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jaredscottfla - 2009-01-24 14:56

FrownHi all.
Yes You all read it right that's why i've been mia. Serious Heart Attack PLUS Bypass Surgary,,It Was Very Scary. Glad To Be alive and Back On S2go with all My Online Boombox Buddies,I missed You all soooo Much! GUSH! Big Grin I'm doing the cardio rehab thing now so,i'll be in and out,but lookin foward to hearin good boombox stories from Everyone! Can't Hoast any Box up Ol School for awhile i'm not allowed to lift anything above 5 lbs for awhile. I guess It's just Mini's for Me for awhile,I know walkgirl will appreciate that! Big shout outs and Hugs and smiles to everyone and hope to be back and contribute to the forum on a Reg Basis again soon. Peace Guys and Gals,Jared

skippy1969 - 2009-01-24 15:00

GOOD GOD MAN!!! Eek Eek you have got to have the worst luck... I'm SOOOOO glad you are alive and doing better. Gosh that is really nuts! Take it easy man,were here for you. Wink

redbenjoe - 2009-01-24 15:23

way to survive , jared and welcome baCK--
and please take it easy --let me or ramon know in case you need some help

jvc.floyd - 2009-01-24 15:34

WOW! man i'm glad you're ok ,i guess i should stop smoking and drinking and eating fast food cuz at my age i might be headed there too.

jaredscottfla - 2009-01-24 15:54

SmileThks Guys.
And Floyd Def Go easy on the greasy foods,and Ciggi's. I wasn't a real big smoker i did smoke,(about 1/2 -3/4 of a pk a day) Main reason the Dr's think,Yes Ciggi's did contribute but i'm a diabetic,That's a Big time cause,and high Cholestrol. In My case i had No Symptoms,No warning Until The Day it Happened,I was Walking My Dogs and basically collappsed @ re entering the House. Straight To The Er,From There To Cath lab,and From The There OPERATING ROOM. All Wthin 2 Hrs of the onset of pain. Take it sereiously guys and gals 7 hours of heart surgary is no fun. Wink

jvc.floyd - 2009-01-24 16:04

wow ,thats awful dude my dad had a heart attack and i know how limiting life is after one, you basically can't strain yourself at all and no smoking drinking of bad food period ,and my mom has diebetes so i feel for you .

johnnygto - 2009-01-24 16:11

Glad to see you are back, and wish you much improved health in the future. That would be a very scary feeling while it was happening and afterwards (always worried its gonna happen again!) I would think.

Well God bless you Jared and may you be around to post on many more topics!


monolithic - 2009-01-24 16:59

Very sorry to hear that, Jared! Frown But still, EXTREMEEEEEMLY glad you're around to tell us what happened!!! Nod Yes


oldskool69 - 2009-01-24 18:00

WOW! Eek Had no idea! Glad you're well man! I need to make it a point to travel the extra milage to drop in on you! Life is too short! Glad your here man...just glad! Nod Yes

And to anyone on here, don't think it can't happen to you even if you are a picture of health...you just never know. We're mostly a bunch of middle aged to old haggards and thing really don't run like they do when we're 18....

kittmaster - 2009-01-24 18:05

Glad you made it through....please take care of yourself.....we are all pulling for you......Smile

thafuzz - 2009-01-24 18:16

Even bigger than Stereo2Go(but not by much Wink), is the fact that you're alive. WOW! I'm so glad you're doing better my friend. I wish you a fast and full recovery. Being a TEXICAN myself, us Hispanics are predisposed to high Cholesterol by both genetics AND diet. We not only fry food, we ReFry it Big Grin God Bless you my brother and glad you're back. Peace Smile

jovie - 2009-01-24 19:10

So good to hear from you again Jaredscottfla!Your input is sorely missed when you are not posting.Always insightful!Please take care of yourself Smile If you follow the doctors advice,we will have many more years of great boombox camaraderie I'm sure.In fact,your a very important part of the family Cool

ford93 - 2009-01-24 20:39

Glad you're O.K. bud keep the faith as I will for you Jared!

billpc55 - 2009-01-24 20:44

ok you have to look at it like this.
most people would not have surived what you did.
so you are a survivor. i dont mean to trivialize it at all. it is a extremely horrible thing to have to go through.
this being said you have gone through the worst of it and you are here writing to us.
i am glad you surivived. i am sure you are even more glad.
well i am sure you will continue to get better and soon you will feel better than you have in years.
i have several friends who have gone through similiar things to you and after thier byspass surgeries they all felt better once rehabbed.
hell carol shelby had a heart transplant and he is still driving ac cobras at almost ninety years old.
so yes what you have gone through is extreme but you will be back and better than before in time.
all the best.

billpc55 - 2009-01-24 20:47

Originally posted by jvc floyd:
WOW! man i'm glad you're ok ,i guess i should stop smoking and drinking and eating fast food cuz at my age i might be headed there too.

smoking is not good man. even if you have to eat those stupid nicotine mints or use one of those daft inhalers its better than smoking. i tell you this as well if you stop smoking that you will be blow aways after two years how different you will feel. after four years you will not understand why you ever smoked. even if you have to chew nicotine gum or mints or use a inhaler. all of those things are miles and miles better than smoking.
ok enough preahcing.

- 2009-01-24 22:30


Man, glad you pulled through! I know it's not polite to ask, but how old are you JS?

"Live every day like it's your last" Wink


masterblaster84 - 2009-01-24 22:56

Damn man that's serious news but very glad to hear your still here. Here's to seeing you around for a long time to come. Smile

viennasound - 2009-01-24 23:40

Hey, sorry to hear such bad news. Frown
I hope you fell well soon.
Good luck for your rehab and best wishes! Smile

vladi123456 - 2009-01-25 00:53

Jared, sorry to hear about your health issues - and it's awesome to have you back!

enskanker - 2009-01-25 06:00

Hang In, this to shall pass.

You will be strong and healthy again, I predict.

joe.cool - 2009-01-25 06:24

Jared, very sorry to hear this, but really glad that you're ok. Take it easy man...and do watch out, some of those "minis" weigh in at over 5 lbs! Big Grin Take care of yourself. Smile

chancenellie - 2009-01-25 06:27

Jared man,glad you ok,please please take it easy buddy

beatbox - 2009-01-25 06:50

Well done for pulling through this and all the very best for your future health.

fatdog - 2009-01-25 08:03

Definitely glad to see you still kicking it, Jared. I'm familiar with the seriousness of it all; my dad suffered congestive heart failure, which led to a heart attack. Hopefully, that's not in store for me.

Hang in there and definitely take Ira and Ramon up on their offer to help.

moncheeto - 2009-01-25 08:25

sorry to hear that jared, stuff like that is not easy but with the advancement in the medice field you will feel better in no time and as your doctor says do whatever he has adviced you to do thats to keep you in the path of fast recovery. Nod Yes we are lucky that we live in this generation of advancement i used to remember it was not good when you had a heart attack now doctor are able to operate replace arterries and get that blood flowing once again,,add a good diet and keep those stress levels the lowest possible and we are here take care
let us know if you need anything Smile

ahardb0dy - 2009-01-25 10:37

sorry to hear the bad news hope everyday has you feeling better and stronger, take it easy and come back on here soon, it won't strain your body typing anyway, LOL

ghettoboom777 - 2009-01-25 12:43

Hi-Sorry to hear that.
Please get better and quit smoking if you can.
Cigarettes are terrible.
Take it easy and heal fast.
Drink lots of Pomegranite juice and eat super healthy stuff-you'll heal faster.
Take care-GB.

jameswp67 - 2009-01-25 13:53

So sorry to hear about this! But of course very glad to hear you are recovering! Smoking bad! Living good!

r.o.y.a.l - 2009-01-25 14:26

Wishing you a swift recovery jared.

Hang in there bro, you are a fighter ! !

gluecifer - 2009-01-25 19:27

Good luck on a speedy recovery Jared, at least you know you've been through the worst of it now.

Rock On.

tburick - 2009-01-25 19:39

Glad you made it through. Looking forward to having you back.

devoltoni - 2009-01-26 01:44

Huh, after all, I'm glad you're ok now Jared.

Wishing you a fast recovery man, take care.

ezygoing65 - 2009-01-26 06:04

Jared, I'm new to the site but I still wanted to say that I was glad to read that you are fine and are now up and about. Keep getting stronger because while mini's are fine you need to get your strength back so you can play with the big boys again!!!

redbenjoe - 2009-01-26 08:12

hey jared--
until instructed otherwise Smile

you might want to check in here with us every few days - OK?

take care

fatdog - 2009-01-26 09:54

Hey Jared, what did you name your teddy bear? Smile

71spud - 2009-01-26 10:28

Hey Fatdog... the man just had a heart attack and you go and change your picture to this?!?!?

Laugh Out Loud

fatdog - 2009-01-26 10:57

Just want to make sure his blood is pumping. Laugh Out Loud

ysnow - 2009-01-26 17:19

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jaredscottfla:
FrownHi all.
Yes You all read it right...

Sorry to hear that, I hope you'll feel better soon!

litfan - 2009-01-27 09:13

Hey jared. Glad to hear you are ok my friend. I know what your going through. I`m really struggling. We`ll do it.

isolator42 - 2009-01-27 09:14

Woah, sorry to hear that & glad you're still with us.
Good luck with the recovery... Smile

charlesdickens - 2009-01-27 13:34

THANK GOD you are ok!!!!

blaster - 2009-01-27 13:48

very sorry to hear but glad your ok...a few things i may suggest is to take some "Fish oil (omega 3s" only) nor 6 or 9...and garlic both good for the cardiovascular health...

jt - 2009-01-27 15:11

Welcome back Jarred!!!!

When I read the thread title I thought you only meant that figuratively! Sorry to hear this happened to you, but glad you're back on track.

Follow that rehab specialists' instructions to the letter! They know what they're talking about. <my wife is an Occupational Therapist, can you tell?>

Anyway, Godspeed to you and your recovery.

Keep boomin'!!!

walkgirl - 2009-01-28 01:34

That is terrible Jared Frown Frown

Hope you are up and about soon!

And good recoveries! Smile

jaredscottfla - 2009-01-29 11:40

Hi All
Just Cking Back Thanks To Everyone For The Well Wishes Here And Via P/m. I Had A little Set Back Kinda Over Did it When I first Came Home and Had To Go Back To The Hospital On Sunday The 25th and just got out Last Nite. It Feels SOOO Good To Be Home and Back Online Chatting With You Guys and Gals,BTw, Jammin My Cfs 7 And Lionel Richie Now! Laugh Out Loud No Tunes and No BBxs For Darn Nr 2 weeks I had Boomer Withdrwal! Big Grin
Gotta Take it Kinda Slow,Do The Rehab Thing,and Hopefully Ea Day Will Get A little Stonger. Chat With You all soon,And G-d Bless You Guys and Girls For The Thoughtful Posts and P/m's It Truly Does Mean Alot! Later,Jared

enskanker - 2009-01-30 03:28

JSFLA, I wonder if listening to Lionel Richie was the cause of the heart attack?

redbenjoe - 2009-02-02 09:27

JARED !!!??
we need you to check in with us every few days Smile

also --more important than even us --
you need to get back in shape for next month ///

SPRING BREAK - Fort Lauderdale (YOUR HOOD) !!

you cant expect to burden just me and Ramon with all 3,500 bikini chicks -- your help will be required Laugh Out Loud

get well SOON Big Grin

joe.cool - 2009-02-02 10:08

Hey Ira, I'm sure Jared's fine...he's in good hands-gettin' in shape for next month!

Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2009-02-02 10:30

Smileright --that ought to get him going --

i never wanted to be first tell him this --but since he is not paying attention, anyway -

well- the reason he never 'got much' at all the former spring breaks --is that he keeps on bringing his 4 dollar goodwill boxes--
he collects these godawful 3 piece minis !! Big Grin
like YUK Laugh Out Loud

and --there's the shameful issue with his choice of apparel ??

he needs to get with Fatdog --and order the new line of official s2g logo outfits-

THEN - perhaps we will hang with him in fort lauderdale Big Grin Smile

eddy - 2009-02-02 11:21

Originally posted by enskanker:
JSFLA, I wonder if listening to Lionel Richie was the cause of the heart attack?

Or maybe Richard Marx ?
Kenny G ?
Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud
All the best in the recovery Jared Cool

eddy - 2009-02-02 11:24

Originally posted by redbenjoe:

you cant expect to burden just me and Ramon with all 3,500 bikini chicks Big Grin

Yep Ira post some more bikini chicks pics.
I'm sick and tired of this cold and some bikini pics are always welcome Eek