could be fun too.

The Goodwill near me must be the Outlet store for Goodwill West Central FL... everything they have is crap.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-07 06:13

jovie --
as part of your effort to show you are a loyal 'friend of goodwill'

do a save-as on this enskaker avitar --
and forward it to all florida goodwill shops--


enskanker - 2008-11-07 06:57

Any Turkey is good Turkey.

devoltoni - 2008-11-07 08:37

Hey Jovie, I know where is the problem with the manager, you're must missing to invited her on diner or date (something romantic).
Maybe she signalized to you some time (somehow) but you is missed that point.

Big Grin Big Grin

ford93 - 2008-11-07 19:01

Good grief I'll never go to that Brandon store which is not far from me. No No

jcyellocar - 2008-11-08 10:29

Wow, Jovie that's just nuts. That woman should be canned. The Goodwill in my town of Kitchener is the best thrift store in the area for selection and it also has the cheapest prices. I hope you can get this mess worked out.

jovie - 2008-11-08 22:03

Thanks for all of your support.I've decided to call Goodwill corporate to explain how I have been banned only because of the managers feeling,intuition,whatever.What's this new age stuff anyway and why do I have to be victimized because of it?I shouldn't have to suffer because she needs psycho analysis!