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i am starting a podcast.

billpc55 - 2009-01-28 19:52

my new podcast will be called stops of time and will feature fogotten underground punk and indie acts from the last decade in vancouver.
i will give you guys more info as i get it.
some of you might like it some of you might not.
so yeah i am doing it in conjunction with the fellah from the new label i am working with.

gluecifer - 2009-01-28 21:43

I'd love to be kept informed!
I loves me some canadian punk. Seeing Dayglo Abortions a few years back was certainly a highlight.

Good luck Bill!

Rock On.

jovie - 2009-01-29 07:16

Great news!Every Saturday I have to do extensive driving for the company.It's become a routine taking along podcasts to pass the time as I drive.Yours will certainly be included!I'm interested to know what your ideas are about its structure.How long do you think it will be?Please make them downloadable instead of just an internet feed.Feeds are totally useless to me.

There are many podcasts which just play the music.I'm hoping you will add some historical perspective,personal opinions (especially),and insights.I'm sure you could find occasion also to slip in a plug or two about our hobby Wink also.For me personally its the connection made between the podcaster and the listener that really makes one podcast stand out over another.Having listened to many,it's as much about the podcaster as it is the subject matter.This can actually even generate listeners who might not be wholly interested in the subject of the podcast.I know because this has even been the case with some of my preferred shows.Given the fact I've always appreciated your approach here in the forum,I really think you could have a winner with this idea!

billpc55 - 2009-01-29 11:18

yes it will be a downloadable podcast. audio in the beginning but we will be doing video episodes as well once we get things going.
there is a lot of bands that well have now broken up to see their members go on to new bands that have gotten pretty big.
hot hot heat
black mountaintops
i could go on but those are some pretty sucessful ones.
i am also looking forward to releasing more music this year than i have in a long time.
i really have tons of things i need to still do for both of these things to happen but it is progressing nicely.