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Xbox 360 Hack (play "back up games")

petey.awol - 2008-11-04 06:42

For all you Xbox 360 gamers.

Let me know if you guys have any knowledge abotu this stuff. After you do this, all you would have to do is get on an unlimited game rental plan, and just burn the games. Saving 50-60 a pop. (However Xbox Live might get your system banned. I guess they do a code check here and there. I'm just not that interested in playing Madden 2009 against some 12 year old in China. If I did want to, then I would buy the game itself.)

gluecifer - 2008-11-04 17:36

Heya Petey, PM me.

Rock On.

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-05 11:03

Dunno about that. You seem to imply that it's ok to steal as long as you aren't interested in playing online with others.

Not cool.

petey.awol - 2008-11-05 11:12

Ummmm basically. I figure Mr Gates and Co. have enough money. I never said I had legit morals. Sorry if this may hurt Microsoft stock you own. Roll Eyes

I'm feeling like Robin Hood on this one if anything.

panasonic.fan - 2008-11-05 11:42

So, stepping on the hands of your fellow human beings is ok, because "Mr Gates and Co. have enough money". This is the argument of the college kid, not a responsible adult who truly considers the impact of the decisions that he/she makes upon others.

Look, I know it may seem like nothing to you, but rather than steal from others, couldn't you just wait until the game goes on sale? Find an Ebay deal? Swap games with a friend? Something?

There is no such thing as a victimless crime. It doesn't hurt you - well, as long as you don't get caught - but when you do this, you hurt sales. Which causes good, quality game studios to go out of business. Which causes the number of quality games available to shrink, and pretty soon we're stuck playing bad games, because all of the game developer jobs got off-shored to people with no imagination, creativeness or talent.

All because of people making a selfish decision.

I, for one, believe that you are a better human being than that.

petey.awol - 2008-11-07 06:03

All valid points. I'm not saying what I propose is moral in any sense of the word. I just don't have much guilt in it. I admit that. These video game developers are raking in big money regardless of who is doing what to the final product.

It's not for everyone to hijack games. It's an unfair and unjust world. Sorry if the idea offended you.

(Mod's can remove this post if they like...I'm without a doubt promoting illegal behavior) ...however its not illegal to make back ups of bought software. So in a way this post did have a valid offering in case your original game gets damaged. However Microsoft won't allow you to use their services (Xbox Live) if you legally back up your game. So are they too immoral for snaking more money out of people who damaged their game after legitimately buying the game in the first place?

ao - 2008-11-07 06:39

I think PF is refering to the harm done to the industry i.e. employees, quality of games, competative ongoing development etc & not just the financial benifactors. We all like to kick a rich man down (to a certain degree) but as a lover of gaming I'm sure you'd be the first to agree that you value the gaming indusrty whether it costs you a dime or not.