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redbenjoe - 2008-10-31 16:33

petey.awol - 2008-10-31 18:04

I cant get behind presidental elections. Popular votes dont mean anything. Either candidate wins and we're still a broken ass country. We need to start putting rich white folks who toy with our economy (bankers, major corperations,90% of Wall Street) in jail with the hard core crack pipe hitting f'ers and let them get raped for the greed they have inflicted on our broken failed capitalist ideology.

Sorry.....not to rain on Obama-sensation Nation, Ira. This is not the 3rd coming of the Jesus. Either way we still screwed.

Local politics....now thats a different subject. Those are the dudes who approve my raises and benefit packages in city budgets. Leaving

vladi123456 - 2008-10-31 18:10

We need to start putting rich black and asian folks in jailes as well - not only white people steal. I'm just sayin'.... Cool

ford93 - 2008-10-31 18:37

Does not matter the skin color of the person it's their attitude the GREED is good philosophy. What ever happen to family values and what about our younger generation future?

monolithic - 2008-10-31 19:30

"Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind."

petey.awol - 2008-11-02 04:08

I was just using the "greedy rich white man" as a basis. I know theres greed in all genders and race and creed....HOWEVER ..take a walk down and around the Wall Street finacial district and see the devil in suits. Majority be white folks.

I'm as white as they come, so I dont have any fear of generalizing on the whie man wrecking havoc on our economy and getting away with it.

Arm the homeless.

I'm waiting for the eventual demise of mankind, and it looks right out of the Mad max movies.

(end of my rant)

ahardb0dy - 2008-11-02 06:28

I'm waiting for the eventual demise of mankind, and it looks right out of the Mad max movies

I claim the supercharged car (holden?) from the end of the movie

ford93 - 2008-11-02 15:00

Greed turns any man into a evil bastard.

Whats happening with the economy here in the U.S. is the result of GREED!

jovie - 2008-11-03 20:33

Obama is proud of himself for his service as a community organizer in south Chicago.

Saul Alinsky,a marxist,began community organization in the 1930s.He wrote 2 books on the subject to train people to organize successfully.In fact,one of these books he dedicated to satan.He stated that satan was the first "radical" and that he gained his own kingdom out of his rebellion.Alinsky taught that followers should ally themselves with the middle class convincing them of the evils of capitalism.Also the wealthy who create jobs should be demonized and their investment potential confiscated by government.The resulting break down of the economic system would ultimately end in the destruction of the middle class clearing the way for a socialist state.

Obama certainly has some strange ideas and also some very "unusual" acquaintances.If he is elected,I feel we will certainly see "change".However,it will remain to be seen if it's the kind of change we had hoped for.

isolator42 - 2008-11-04 03:50


enskanker - 2008-11-04 04:55

I fear we are headed for a sharp left turn, Jovie.

jt - 2008-11-04 05:36

A measure of greed and, more importantly, ambition is is needed in any society. It stands to reason that hard and/or smart work should pay off. Otherwise, nothing would get done. Social/capitalisim is probably the best combination of theories that will work. Communist Socialism obviously didn't work in the Soviet Union. And what China has is steering more and more towards socialist capitalism, too.

Funny that most of the "white men in suits" being referred to here are republicans that are smart enough to find adn exploit loopholes in our laws in order to put money in their pockets. Many are criminals and should be treated as such. And I think the republicans' "less government" attitude towards government regulation has reached an obvious breaking point when it comes to our financial markets. But I think it almost had to come to this point before we could make any changes. Otherwise, those same politicians who fight off regulation would have prevented it.

All great civilizations come to an end though, don't they? Will the end of ours be marked by an ice-age we bring onto ourselves? Or, instead of a Mad Max-like post-apocolyptic world, are we looking at a scenario more like Kevin Costner's Waterworld?

Our two-party system sucks. Its a shame that no third party can gain significant foothold. I think I have heard some good ideas from the Libertarians, but they don't seem to appeal to the general public. I wonder why?

I think that in the USA we are generally far too concerned about how much we pay in taxes, and not enough concerned about how the tax money taken in is actually spent.

I've lived in a country with a socialized medical system for 17 years and I've got to tell you, the self-confidence level of the average "joe sixpack" on the street in Germany is much higher there. Its an attitude of self-confidence that comes from knowing that they "at least" have health insurance. People in Germany pay MUCH more in taxes than we do here, but at least nobody there is losing their home or filing bankruptcy because of a medical condition or a family member's medical bills.

In this day and age, I think it is the least we can do for our society. Personally, I wouldn't mind paying more taxes for a program that raises the level of self-confidence level of a large portion of the population.

As a country, we are still infants compared to most other developed nations. We're not even 300 years old and have become "the world's police." Folks, that costs us waaaayyyy too much money. We obviously still have a lot to learn about how we interact with other cultures. And there are many things other countries are doing right that we can learn from. And I do think that Obama could do more for us internationaly than McCain could. We need to focus on what's going on inside our borders.

Geez... I think I'll jump off my soap box no... I need to go vote!

monolithic - 2008-11-04 05:59


vladi123456 - 2008-11-04 06:08

JT, good post

petey.awol - 2008-11-04 06:35

Well said. I still dont forsee our money hungry health insurer's ever letting go of the hold they have over our American people. As much as I wish health care was provided for everyone, it'll never happen in the US.

People are definately way more concerned about paying more taxes trhen examining how its spent. The Iraqi war has been a complete finacial disaster since the get go. With the amount we spend on military spending, we could of solved half the country's problems. Be education, health, disease control etc etc.

When are going to legalize marijuana and tax it already? Incarceration costs the tax payer dearly. Another waste of resources. Who's hiring ex-cons anyways?

Natrual resources. Why arent we "the world's leader" developing a stable life long plan for harvesting geothermal energy yet? Wheres the electric car? Magnetic trains that will take us further and faster cheaply?

redbenjoe - 2008-11-04 06:56

Originally posted by vladi123456:
JT, good post

I Agree

that post was the bomb Smile

jt - 2008-11-04 07:07

Petey, we should run for public office together!
Laugh Out Loud

I agree with many of your points as well! Wink

There was a very interesting documentary on TV not to long that asked "who killed the electric car." You should check it out.

You know that GM offered an electric car California over a decade ago. You couldn't buy one, only lease. And they never renewed the leases so everyone had to give their cars back after the term. The cars had few moving parts and were very easy to service. GM took back and destroyed all the cars rather than sell them. GM also shelved battery technology that gave the cars more range and better "value." It all reeked of conspiracy to keep us dependent on oil.

That documentary was a huge eye opener. But I don't think its a big secret that the automotive and oil industries are doing absolutely everything possible to milk us all for every dime they can get from us. Including buying up rights to new technologies that could steer us away from oil based products.

And policing/prosecuting marijuana users and trafficing had turned into an industry within itself. I bet if it were not sooooo easy to grow yourself, it would have been legalized and taxed long ago. It has been proven time and again that cigarettes and alcohol are much more harmful to the body than marijuana use. But tabacco is much more difficult to grow, thus easier to regulate. We could learn something from Holland, eh?

petey.awol - 2008-11-04 07:18


2001 723,627
2000 734,498
1999 704,812
1998 682,885
1997 695,200
1996 641,642
1995 588,963
1994 499,122
1993 380,689
1992 342,314

Michigan is voting for medical marijuana (Prop 1) today. So all you Michigan peoples.....

California’s Proposition 5, the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act, which would require the diversion of certain non-violent offenders to drug treatment and increase funding for state-sponsored rehabilitation programs. The measure seeks to expand upon the alternative sentencing programs initially enacted by Proposition 36, which is estimated to have saved taxpayers some $1.7 billion dollars and reduced the number of people incarcerated for simple drug possession by one-third.

In Massachusetts, voters will decide on QUESTION 2. Sponsored by the Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy, Question 2 would replace criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana with a civil fine of no more than $100. If approved, Massachusetts would become the first state to enact the decriminalization of marijuana since Nevada's legislature did so in 2001, and the first to do so by voter initiative.

In California, Berkeley voters will decide on Measure JJ, which seeks to eliminate local limits on the quantity of medicinal cannabis that may be possessed by patients, and liberalizes municipal zoning guidelines for patient dispensaries. Voters initially voted on the measure in 2004, but the results were nullified.

Massachusetts voters in 15 separate municipalities will decide on non-binding public policy questions regarding the physician-supervised use of medicinal cannabis. Since 2000, voters in over 125 towns representing one-third of the Commonwealth have voted overwhelmingly in favor of marijuana reform

(Above was stolen from Norml's site)

sinister - 2008-11-04 08:28

very well put guys.

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-04 09:08

Some very powerful and well thought out statements made by all.

I fear for us because of unchecked greed, this is a large reason we are in the trouble we are in.

I fear for us becuase of what may result from our exit from the Middle East and the resultant reorganization of the radical hate filled groups such as Al Qaida.

I fear for us because of single party rule that may be at hand. No one party should ever have complete control, Democrats or Republicans. Shared power is how extreme and damaging ideas are kept in check.

I have great hope for us ultimately because I believe we are mostly good people, we enjoy freedom and still have much room to maintain or even build on the great country we live in (this is for us USA folks).
I also believe there is always great hope for everybody all over the world. It's just a few radical, extreme, hateful, spiteful, jealous leaders that somehow get into power that oppress their people and alienate their nations from an otherwise healthy and productive stake in the world community.

So far it's all good for me in my boombox saturated world, I sure hope the next president doesn't outlaw boomboxes. No No Big Grin

fatdog - 2008-11-04 09:51

If boomboxes are outlawed, only outlaws will have boomboxes. Hell, I'm already considered an outlaw by some... Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-11-04 09:56

outlawed ---
should be these clowns that pretend to make pretend boombox stickers

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

fatdog - 2008-11-04 09:59

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
outlawed ---
should be these clowns that pretend to make pretend boombox stickers

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
You're goddamned right, Ira. People ought to be buying Fatdog stickers! Laugh Out Loud Razz Laugh Out Loud

prime - 2008-11-04 10:00

Originally posted by vladi123456:
I'll change it tomorrow - I promise!! Big Grin

You need one of them big Viking battle helmets. Then it will be... perfect. Laugh Out Loud

baby.boomer - 2008-11-04 11:17

I know one place where they're definitely pulling for Obama...

...in Obama, Japan! (no kidding)

redbenjoe - 2008-11-04 11:45

hey -here is some mini-evidence that --
whoever wins --may win it fair and square ::

down here in floridville -- we have tons of strange rednecks -- they ride around ARMED - in pick-ups --
and they shoot out obama signs, windows , people , etc ,etc

so - last week --we were the only family on our street with any campaign signs --

but as of last night -- the entire street had signs --

so then --what surely wins is ::
freedom of speech.

beatbox - 2008-11-04 12:22

The outcome of this election will affect the whole planet, economically, environmentaly as well as in terms of peace on earth and future wars.

I myself am not American, my ex girlfriend is, and I have followed events over the last 8 months or so as much as she has.

She has lived here in Berlin for the past 6 years, and yes, she is also looking for a good reason to return to the US. We certainly don't think any one man can change everything, but when it comes to being a leader, having your head screwed on and knowing, yes knowing how to interact with ALL walks of life, then Obama is the natural choice. The fact that people resort to scaremongering, hatred and sheer stupidity to try and sway the situation is painful for my ex as an American who has had the opportunity to watch things from a distance for the last few years, and for myself as a citizen of this planet.

I personally find it scary that people do not take this seriously enough to forget that it is some sort of 'Race', and realise that this is about all our futures.

Damn, when I hear McCain say "We will WIN Florida", it just confirms my fears that there are a vast amount of Americans who thrive on conflict, war and greed. THIS IS NOT A GAME TO WIN. You are not FIGHTING for your right to be President, but trying to earn the privilidge.

So, enough about McCains 'battlescars' that he keeps going on about, enough about the ridiculous misplaced paranoia that causes people to come up with insane notions of what Obama is or could be, and lets start looking to the future as people of this earth and make the change happen.

Please, lets wake up people.

beatbox - 2008-11-04 12:25

Oh, and for Palin!!!!!?!?!?!!??!!?

Really, come on, you can't seriously expect something like that to be the leader of the 'Free World'?

Lets just sit back, and really digest everything here. You owe it to yourselves, your friends, family and to the rest of us.

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-04 12:28

Beatbox let me go way out on a limb here and make a guess that your an Obama backer.
Laugh Out Loud

beatbox - 2008-11-04 12:30

I actually thought Ron Paul was the man. But the hideous way the Media blocked him at every turn is yet another example of why you guys over there need to get serious about things.

The man is the second coming. What a damn f**king shame.

masterblaster84 - 2008-11-04 12:57

Ron Paul had strong backing but he wasn't accepted by most, the lack of media attention didn't help that either. I'll admit he had a lot of good ideas but his campaign never gained much traction.

beatbox - 2008-11-04 13:08

Out of interest, who wasn't he accepted by? Its just that he was/is actually the most popular guy according to the amount of views and videos on youtube compared to Obama, McCain and Hilary Clinton. I think his campaign never got going because absolutely nobody was made aware of his existence. In fact, I believe that the people who could have helped him, as they did Obama, where the same people that surpressed him.

If you look at google trends and type in ' Ron Paul, Barack Obama ' you'll get internet and media trends since 2004. It clearly shows that at the end of 2007, Ron Paul was as popular if not moreso than Obama, but that suddenly, for whatever reason Obamas media coverage rocketed whereas Ron Pauls hardly makes a blip.

Check it out here Ron Paul v's Barack Obama, news and internet trends.

Oh yes, a lot of people didn't like him. It wasn't you the people, but the people who on a daily basis control you and how you are fed information.

Imagine a country that is under a Republican presidency being denied possibly the greatest republican to walk this earth.

Now I ask you, who exactly didn't like Ron Paul.

Check this out too. Apparently a lot of news agencies banned this from being aired. This is why I am scared of America.

Come to think of it, it may have had something to do with him wanting to get rid of the CIA, ban abortion, legalise marijuana, and get rid of the IRS and most importantly stop America from getting into any more wars... but what do I know. Anyway.

What a guy.

jt - 2008-11-04 14:55

Its very refreshing to read your perspective Beatbox. I would have voted for Ron Paul in a heartbeat if I thought he had a chance to beat the Republicans. Obama is my second choice. But when it comes to beating the Reps, I had to pick Obama.

We'll see what happens!

monolithic - 2008-11-04 18:35

Originally posted by baby boomer:
I know one place where they're definitely pulling for Obama...

...in Obama, Japan! (no kidding)

I love Japan! Cool

jt - 2008-11-04 20:35

WOW! I can't believe I just listened to McCain's concession speach!

I'm proud of the American people and anxious to see what happens over the next four years!


jovie - 2008-11-04 20:38

----Wow,a concession while composing this----I'm proud to be an American but gravely concerned about our future as a country Frown ----

Ron Paul had some interesting ideas concerning the economy.Unfortunately,I think his foreign policy would have ended in disaster.Our terrorist enemies have vowed to defeat and convert ALL of us.It's not as though our withdrawal from the region will change their minds either.They will not stop and have said so.WE HAVE NO CHOICE!Like it or not ample oil supplies are not only in the interests of U.S. national security,it's in the interests of the security of the rest of the free world as well.There is nothing the enemies of freedom would like more than to take control of the worlds oil supply and strangle the life out of all of us.Oil wealth could be a big boost in the funding of their efforts if they controlled them.Tragically,Environmentalists and congress won't let us drill for our own oil in the U.S. either.For all of these reason,our presence in the Middle East is neutralizing military aggression which could endanger our energy supplies.By doing this America is also helping others in the world at its own expense.

Another option is for the U.S. to use our massive supplies of coal and shale for energy.However,one of our presidential candidates doesn't like that idea either.It's all very maddening.Alternative renewable energy is fine but the technology just isn't there yet.What do we do in the meanwhile that won't cost a fortune at the pump?The man made global warming scare is a scam and a tool to economically cripple nations that will abide by environmental regulations (Alinsky would have loved this!).

I don't think it is particularly selfish to address problems in the world where we have other interests as a country.As has been stated,we are using a lot of our money to help others.Why do we have to be totally selfless when freeing 50,000,000 people between Iraq and Afghanistan?And its not like we seized possession of the oil fields in Iraq to pay for our liberation of these people.

There is a popular moral equivalency argument out there that the battle to free and secure Iraq is an immoral one.It is clever propaganda as this endeavor is not a chess game.Right and wrong are actually involved here.The oppression of dictators is wrong.Our God given freedom is a fundamental human right.Democracies respect peoples,not dictators.Actually I think the "blood for oil" argument much better fits Russias recent aggression into Georgia.Russia wants to control all oil and gas distribution in the region.Georgia is building a pipeline of their own so Russia rolled in and started killing people.Their preferred goal obviously would have also been permanent occupation and control of the country.Russia wants to retake their former satellites,not help with a goal to allow them more freedom.

Concerning socialism,our U.S.constitution does not allow for programs to redistribute wealth.However,That hasn't stopped the government from ignoring this fact.Generally speaking I feel capitalism works.In another post I commented on the financial crisis here in the U.S..Of course,with economies linked globally it has global implications also.If you want to read it,its in this thread.Here's the link...


It was actually governmental meddling and corruption which caused the problem in the first place!

Here's my take on these candidates.One has been an aforementioned community organizer and a state senator with a bad habit of voting merely "present".He has been in the US senate only 2 years during which most of his time has been spent running for president.His running mate is a 30 + year congressman who has become a master at playing with other peoples money.Neither have ever run anything.Qualified?I'll let you make that decision.The other party is running a military veteran for the office of what is properly referred to as "Commander in Chief".Their running mate has been a mayor and governer.They at least are the only one of the 4 who HAS actually run something and has an 80% favorable rating for having done so.Unfortunately,many people confuse her with another unrelated certainly unqualified television personality.

jovie - 2008-11-04 20:53

Who is celebrating right now?I do know vowed enemies of the U.S. Hamas and Hesbollah publicly supported Barak Hussein Obama.Also America hater Hugo Chavez.Now we have 'ol Hussein as Commander in Chief.Boy,do I feel safe now Roll Eyes Now he can make up with his spiritual mentor Reverand Wright.Perhaps G-D America will be slipped into our national anthem.Also,Obama can take off that cursed lapel pin.I'm sure 'ol Ayers has plans also....Oh well,back to the boombox thing...

thafuzz - 2008-11-04 21:28

I'll admit I haven't read every word posted in this thread. My big thing is "Preparedness"(for anything) I will say I believe in "Peace through Strength". I've proudly worn an ARMY uniform, currently wear an AIR FORCE one now as well as my civilian Police uniform. I'm very big on being Capable and Ready to defend and save lives. I just pray our great military and civilian force's readyness will not be "Neutered". Is it true that Obama is vowing to raise taxes on firearms by 500%? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a gun toting maniac. I'm just coming from a serving and protecting state of mind.

thafuzz - 2008-11-04 21:34

My Squadron notified me today I'm "On Standby" as part of our Base's Rapid Deployment Response team to assist State/National officials with any disturbances where ever we're needed. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

jovie - 2008-11-04 21:40

Disarmament is his stated goal Thafuzz.Taxes?We will all be paying A LOT more in taxes,especially when the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010.I guess he didn't consider the expiration of those as an actual tax increase.It's just playing with words to get elected.And please explain trickle UP economics to me Confused Nobody cares though because he's Obama! and that's awesome!

ford93 - 2008-11-04 21:50

I say congratulations to the Obama and Biden family this will be a turning point for America. The fears that we have been pressed on for so long will end and the global community shall see a much more stronger America.

We need to steer away from fear and have a little more faith, strength and honor. History was made tonight in America. Regardless who takes over the Presidency there will always be threats out there lets give this gentleman a chance to guide this country into a much better future.

I witnessed 911 and I know that we cannot put our guard down but we cannot be in fear all of the time. I know one thing if we are attacked again America will bite back as always.

redbenjoe - 2008-11-04 21:56

I Agree 100% with ford --

"lets give this gentleman a chance"

and those opposed to even that --are lost.

walkgirl - 2008-11-04 22:02

I do congratulate America with a wise choice! Smile
I am sure in the years to come everybody will benefit, not only the poeples of the US Smile

jovie - 2008-11-04 22:14

As they say,"The people have spoken."

daiwa - 2008-11-04 22:15

I'm pouring a chilled Tuaca. My faith in America has been restored.

What, no talk of Palin's babeness?

Whatever happened to:

?"We don't care about her political affiliations and/or accomplishments. She's an attractive woman and that's what most of us are "yee-hawin'" about. If you want to discuss the finer points of bipartisan politics with Daiwa or anyone else, please take it to PMs."

Intersting how "buzz" quickly abdicates to the truth.

I thought:

"Further posts of member of a political nature will be removed, and poster warned. Please, kindly take it elsewhere."

Rule breakers! Roll Eyes

thafuzz - 2008-11-04 22:25

My faith in America has been restored.

My faith in America never needs restoring. Wink

sinister - 2008-11-04 22:26

did you guys see tha size of that chicken!?!?!?!?!?!?!

jovie - 2008-11-04 22:30

chicken? Confused please elaborate.If this has to do with television,I'm challenged in that area.

thafuzz - 2008-11-04 22:39

did you guys see tha size of that chicken!?!?!?!?!?!?!

HUGE! Big Grin Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-11-04 22:39

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
[My faith in America never needs restoring. Wink

Damn Right! My flag waves 24/7 and lit at night! If it takes an election of one man to office to restore ones faith and loyalty to our great nation.... Leaving

monolithic - 2008-11-04 23:04

Saturday Night Live is gonna be good GREAT this weekend! Big Grin

On a related note, I'm sure that if the rest of the world could have voted for who would be our now next president, this election would have been a shutout! Nod Yes Cool

In fact... http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24607013-23109,00.html